Konoha Cat Keeper

Wooden Totter Cat Chapter 25

In the people's brain, the unfamiliar disdainful voice sounded again.

The tail beast is not fully formed!

That means that the present is now a part of the second tail of Chakra, it is not enough to make him instantly have superior strength!

Not enough to let him have the ability to crush the cloud that is just hitting!

But no matter what to say, the present is finally got rid of the identity of the fish.

Have a resistance!

At the same time in the limbs on the ground, they went straight to the fall of some seven-in-laws.

Although the secret of the secret, although they were not working hard, but they did not say, it was also a qualified ninja, but also to specialize in the secret of the secret of special tasks!

Is a special endurance!

Looking at the people who rushed over, the secrets of the secret will return the short-blade to the fastener, fly fast, and a dazzled handprint is formed in his hand.

"Thunder Rice!"

Low drink.

The silk blue flashing with shining current is instantaneously condensed in his hand.

The blink of an eye becomes a winding blue vermick, with a fine electric flow, flying towards the people!

Skeek! Thunder,!

The original other person's movements and behaviors are not true, but after getting the force of the second tail, he will look at the printed order of the other party, even every hand-printing standard.

The heart is in the heart.

The speed of running is not only low, but the limbs are increased, and the speed is again improved.

In the face of this Razer, the right claw does not hesitate to hit!


All the way a spark belt lightning!

The second tail is good at using the fire system Chakra's tail, so the help is simply a single place, and you can get a flame on the front paw.

Lightning four shots!

Magical shape slightly lasted.

That lightning brought about the typical feeling, just instantly, it disappeared.

The opposite dark ninja saw that the endurance of his own release did not play any effect, and the heart is getting more hilarious.

But I don't want to give up resistance.

The short-blade just in the sheath appeared again.

Hold the knife, the reorders of the cutting edge, the knife rely on the elbow, try to complete the short blade with the arm completely.

A red light flashed, swept the opponent's blade with the claws of the flame!

The people did not make their own attacks because the other party defended with sharp edges.

! !

That dark ninja felt that a giant slammed in his body, and the arm did not seem to play any effect.

He tasted the previous people tried, the air of the lungs was completely emptied, and the black suffocation felt!

Just this, of course, it is not enough!

Otherwise, how to get so much injuries!

The limbs have once again, and the speed of the other party fly out is nothing to catch up with it!

Extend your hands, sharp and sharp nails let his hand look like a human palm.

Wrapped in Chakra to fall down.

Before, how to bully his, now ...

All returns!

Even, it will be vigorous!

For a person, especially an adult's body structure, the people will clearly, how to make the other party feel pain, but they are not deadly, he also has a good experience.

It seems that it is not bad better than the other party!


The sharp paw left a scratch on the other side.

The finite is solid down on the ground.

At this time, his white fox mask has been completely infiltrated by blood.

Body blood, but so!

The residential limbs are volunted on the ground, breathing loudly, with his breathing, the surrounding leaves are encouraged.

But suddenly stopped again!

"It is a two-tailed Chakra, which is too horrible with the negative emotions of Chakrary!

It can still be awake, and for a while, it is estimated that even if the second end does not active erosion, I will also be invaded by this energy!

Must speed! "

After all, it is just a normal human body. I have not exercised. I haven't experienced Chakra's baptism. I have accepted the second tail of Chakra. I didn't lose reason until I was in the first time. It is already a very outstanding performance of the will!

It can be short, but the time is long, and it will be lost in this powerful force.

Also, the body also feels some support, the skin has a painful pain.

I made a decision in my heart.

I saw the houses on the ground, and the limbs slowly bend toward the ground.

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