Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 262

Every night, in this place, exchange information exchange information, if it is inconvenient, use a spirit snake. "

The house nodded again.

The two disappeared in the same place.

People in Yunyin Village don't know, there are now two wooden ninja, quietly embedded in Yunyin Village.

In fact, it is not just Yun Yin Village, and there are fewer villages in the villages. There are few spies in the village. It is likely to be ninja. It is also very likely that civilians, even wooden leaves, and the same spies of other hidden villages. .

Whether it is the darkness of the wood, or the root, they have a long-term effective task, which is to search for the spies of the villages in the village.

Separate actions with Big Snake Pills, for two people, safety is much higher, and it is more convenient to do alone.

First, I have a dedicated place to go shopping in Yunyin Village.

Different from the prosperity of wood, Yun Yin Village, and the wooden leaves still have a certain gap, but the grassy village and Yuyin Village he have been there have been. It is better to know how many times.

Take the night to the corner of a small alley.

"Tongling's technique!"

Small blue was summoned.


Small blue looked at the appearance of a great change, and the back was in an instant, and the hair on his body was erected.

But soon, it will calm down, but there is no dissipation in the eyes.

Because it is perceived, it is still there, but why do you have changed whether it is something that is still a matter of breath or even a body.

The people smiled and gently reveal some of the masks on the face, showing their true appearance.

The small blue eyes shot a surprise look, and jumped to the arms of the people, sprinkling Jiao.

"Okay, Xiaoshua, now we have a very important task."

If you hear the people, the little blue expression is serious.

"We are now in Yunyin Village, and we have never been able to interact with the intelligence network into one of the great hidden villages. Now you hide your own Chakra, and call the stray cats in Yun Yin Village, follow As we train, let them become our eyeliner. "


Little blue dotted, get the affirmation of the people, and disappeared in the alley.

After such a long time to cultivate, the little blue at this time can absolutely be called a very good ninjection,

Now you can expand your intelligence network here, and you can also call those cats to find eight tail column.

At this time, Yunyin Village's eight tail column is still the last, and the hair is very killing the cloth ratio of Matt.

Earlier, because of the tolerance, bloodline, ability, morality is excellent, so I was selected for the eight tail column.

And when he just became a column of eight tails, it was well suppressed and controlled eight tails. The top of the eight tail and Yunyin Village were very optimistic about him. I feel that he can become a perfect column, can get along with eight tailings. .

At first, the cloth is also full of confidence, but he has become a person's attitude towards himself, so his body and mind are growing, often imagine the horror of death, and what may I face after I die? Sample scene, slowly getting weak, not firm enough.

The tail beast will take away from the heart of the people, and the cloth is slowly turned to the eight tail of the eight tail that is hoped from the beginning, and people will have a column force that may have retired. Change is even greater.

This becomes a vicious circle.

So the cloth ratio has always been a candidate for the next selected person, and the heart is going to find a hole that can fill the inner empty cavity, let yourself have a goal, there is a direction.

But unfortunately, cloth is never found to fill the inner voids than yourself.

Originally in the impression of the people, the time of Big Snake Pills on the eight tail may also be a little late, may wait until the third endurance war is slightly slightly, but he can't determine these details.

After all, I have already come to the world's three years.

Three years, enough to rush too much, including the memory of the brain.

If you don't have to forget, the at least is a bit blurred.

But in any case, this estimated cloth ratio is not small.

Originally, a big snake pill, this big snake pill has brought him, and the threat to the cloth will definitely be more.

Anyway, looking for the task of eight tail column can be handed over to the big snake pill, and the people are preparing to use most of their attention on the construction intelligence system. After all, it is rare to come to Yun Yin Village.


Three days later.

With the professional intelligence of the big snake pills, he almost touched the identity of the cloth ratio, and the place where his status is peaceful.

Unlike wooden leaves, the identity of Xin Ni and the stretch of the people, for the people in Yun Yin Village, the tail beast is also a power, and the power represents a lot of things in Yunyin Village, so they never The identity of the hidden people.

Therefore, the message is also exposed to the sight of the big snake pill.

The two simply exchanged the intelligence in his hand.

Finally, the combat plan is developed according to the intelligence.

This is the most common task to perform the way, but in the end of the other party hidden village, the people's column force, this difficult task, can be summarized in a simple S-level task.

"Let's go." The Big Snake Pill said faintly and looked at Yunyin Village Hospital in their not far away.

Since the second endurance battle, the wooden leaves occupy a large advantage of medical ninja, and the major hidden villages also fight.

Therefore, Yun Yin Village has also built a good hospital. Of course, it looks good from the appearance. As for the medical facilities inside, I have to read it.

The house is nodded.

Big snake pills as a snake, from the cuffs of the people.

Medical sickness is his old, he is still very confident.

The people inside are not a lot, and even unobstructedly entered the hospital building.

From here, it can be seen that although Yun Yin Village has built such a hospital, it is actually not so much attention to such a hospital.

It may be because I like the Ninja, who is just positive, I don't like the career of medical ninja. Only some people don't have a way, or those who like medical and sickness will become a medical ninja.

More probably in Yunyin Village, there is no global in the overall situation of the highly expected medical ninja, such as the hand of the leaves, the thousand generations of sandy village, so it is necessary to pay attention to the high level of Yun Yin Village, but I don't know from Which aspect is corrected.

It can be seen from here that the existence of the apeer is how important is the leaves.

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