Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 208

Sandy village sea old town, young Luo Same.

Rocky Village has not fully controlled four-tailed old purple, three generations of son.

Yun Yin Village's old cooked people still have a ninja who does not know.

The fog hidden village is only one of the seven people who hold the hammer.

The houseman analyzed the combat power of several parties and found that this party occupied an absolute advantage.

Then he does not need to reach the opposite God.

And because the leaves and Yuyin Village are allies, they will give a satisfactory answer to force Sandy Village, so the ninja in the country of rain is also the most.

This is also one of the reasons why you are willing to let people come to the country and the two people from Nanyinna.

Not to mention, I don't know where to hide where the country is also.

I smiled again "Friendly" and laughed at everyone and stood around the big snake.

Even if they are rubbish, I am also a "friendly" person.

The big snake pills looked at the behavior of the people, without any representation, cast a slightly inquiry.

The houseman has a "OK" gesture.

After getting a surely reply, the big snake pill was satisfied with his tongue and licked his lips.

Just when everyone thinks about how to report resembling people.

A slightly somewhat wolf's figure appeared at the examination officer of the training ground.

It is half hidden.


Three slightly somewhat hard, like a pill, was lost by him.

Half-hidden face is not very nice, and even some gloomy.

"It's this thing, so that the mountain pepper king has entered an excited state." Half-tibia glance.

But there is no exception, most people 's eyes are looking to the people.

Looking at the people outside the audience are all seriously injured, and they are full of resentment, the eyes of hatred, and the semi-hidden is almost understandable.

If you want to get angry, you have a helplessness in your heart.

The current rainy village must rely on the wooden leaves to survive, and only from this to endure the exam, it is obvious that the woods are more talented.

Although talent does not represent strength at this moment, it represents a more bright future.

I have to say, the failure of the second endurance war, is a half-hidden "half of the gods". At this time, he has been in the past, and the fearless momentum has been licking a larger.

Still want to bow to reality.

Learn to love the world.

Deep suck one breath, press the anger in your heart, Shen Sheng:

"Because of special reasons, the third round of test is delayed tomorrow, I feel that I have to participate in it tomorrow, and I will sign up here."

The restoration time of the day is delayed, and it is a slight disgusting wooden leaf, and the heart is a bad breath.



Laboratory of Yuyin Village.

The two people and the big snake pills wear all the test equipment.

Several snakes climb out from the sleeves of the house, the role of these snakes is not, it is to collect blood, or some samples.

After the mountain fish king appears, and after a certain destruction, hidden in the swamp, there is no sense of snake, you want to collect blood left by those hidden villages, or body hair, leather tissue, etc. Not difficult.

Big snake pills look through the material to put these materials into the culture dish, and posted some labels, labeling the characters, and collecting their samples on the petri dish.

Once again, you reach out and lick your lips.

The magnetic sound slightly sounds: "The monks, the original disciple, it is really a class, we are a class."

After the man is handled, watching the expression of the big snake pills, calm, "Datuna Pills, all of which are almost valuable materials, but this is the organization, despite the research value Very high, but it is still a bit.

If you collect the organization of those famous people, the value of the reference will be relatively high, such as the tempura ... "

The big snake pill did not expressed surprising, even nodded, and it was very reasonable to say that the people said.

To do research, it is necessary to be rigorous, these research value, there is not much tolerance.

However, according to the current situation, you can only get these things for the time being.

This is also enough for them to study for a long time.

Then, the big snake will look at the people, as if it is something that is very research value.

"However, the people, I am now having a lot of interest in your body, that is, you are too good for yourself ..."

His: "..."

"Teacher Big Snake, if you are really interested in people, I think you should go to the people who have longer more time to get along the tail, and the time they are transformed by the tail beast is longer, such as this rock. The old purple in hidden village, or the famous people in other hidden villages. "

This big snake pill is not very much.

Those people have become a long time, but now he knows that almost a person who is a perfect person, only him.

However, the big snake pill also converges his interest, no matter what to say, the research in his hand is now the main research goal of his time.

"Okay, let's get started, see how these different attributes of the blood, how to generate ..."



Next day.

The last round of the Tolerance exam, finally changed a little bit of a little bit.

However, there is still no signs of the rain in the sky.

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