Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 299

Rocky Village, can use boiling, in the memory of the people, there is only one person.

Five tails column, boil!

Just like two tails and eight tails in Yun Yin Village, rocky village also has four tails and five tails.

Compared to the three-generations of the two-day scale, the four-day column is not very good, the five-tail column is in the current situation, it is a relatively mysterious existence.

Even if the past, I have learned about the people of Naruto, and the five-tail column is not much.

Just know that this person's strength is very strong, and the strength of the five tails is also ranked in the middle of many tail beasts, not weak.

Just don't know that this Han is not perfect. If it is a perfect column, the people think that their groups can add it or not.

However, in now, the perfect articles should be impossible.

But from the other party to hurt the night fox to this way, it is very likely that he can use the five-tailed part of the power.

Han is different from many people, he knows the ability of the five tails, and also knows how the power of the tail will give him how much, so he will use the advantages of people, and will use my five-tailed power, and even still To this end, a neat armor that can use the five-tail power.

It's just that the truth of the Han is active in the third endurance battle, so his name is not big.

When I heard the night fox, I saw that Ji Yin Village and boiling, did not surprise from the attitude of African.

Either this person is really strong, it is possible to think that there is still something wrong under such an information, or you know some information about Han and boiling.

When I stand in the perspective of the people, I know what people will encounter in this task before mission action.

Just don't know what to do next.

It is the most confused, which is the country of Tianzhi, why did Rock Village Ninja, and even the five-tail column of Yinyin Village also participated in it.

Is the country of Tianzhi not a foreign country?

It seems that things are much more complicated.

"Sure enough, let the Tri-Tibet willing to pay the cost of the price, definitely not general." In the process of treating the nightfox, the people think about it silently.

At this time, the skeleton is open, "How is the state of the night fox? Can you fight?"

The people are sinking, "I want to have a certain combat power right away. Some are not realistic. At the very least take a day's recovery time, you can barely act."

After that, the surrounding atmosphere is slightly changed.

"No! We need his strength, the cat, there is no way to stimulate his body, speed up the recovery! Before the sun is falling, he must let him recover certain combat power."

Wen said, a wrinkle, just want to say something ...

"If you can't do it, let me come, the root ninja has this consciousness, you don't have to worry." .

Among the four people, I only know that some of the people's identity, I know that he is the first task, so the root ninja seems to be a common sense, but the has to remind him.

Deep sucking a sigh of breath, nodding silently.

The green fluorescence on both hands converges, "Zi" thunder is in his hands.

It can clearly feel that the body of the night fox is in an instant, even a certain spasm.

The whole body is stimulated by lightning, which is a normal reaction.

However, this is only surface phenomenon, deeper, the cells in the virgin body, is stimulated by lightning, starting crazy split proliferation, some surface of the wound, rapidly crusted, and becomes coke color, emit a wireful odor.

This is an alternative way of using the Ray Chevracle model from the hand of the cloud.

Put the thunder Check with others, stimulate their body, promote cell acceleration, repair the wound.

A person's cell split is limited, speeding up the split, will make the body quickly to death.

The creation of the apeer is to use this.

If it is not a blinding, she has always kept her young appearance, and her old appearance explained everything.

Lightning stimuli is not as fast as the regeneration, but is more exciting than creating regeneration to a person, more painful.

Treatment is a whole hour, and it is a little supported by the chakra of the people.

Fortunately after an hour of treatment, the night foxes have reverted to the ability to act, and they need to do it, they are self-restoring Chakra, and they can have certain combat power before black.

"Almost determined, next, officially tell you the true content of our task, and you need a part of your people."

Seeing the people stopped the treatment, and there is still a while from the dark, and the red riot is finally going to tell the task.

From yesterday to today, in addition to some important things in the mission, the main content of this task did not know what this task, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

However, he just erected his ears, and his eyes were still turned off, and the Chakra consumed by itself.

In the face of Ninja, Yingsyin Village, he did not dare to have any underage.

"Just day the day before yesterday, the last name of Tianzhi suddenly violent, the death is unknown, but the guess is that the people in the country of Tianzhi do, the first suspect is the first succession for his first step."

The names of each country, the Ninja of the major hidden villages can't pay freely.

But this does not include the internal staff of countries.

For example, this big name, the big name of Tianzhi is really being done by his son, then anyone can't say a word, after all, this is the country's own family, they are not very convenient. Intervene.

However, the name of Tianzhi is killed since his son, what is the relationship with this task?

African continues to say: "The name of the country is different from the name of the country. He is the next generation of big son, which is the next generation. He and his father's character is very different.

It is not a person who is in a weak person. According to our intelligence staff, he has a small ambition, the most obvious point is that he hopes to build a nasus of the country! "

Establishing the country of the country's own ninja village!

At this point, standing in the point of view of Tianzhi, it is indeed a serious thing. It is a good thing for the country of Tianzhi, indicating that they have their own powerful armed forces.

From here, this big name is indeed a Ming Jun, and it is no wonder that so many people have guess that he may be a murderer, but there is not much man jumps out against him.

However, Tianzhi has established this hidden village, standing in the perspective of the wooden leaves, standing in the name of the famous fire, is not a good thing.

Whether it is the big name of the fire, or the wooden leaves, you will not want to have the little brother, the little follow-up of his ass, seeking a small man with asylum, now jumping out, saying it.

This is not related to the so-called humanitarian, purely the relationship of interest.

Originally, this kind of mood should not participate in it, do not want to return to it, but the old brother wants to make anger, as the wooden leaves of the old brother, will only say a worship.

Jianyun, not just to talk about it casually.

Like a wooden leaf, five hidden villages like Rocky Village are based on some big and small family ninja in the Warring States Period, in order to establish an excellent hidden village.

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