Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 248

"One hundred million, as the condition of our cooperation, I help to find you more than one million, I believe that it is to be a richness of your rich, the value of money, should also know how the 100 million is a good fortune? "The face of the house" has a smile.

"What is more than one generation of two generations, I am more clear than you, but what? If you don't have a wooden leaves? There is not much money on the body, and the Zhang has told me 100 million. How do I believe in you? "

The corner admit that I can't help but laugh, the Zhangkou is a total of more than one million, and the ghost knows that the little ghost of this wood does not know what is 100 million?

The house shakes the finger.

Others don't dare, just in the money, he has absolute words, and the whole wood should be more valuable than him.

Don't take a bountiful task.

But this task, how much can the entire endurance?

Even most of these tasks will be resolved by the major hidden villages, only some things falling from the middle fingers will go to his hand.

The frequency of the task of less than one million is quite a lot, but the little porridge is small.

One million, whether it is the diagonal person, or a small number of villages such as the wood, is not a small number.

If one million is the lowest level S-level task, it is divided into conditions, and one million can be equal to one hundred S-class tasks, which is a hundred ordinary persons.

"Then, you think that you will be refined by the homotive village s, the detailed intelligence of the use of the land, how much is the value?"

The face is with a smile.

The corner is faunges and has no answer.

"Then change a question, confirm, how much is my reward?"

"Five million." The corner is very fast this time.

"Five million two?! ! Which festive is really money? There are 5 million two, and I have to have me. I want to take yourself in exchange for bounty."

One of them is worth 5 million, as long as it is a bounty, will you let the bounty can you get?

I can't help but burst a whisper, continue to ask: "What do you think of doing the strength I have shown?"

I will sink again, "10 million two goes."

After a burst, it reluctantly reaches the power of shadow level, and tens of millions are calculated.

The identity of human column plus wood, if there is no more than 30 million temptation, the corner will never be willing to deal with him.

Anyway, he is not willing, who is willing to come.

"Very good, then I am felt with your horn information, at least one million two goes up?"

There is no acceleration, because the people are almost the same, at least in his own opinion.

If there is a shadow master, I know about all the information about him, set off ambush to deal with him, and he is not dead.

It is because I know this, so the corner is not high in the entire endurance. Only in the underground bounty exchange, there is a unclear name, and for your own intelligence, every enemy, he tried to do it as much as possible Kill.

"So, do you still feel more than 10 million?"

"You said, you give me an effective intelligence, the intelligence of the opponent, as a exchange?"

"Yes, I have a intelligence system that you can't imagine, even if you are hidden so well, I also said that you have a good news, you can give you the entire endurance except for me. Anyone can't give help.

Even ... If you intend to assassinate the shadows of the major hidden villages, such as the two-day scale wild wood, three generations Lei Ying Ai, or the three generations of the strongest wind movie, I can give you a letter. , Of course, this price will definitely be a little higher, after all, you know, engage in intelligence, is the most costful. "

The people who don't change color is fictitious out of such a so-called intelligence system, and the face is not angry.

And the more confident, the more you can let the corner believe in him.

As for saying, why is a small ghost that have such a powerful intelligence system, this is not what he cares about.

What is the possibility of the ninja world, and the teenage film level is likely.

And it is still the people who don't know the tail beast, and even the long-awaited wood will appear in the hands, what else is it impossible?

Do you want to have enough understandings about yourself today, and the corners will not lose so big.

A powerful intelligence system, for a bounty person who kills, it is indeed very good, more than 100 million or even said it.

"What do you want to get from my body?"

I heard the problem of the corner, and the people were happy. He knew that the corner was very happy.

"It's very simple, you are a shadow, what is more important than a friendship of a movie?

Of course, I will give you a reliable intelligence. If there is a right opportunity, I have certainly hope that you can have a little force, pay the task that matches the value of information.

However, these are your voluntary, and only after you agree, the task will only do it. "

The corner is a person who is supreme, and this kind of person cooperates, exchanges, there is no need to use, and use money or equal things to his face.

The most likely to deal with such people.

It is not like the flying day, there is an old cloudy ratio such as Zhun Group, and the old government exchanges so trouble, be careful to be alert to the way they will give themselves.

Between the horns, it is pure interest interaction, so the simplest is the simplest.

And as long as the money gives the feet, the diagonal is a person who makes money for the belief, you can fully trust him.

The corner is nodded.

Indeed, there is nothing more than a movie, which is more valuable as a hand.

So listening, as long as the so-called intelligence system says there is no problem, then the two people cooperate, not to start.

Two people who have also lived and die, becoming a partner at this moment, for most people, jokes.

But for those who like the corner, who gives more money, I will help anything.

Even if the money giving money is enough, he can try to put the person who is rewarding to help.

"How? Do you want to cooperate, I am a class with you, we all pursue money, difference is just that you pursue pure money, and I pursue the things behind the money, the benefits of money can be changed, the value of money, It's like enough money to let you help me kill.

If you agree, see if you lose two hearts, I can give you a little better now, it is to make up your losses, but also to show my sincerity. "

"Are you called a house? If you dare to deceive me, even if you have been hiding in the wooden leaves, I will find a way to take you out!"

The people laughed.

Because there is no doubt, the words of the corner are representative of him agreed.

I am afraid that you are not a heart, as long as you are a heart, you can't worry about his money.

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