Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 245

Unless he learns to create regeneration, it takes life to repair, otherwise it is impossible for full recovery without one or two days.

The corner is very eyebrows and looked at the body into the body.

He knows what kind of harm I have just caused the people, so he also knows that the people are just a state, but it does not recover.

Although he lost two hearts, as long as it is not all the hearts, it is not particularly large.

At least, more than the thunderstorm, the chest is penetrated by the strength.

However, the eyebrows are also a one.

Because of the body of the house, the tail consisting of Chakra is turned out.

One, two, three ...

"How can I say that a little devil has burst into such a strong combat power? It turned out to be a column power!"

The corner is finally seen. The original people's identity is actually a column, and it is still a column force that can get along with the deceased. This existence is in his long life, no more, or simply I haven't seen it.

Noted with the cat ear on the house and the fiscal cavity.

"Two tails?" In his memory, all the tail beasts, only the second end is a pair of cats.

"But the second end is not the tail belonging to Yun Yin Village? How can I become a column of the wood? And ... Why is it three tails?"

The corners have found that they may not know enough about this world.

In order to cover up the decline in deterrence after the two tails, Yun Yin Village, even if you lose the valuable beast, even if you guessed it in the wood, there is no audio.

The reason why the people must get the supper of Supo, the purpose of being able to take a short-term, such as a sterile beast, which is also to make up for the shortcomings of the second tail.

The six-way immortal "fair" Ten Chakra distribution method, let the beast outside the nine tail and eight tails, compared to the two tails, there is a distinction in Chakra, so the people have to use some A small means to help the second tail to make up for the congenital disadvantages of Chakra.

At this time, the second end is still two tails, but the difference is that it is strengthened on its original Chakra.

Increase a tail, it is a small blue tail, and has not reached half an extent, and the people have not been finely calculated, but it is absolutely weak.

Unfortunately, in his current state, and the congenital disadvantage, there is such an increase in the increase in combat power, the opponent of the true video of this goods.

This is the cause of the foundation of the people's own strength plus the cause of the second tail congenital disadvantage.

If you have elite strength, things will be completely different, or they replace the second tail to eight or nine tails, the ending will also be completely different.

Thinking of this, I have to spit the six cactors again to each end is really "fair".

But at this time, he really has already been a card. If you change the shadow of the movie he know, it is definitely the other party to die, but unfortunately, this time he faces Yes, it can be said to be one of the strongest people's ability to endure.

On the ability to survive, the people have necessary to learn from him.

I can't help but I can't help but laugh.

"This time is really trouble, don't be too expressive when you don't have it, this damn performance, how can you stop?"

Startly stand up with knee fibril.

"Have to say, even if you ruin my two hearts, I still appreciate you.

You have done a lot of people can't do, and all the cards are hidden very well. This is very good, this is the way the ninja really should have the way, but unfortunately people don't understand this world.

Only by yourself is the biggest fighter, only money is the most trusted thing, money, which will not betray.

Your head, I accept it, and your heart, although I don't say it, I will become my collection! "

There are a lot of black lines in the mouth of the corner.

Talking about it is a bit strange.

The people are boothing, "It seems that it is really a way."

I heard that he said that the corner didn't feel that things were not so simple, a little ghost with so many books, did not see people who were bunch.

Sure enough, the people took a mouthful of mouth and felt a slimming.

I have to say that after being stimulated by lightning, he almost burned the red face, and it feels very painful.

Said, from the endurance package of the waist, take out a syringe ready in advance.

When he did experiment before, the injected syringe was almost exactly, and it was full of cultivating liquid, which only had the original syringe. There is only one killer cell, and in the syringe at this time, a total of a total There are dozens!

This is really his last brand.

It is also his last life and life means, or even can't say that it is a commanding means, it should be said to be a desperate means!

Looking at the small group in the syringe, it is difficult to capture the microparticle particles.

"To tell the truth, or because I really don't have a way, I really don't want to use this. Once used, I have no chance to connect back."

For the cells between the first generation of the thousand-handles, the people are really pursuing, and they are afraid.

If there is no complete preparation, he is definitely not willing to inject cells in the thousand-handed cells with very powerful erosion.

So this syringe has always been placed in the corner of the endurance, and does not encounter almost a place to die, it will not take it out.

"I hope that the big and beautiful yin is strong enough to suppress the cells between the plots."

No longer hesitate, one of the liquids in the syringe into their own body.

In an instant, I feel the pain that you need to feel before you have the swirls.

After the cells between the thousand-handles, the powerful activity and erosion capabilities have begun to attack the body's body in almost the first time.

Several breathing time, half of his arms have been eroded.

The people controlled their own soil properties Chakra and Water attribute Chakra, and after receiving the stimulation of water and soil, the activity of the killer cells was stronger.

Although the erosion capacity is very strong, there is no doubt that the vitality of the thousand-handed cell cells is also very powerful.

The people were originally stimulated by lightning, and some withered skin falls off and exposed a new skin.

Not only that, the most obvious is his chest, which is through the thunder, and the sprout is extracted at this time, and the sprout is taken out and quickly repairs.

This vitality, this recovery ability, the people and even suspected that even if it is a huge harm of the broken arm, it may be repaired.

It's hard to imagine how powerful between the thousands of hands and Yizhibo spots, and there is such a powerful killer.

Even if he knows that he wants to die, it is still alive and jumped for a few months, and it will be clearly explained to the thousands of hands and let the rips.

The corner has always paid attention to the change of the people, and after seeing the injury on him, the eyes are angry.

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