Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 259

In the future, we must work harder!

"The teacher, this is the case, the people are very economical, open a cat house in the leaves, earn a lot of money, he bought a lot of wooden real estate, using his own words He is the leaf of wood. "The water door said with a smile.

For the profitability of the people, the water door is very admired.

It's a little bit, but they also slaughtered a lot of big households. After all, there are Ni Ni, and it is difficult to get rid of it.

"Cat house? Can you earn so much money?" Didn't react, what make money?

But very quickly, the water gates let him understand, what is making money!

Ordinary cat half an hour, two thousand two!

Ordinary cat one hour, three thousand two!

In this kind of push, you can also do a member card.

Buy an ordinary cat, depending on the variety, the price can be from 50,000 to 150,000.

You can also purchase a special training cat, you can understand the words and do a lot of things, the price is between 190,000 and 300,000.

Even if you can buy Kita, you can use Chakra, but this price is relatively high, the price is more than two, not capped.

The most exuberable thing is that if there is a special requirement, you can choose private customization, you can choose a different variety of cats, different Chakra properties, and different strength strength.

In the words of the man, as long as the money is in place, you can bring you a spirit of the spirit of the beast, and the tenth of the ninja, but this price is higher.

In short, you can buy all the services in the cat house, only you can't think of it!

At first, someone else opened this price to see the price of this price, and I feel that I am in a pit.

It's just that he has always maintained this price and does not change, and holds a cat in the street every day, I will touch it from time to time.

As the saying goes, the cat is cool, and I have been cool.

After being "temptation" by the people, I started to have someone to spend money, and more and more people.

And some big families, want to close the relationship with him, so the door is not a money, meaning it.

Among them, there is Yisi Bo, the day, Nara, the mountains, etc.

However, they will soon discover that the cat is really addictive!

The cat house is like this, it is open.

You know, as a daily kill, the ninja, which is tempered between life and death, is very pressure.

It is said that the cat can relieve the pressure ...

Since then, I can't help it!

The business of the Cathouse is more exaggerated.

Looking at the business is very good, the people launched the system of the membership card.

And slowly, some people began not satisfied with the cats in the cat, thinking that buying a cat home, can be sufficient once.

Since I bought it, why don't you spend a little more money, buy a price is more cost-effective, can you use a psychic beast?

Each different level of strength, there is always a suitable for you.

Therefore, the business of the cat house is of course getting better and better.

Earn a lot of money.

Listen to the explanation of the finished water, and he also heard it.

Is there such a?

This ... Is this simple?

"So, this kid is a big paragrace?" Looking at the water gates and feels some collapses of your values.

I don't believe in my eyes, I don't know what to say, these will only be tried to try.

"Not a big money, it is a super big!"

Late: "..."


"Well, slaughter him!"

Listening to the back of the water gates and the emission content, the face hangs a smile.

The water gate thinks this is what he all makes money?

too naive.

The water door just saw these things he did in the leaves and earned the money.

During this year, he called how many stray cats did not know how much, through him, Liangxiang and Xiao-blue training, the first batch of cats that can be put on, have almost all over the towns of the entire endurance.

These cats are in accordance with the plan, silently call the stray cat in the town.

It encounters some good, you can pick back the leaves and train, and cultivate different types of cats according to different talents.

Suitable for the intelligence network of the people, in addition to the major hidden villages, it has begun to establish.

It can be done now is to sell some orientation of the ninja in the endurance, and these basic information, through the relationship of the corner, successfully entered the inside of the underground bounty exchange.

According to people of different power, the orientation is different, the price of trafficking is different.

I have also been secretly believed in this moment. I tried his words at this moment.

Cooperation belonging to the two officially launched.

After a year of layout, the spread of intelligence systems, the investment of intelligence systems has also begun to have income.

More and more people know more, and the speed of making money will definitely get faster.

Of course, this is just a preliminary intelligence system, and the people will also improve it a little, and they can become the largest intelligence system throughout the endurance.

With the prestige of the underground world, there is not many people dare to pay.

Since then, there will be a cat in the corner of all underground bounty redemption points, anyone wants to buy information, as long as you give your money.

And most people believe that this intelligence system is supported by the corner. It does not think of the real scene behind the scene. It is actually a little famous cat house with a little famous cat house, a wooden ghost, a special endure. .

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