Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 250

It's really more interesting, I don't know where the water is emitted, the wooden ghost is? This is more and more fun, I don't know if it is determined to have my own goals, but unfortunately this little ghost is too ordinary, otherwise it is absolutely a suitable spokesperson.

The two-tailed perception is still too strong, these dead tail beasts are too strong, it is worthy of the birth of the mother after Chakra gathered ... "

After saying this sentence, the black shadow slowly immersed below the ground.

"The wood actually appeared again, it seems that he should make him speed up, don't always pay attention to the remote place in the fog hidden village ..."



Small blue speed is very fast, no matter how it is also an agile type.

With the help of Liangxiang and a few shadows, the resort is finally quietly entering the wooden leaves.

It is necessary to say that there is something right about the cells between the woods and the thousand-handles, and it is definitely the people and his teacher's big snake pill.

The two studies the cells between the killer, there are many identical situations, but there are their own research directions.

But now people don't dare to run to the big snake pill.

He is very clear, whether it is a big snake or he himself, it is lacking human experiment. Now he runs over, isn't it to send it?

It is impossible to go, I can only find a way to solve it.

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The 145th chapter of the Wan cat comes to [request subscription, monthly ticket]

"Have people, how are you?"

Lingxiang looked at the house lying in the laboratory, anxious.

I barely sit and get up.

Anyway, now he is unable to solve it, then even find the big snake pill, there will be no use.

Fortunately, in the process of rushing back to the wooden leaves in the small blue back, there is already a certain idea in his mind.

Look at the flavor, "I may need your help."

Lingxiang is firmly nodded, "no problem!"

After that, the people took out a reel from the experiment.

Expand the scroll, draw a special sealing array, which is sealed, it is his time, all the clouds collected.

Unstopchau, a large number of cheap Chakra condensed in the palm.

"There is no way to integrate the cells between the thousand-handed columns to my own cells, only to seal it first."

No way, you can only seal the arm as a group hide.

The people let go of the control of the two tail Chakra, and fill the black cozy in the hand fill the elbow.

It was very hard to accept that tingling feeling, now Icy and cold, Chakra injected, the whole arm feels something icy, especially the elbow, there is a feeling of falling into the ice.

"Fortunately, I will help me in advance."

I took out a reel from my body again.

After the start is a more huge seal, but this is not in the seal, it is a pure seal.

Immediately, the left hand can't move, you need a help of Fragrance.

"Fragrance, seal evil law!"


For sealing and printing, for Chakra's control, the vortex family seems to have a great innate advantage, and the people spend a lot of time learning and familiar with the sealing method, but the incense is this. After the seal is given to her, learn and master it in a fast speed.

Until now, Liangxiang's level of grasp of the sealing and printing of the evil law, is better than himself.

Quickly printed and falling in place.

However, on a moment, pale left hand, dropped the imprint left by the plurality of sealing processes.

Show this tuberculature is not a simple matter, so the special Chakra, which is divided in the thousand-handed cellular cells, and is seated.

The pressure on the elbow is not so big, and the people will barely enable the tolerance and Chatcla in the body.

Sleasten from the pain from the left hand, two hand of the people, the spin is about to press the left hand on the spool on the ground.

The seal in the reel is operated, and a virtual pattern of a roulette is hovering.

It is like a winding bandage.

However, this seal is the imagination of Chakra, the imagination of the distant people, the second tail of Chakra has all been used in the elbow to block the diffusion of the plucking cell cells, so the sealing and printing of the show can only rely on I'll itself Chakra.

But he is not long ago, but it is fighting with a genuine video level, and how much is the remaining native Chakra?

Plus all the way to come over, there is no way to concentrate on the spirit to refine Chakra.

The consumption of this seal and stress has exceeded his expectation.

The Liangxiang on the side also found this.

He hesitated his lips and touched his sleeve on his arm.

After a year of recovery, the whirlpool itself and the medical tissue and some basic moisturization methods learned from the house, it has been densely covered with a bite, and there is no trace.

But she still reached out and put it in front of the people.

Don't say more, she knows that she will understand what he meant.

She wrinkled her brow and looked at the fragrance. White arm, and then looked at her firm expression. After he hesitated, he bite on her arm.


Lingxiang can't help but look, and the cheeks climbed the shame belonging to the girl.

The awareness of the shy sound, the shy voice, the flavor bite his own group lips, and strive to make yourself again.

Is this a taste of a girl's arm?

The house only felt the soft touch of the mouth and emerged from the mouth to the whole body, the rich Chakra.

A Chakra without any attributes, is converted into his own Chakra after he absorbed into the body.

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