Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 290

Seeing this body, the pupil of the house suddenly contracted.

Hui Night!

If you want to find a family that makes him most taboo from the family of all blood in the misty village, it is sure and 100% is a glow night. Bamboo

It is not because this family's blood session is very powerful.

For a statement, the blood sustain of this family is indeed very powerful, even in the eyes of the people who exceed most of the blood sessions in the Ninja world, only a few can surpass or counter.

However, the blood of this family is very difficult to wake up, and the awakening difficulty may still be comparable to the thousand hands.

In other words, although the family is called the bloody family, it is actually inside their family, and there is not much person to awaken this bloody limit.


But the people are still annoying this family.

Because the people of this family are a group of battle madmen, and it is a kind of madman.

Although they can't see the body of the body, they have the blood flowing in the blood, but they can strengthen their body.

Plus what they like to fist to the meat, it is essential.

The whole whole is the unlike battle mad, and only fighting in the brain, the emotional business is basically negative.

Not just that people don't like Hui Night race, even the Ninja in the foggy village, and don't like this ninja.

But I have to say that this brilliant night family has to be just right. If he does not appear, the strength of the people now showing the strength and the state of them, basically can't stop.

The name of the coming is called Hui Night, which is a very famous ninja in the entire Hui Night family and even the whole fog village. It has elite strength, and it is extremely love to fight.

I saw that Hui Night volt root-old staring at the people showed the fanatic expression. "Is this the ninja of this national service? The thunder armor of Yun Yin Village?! It seems a very worthy battle. ! "

To say this, he jumped directly from the tree and rushed towards the people.

A simple straight!

Straight hosteen.

Simple punch, it is difficult to block.

The face of the house has become a little dignified, and the people of Hui Night, although there is no brain single-cell organism, but the on behalf of the ability of its own capabilities, it is absolutely nothing.

The hands of the hands crossed in the chest, hard to bear the roots of Hui Night.

The strong sullen sound, the residence of the defensive gesture is sliding on the ground.

The sick smile on the root face is even more, and the mouth is constantly chanting: "That's it! That's it! This kind of strength is not coming from the foggy village!"

"Mom, it is a madman!"

The people are gently jealous.

"Hahaha! Come again!"

The roots were laughing and laughed again.

After seeing the power of the root, the people are no longer worried, and they also rushed.

The two people are very simple, that is, fist and fist collision.

Booming ...

Every time you have a boxing to meat, every collision, the ground will produce cracks, while also raising a lot of dust.

I will fight again, causing the ground to rupture, huge cracks between the people and the glow night.

Such a force collides, seeing the mist in the rest of the rest.

Does the normal ninja body can be strong to this extent?

Although they did not have the body of the people and the glow night, they also saw that the competition of their two had the competition of pure power, there is no skill.

But this is the competition from the strength, it will give them such a big shock.

Hui Night volts looks at some of his broken fists. It seems that there is any pain in his hand. The eyes are bigger, showing very bloody horror smile, and then cooperate with his profile skin, it is a completely Madman.

The house is frown.

The collision of pure body is his advantage, but this advantage is not big enough, not enough for the war.

If it is usually, it encounters this disgusting metamorphosis, he doesn't mind letting the other party know what is called strength.

Torp it well.

Nowadays, the current situation is obviously not very wonderful.

Although now, those who look at the misty village next to them, there is no strength, but with their ability, the final self-insurance will definitely be done.

The people can't quickly solve them, after a while, wait until they recover physical strength to restore Chakra, and finally they are definitely herself.

It's hard to make a bureau and put yourself in this way.

So even now he is in the roots of Hui Night, it is not enough to lay a victory, and he can't let him leave.

A body that is strong enough, destroys the escape plan of the people.

Don't look at the state of a few people next to it, just wait until their strength recovery, it will never leave any breathing opportunities for the people.

So, he is now in a difficult situation.

And from the current state, it seems that the decision is not in his hand.

"Your strength I have seen, next, let me see your skills!"

Hui Night Roots once again rushed towards the people, but this time he is no longer a power attack, but a skill.

The face is sinking, but also decided to see if it can achieve a certain advantage.

"Wooden whirlwind!"

The heart is silently drinking, the left foot is left, and the right foot is rotated on the right foot, and the legs will make a whip with a very fast speed, and in the rotation, rotate the wind wind.

The glow night volts rushed into the roots of the roots crossed on the chest, and faster.

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