Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaf Tear Cat Chapter 232

This is the emotional business.

Otherwise, others think that he is arrogant from his two.

The man saw the helpless expression, and the psychological activities of the brain.

I feel that the two are a class of people.

The people "are not willing to" live under the wings of the apeer and the big snake pill, and he is not willing to be affected by the powerful family prestige of the Yishabo.

"I met for the first time, I am Yu Zhibo Fu Yue, Ji Cheng is my cousin, he often lifts you with me!"

The man reached out and introduces yourself with very friendly attitude.

Yuxi Bofue?

The legend of the Yischo family?

and two pillars?

The people did not expect that they would be here, in such a situation, facing Unexwo Fuyue.

It is no wonder that the man who is at the beginning is a bit more familiar. I thought it was just an illusion.

"Fu Yue? Ji Cheng's cousin?"

Yuxi Bo Fu Yue faces a little embarrassment.

"Cough, you know, we have some blood relationships between our Yisi Bo family, so Ji Cheng has seen from generation to the family, but it is indeed my cousin, but he may not carefully. Learn.

However, my relationship with him is really good. Recently, he was in the Yishusai family, and it was also a name that promoted double hook jade a few months, and he also passed the Chinese endorsement of five hidden villages. It can be said to give us Yishabo is a face.

Recently, he mentioned the most people, it is you!

Said that you helped him open the written eye, and also helped him to write to the double hook jade in the middle and tentative exam.

If there is a family of people above, it is estimated that there will be many people who have a lot of Unexpea to find you.

I have always wanted to see what I can help our Yishabo family open the eyes, and even help the favorite miracle bonus.

Now I see it, the name is not flexible. "

Listening to Yuxi Bofue said a lot of things, the people determined one thing, from now on, he can help Uzhi Bo wake up and write the eyes, and help them promote the road to the road, the farther, I can't get back .

Even if he said that he can't do it, it is estimated that there will be no people believe.

The head hurts to shoot your own brain. "If I said, everything is coincidental, do you believe?"

Yu Zhibo Fu Yue Tangran said, "I believe, if someone can help Uchi Bo wake up to write the eyes, even can help it promoted, then we have studied the wheel eye for such a long time, there is no reason not to find it."

I finally have a clear!

But your eyes, how do I don't believe in you?

The person who first studied Unexpo, is the second-generation rigid, thousands of hands?

He has been in-depth research on the Yishabo family, which may even carry out human tests, otherwise it will not have such a deep understanding of Unexpea.

Yishabo family is the most loved family. When they lost their most important things in their hearts, the brain will produce a special Chakra, and the guess is that it is very probably a clouds. Checkla, stimulates them. eye.

Will let the write wheel awake, the greater the stimuli, and will make the write-eyed eye out to the powerful power until the kaleidoscope is opened.

Lost the love in your heart will make the members of the Utcho family, and also let them gradually be filled with hatred, and lose the basic judgment on things, starting to fight for revenge.

The thousands of hands are worried that people who have once again appeared like Yuxi speck will resist the Unecdo family, or simply say that it is a jealous.

Of course, for the heart of Yishabo family, such as Yuxi Washing Mirror, you can accept him.

This has a big impact on the later .

So, really understanding that Urshi Bo is not someone else, it is taking the lead in excluding their thousands of hands!

Just as the people still want to say anything with Unecheburia, there is a excitement in the medical room inside.

"No, the toxin spread to the heart, starting some suppression, who can come and take the hand!"

"We can't take it here, this person is too blood loss, you need to hold it with Chakra!"

The people stand up and said to Yizhi Bofue:

"It seems that they need me, your companions may also need me, the rest, just wait any more."

Yuxibo Fu Yue also stood up, saying slightly, "said the people, relying on you!"

"Don't rely on me, I want to rely on your two sons in the future, I don't know if I don't give the opportunity." The people flicked in this heart full of tempting ideas.

I took the white coat hung on the wall next to it, I worked on it, although it was a bit wide, but since it was in the operating room, that equipment was still.

Push the door.

"Someone finally helped? Is the patient to get it?" The opening is a female voice, it sounds a bit crisp.

When she turned her head towards the door, it was found that it was a teenager who had never seen before.

Frowning wrinkled, I want to say anything, I haven't opened it, I heard the people:

"Zhongchuan Xi Nai? The first group of third classes?"

The woman heard the people directly called her name slightly, and she didn't respond, I saw him before the operating table.

The face is all shallow purple, frowned, lying on the face.

Just look at it, even if it is not a medical ninja, this person is definitely poisoned, but it is the kind of toxin has spread.

"Is there any time to use it?"

The brow is tight.

With several medical ninja, the poison on his body can also spread to this level, no doubt, this is definitely not a general poison.

Of course, it is also very likely because the delivery is not enough, so that the toxins have spread, not good.

"It's used, but there are too many toxins on your body. Single is just fine, it is not enough to extract all toxins." The medical ninja named Zhongchuan Xi Nai went to the people.

Originally, she wants to stop the people, but look at the skilled movements, check the techniques, and the issues raised, and have not proved that he is an excellent medical ninja.

I heard the answer, and some people nodded.

Extend a finger, run Chakra, Green Chakra from his fingertips, a faint fluorescence look like a sharp knife.

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