Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 241

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A punches full of power are directly slammed by the right shoulders of the people, with the help of the boxing thrust.

It's just for the power of the corner, the people are still a little underestimated. They are hit by the front box. The clothes on the shoulders are suddenly burst. The whole person is also rolling a few laps on the ground. It is barely stopped.

It can be seen, the bare shoulders, a large piece of purple silt emerges, if he is not that he is deeply impressed, the body is strong enough, it is estimated that the bones on this box should be smashed.

Fortunately, I didn't have a victorious chasing.

The black robe on the body is also falling off because of his attack, and it seems that it is like a body that is stained many times.

In the chest of being thrown, a striped mask with blue-colored roads and falls off, revealing the black lines that are full of creeps in the body.

It seems that these things are filled with the whole body of the corner.

The body presents a very weird posture.

His rear back, also inlaid in four and the mosaic mask in the chest, just the surface of the mask and the color.

A mask behind behind is unclear black line, move the mask to the chest.

After finishing these, the corner once again lifted his head.

And the people also stood up, looked at the corners of a heart.

This is the limit he calculated. It is a desperate force in the horns. It has burst into the strongest combat effort. It is destroyed with his heart as much as possible, but the reaction of the corner is also very fast, only destroyed a heart He responded.

"Little ghost, you are very good!" The corner is boring.

The people squinted and said: "I am just a wooden little ghost, just a big snake pill, one of the three tolerance, just learn medical ticks with one of the three tolerance, but only with wooden leaves. Qi Mu Mao learned a knife.

Nothing is, it is the special end of the wood, the third class of the Woody Medical Department, is you used to deal with me like this movie? "

There is no emotion fluctuating in the corner of green Ying Ying.

After a moment.

"Wooden little ghost, you threaten me?"

The people are boothing, "No, I just feel that you are strong, I am just a wooden leaf, if I left a little information, I may also be strong. Received me for me, I am a little, just feel sorry for you. "

Corner: "..."


Have to say, the corner is ignorant.

He must admit that in the bounty mission, the information is not comprehensive enough, and he will choose to give up.

Because the information is not equal, it means that the bounty is definitely not equal.

Bounty is not equal, he will not shoot.

But now he has finally understood, why this is a small ghost that is marked as a wooden leaf.

There are two three endure of his background. From the knife from the knife, it is also possible to learn with woody white teeth.

The three shadow is strong, and the pressure gives him is not small.

And from the fighting power that the people just broke out, it is not a middle tolerance, and at least the least, even an elite level.

In this way, the bounty of five million is not high, but it is a little low.

He has already met the conditions for giving up the reward task.

This will give up.

But this idea has just risen, but it is quickly extiltrated by himself.

His abilities are interested in the heart of the people!

Plus a shadow-level strong was destroyed by a heart, and then ran in the gray, which would let him reward in the underground, can't start!

"Little ghost, I admit that your identity is very special, as long as you leave the heart to me, I will let you go!"

PS: 5000 words again! Squire! Ask for a monthly ticket! Ask for the recommendation!

Chapter 143, Suid, San Lao, [ask for subscription, monthly ticket]

The emperor's expression instantly converges, and the expression is sinking.

"Corner." Gently shouted his name.

Wen said, the corner is a brow.

"You know me?"

"My understanding of you may be much more than you think.

A guy who is unregistered in the village of , one is regarded as all of the bounty people, you think that I will be born in the public, will it be interested in you?

In your future bounty mission, the opponent knows your information, will you give you a trap?

Even if you have five hearts, as long as others use the method, you can kill you! "

The people took directly to the tin to break, no matter what they didn't fight, first scared you!

Sure enough, I heard that the people know so much, and even know the grievances, I know that when he has five hearts, the face became very gloomy.

He was originally thought that he didn't know his identity, as long as he quickly solved him, even if he left a certain amount of information, others did not know that he did.

It's just that he didn't expect that the people were so thorough about his understanding, as if he did all the outside of the outside.

The heart of the heart must be swayed for the first time.

I saw the corner again, I would like to be in my heart.

If you really scare him, even scare away, he really doesn't want to play.

Who is willing to fight with a person with five hearts?

Killing and killing.

But when he harened, he was just ready to put down, it seems that it was suddenly moved, even wrapped on a layer of fine lightning, the purpose just to make his speed faster.

It is more firm to kill more than before.

This kind of wooden leaves that know that there are so many intelligence, you must kill!

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