Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 252

Self-talking, a set of armor weaving a light blue lightning is coming on him.

Straight from the appearance, it is more bright than before, and the texture on the armor looks clearer.

"But you can't take the thing every time it is a regular bask and a command life.

It is clear that it is ready. After waiting until the preparation is complete, then strengthen itself, and I have never been used.

If you don't have the strong vitality of the thousand-handed cells, it will help me fix most of the trauma. Otherwise, I will rest in bed for ten or a half months.

The physical quality and the degree of stimulation of this thunder Chekla, the gap is really too big. "

The people recognized that they left a lot, such as this thunder pill, such as the cells between the thousand-handles.

But these can't be considered a conventional card, these are the final cards that are finally desperate, and they cannot be used as a regular means.

The real conventional base card should be the second-tail mode formed by the second tail of Chakra, and the Susunt who learned from the book of the seal, enhances the congenital disadvantages of the second tail, thus enhancing the strength of the second tail mode and explosive power. .

The three beasts of the Susunt's three-way pods, even able to compete with the mask monsters in the horns, and then directly increase the two tails of the second tail to three.

This can be used routinely, and the cost of consumer is a real conventional card, which can be used when dealing with the enemy.

Even the pseudo-cactus model brought about with the small blue, and the second generation of Qianxiao S-class sterile-moving blade can be considered a conventional card.

However, after use, you can make the remnants of the blast explosive force, and the power that is going beyond, especially to endure it.

At the same time as the power of eruption, you can also play a unnecessary.

This is the real card.

"Lingxiang, as a ninja, must have its own base card, and it is best to make a distinction between the tops, when you encounter different levels of enemies, you can make a different level of different levels, definitely playing one It is unresolved.

The Ninja with the top card is a true ninja. "

The people who have their own rich ninja experience, and they are relied on the ground.

"Not just the card, you still need to have a more than a few actions, these are not the things that will not be able to use it, once it is used, not the other party, it is definitely yourself.

Although you are not a registered ninja, you are practicing Chakra after all, and will definitely fight in the future.

As a medical ninja, you must have enough means to protect yourself, you have the ability to protect others. "

"Bottom? Wellness?"

Lingxiang looked at the people who suddenly lived over people's tone, some did not respond.

"Yes, I know that you may not have any concept, but it doesn't matter. I will help you study your base card and the life and life means. After all, as my first employee, personal safety, still to be responsible."


Although I didn't understand what the contents of the people want to express, she didn't care.

Just feel that the people have a little age than her, but it looks like a look, let her unconsciously think that the people are right.

I bord her agreed to become what she could do.

The people still left the village, but considering their own security issues, this time, he directly dispatched the entity.

Even this time he was hidden in the body's body, but sent a pure entity.

As for the use of Chakra, Xiaofae's own Chakra is sufficient.

Anyway, this time you don't have to fight.

Calling Wan Tak, a man who has become the owner of the 10,000 people, is him!

I was afraid of a snake, I was afraid of a well rope, and it was estimated that the people would not leave the wooden leaves in a short time.

As for the mission, anyway, now he also has the identity of the medical team, does not do mission, and medical surgery is also equivalent to doing tasks, and there is a lot of income.

Yischoji Cheng and Nara Ji.

They are too weak, and strive to cultivate a nice excuse.

Everything has, wait for the Wancot to come to the DPRK!

In fact, the hearts of the people have indeed have a plan to establish a huge intelligence system, and can help him achieve this plan, that is, the ninja world, a large and small cat, whether it is a domestic or wandering.

And cats such as cats, unlike dogs, like sticking humans, like messy.

The cat is more afraid. If you are not a particularly familiar person, the general cat is more difficult, of course, nor eliminating some of the more characterful cats.

But in any case, the cats are not easy to cause people's attention, and their movements are unique, absolutely and very suitable intelligence collectors.

As long as you have cultivated, you can become a qualified spy cat.

Of course, it is impossible to convene all the cats in the Ninja World, come to a systematic training, teaching how they speak, how to deliver information, which is too much trouble.

Even if there is a small blue, it is very troublesome.

However, in fact, some steps can be omitted. For example, cultivate a group of cats first, then scattered them to all over the place, control the stray cat in a region, as long as there are two or three professional training cats in this area, then this area of ​​the area Intelligence systems can be established.

Of course, this is just the basis of intelligence networks.

In fact, whether it is ordinary residents' place of residence, or the place of residence in the major hidden villages, there will be some cats.

However, compared to the dog, the cat is not so strong, so it is not the choice of appropriate spiritual beast.

Otherwise, some Ninja's spirit beasts become their own spies, and the people's intelligence network is big.

Establish a holy place belonging to a cat, breeding cats, which is definitely a very long and planned goal.

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Chapter 146 voyeur? [Subscription, monthly ticket]

"Wear, I am here today, there is still something in my store, go back first."

The people wiped the sweat of the forehead, and he knew the middle-aged man who was particularly strong in the side of the big ear.

"Well? Today, will you end so early? Have you? Youchun has no rest!"

The man has a thumbs up, revealing the two rows of white teeth, reflecting dazzling white light under the light of the sun.

The people feel that there is some glaring and some sweat, and they are marching like to teeth.

The name of this man is called Mahati.

That's right, that is, the wooden leaves are endured, Mahati.

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