Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 313

That kind .. See the expression of the dead?

"I said ... Are you seeing a ghost?" The people didn't ask.

I heard his voice, the two of the guards gained a look, it was determined that this is a real person rather than a ghost.

"I have to bear it, you are fine?" One of them asked.


Wearing a brow, he felt unusual, "How? Don't I have something?"

"Isn't it ... just ... I heard that the group is old to arrange tasks?"

His people, although he came back this time, it was because he found that the dark door belonging to the root did not open, for helplessness, it had to take the main entrance.

But even if this is the task of the root, it should not be known to others, why is the Ninja who guards the door know that the group has released a task?

Moreover, both from these people's expression or speech, they all see it, they think they have an accident.

But ... is you not told the big snake pill in advance?

I was aware of an unusual, and there was a kind of uncomfortable premonition.

"Go back and say, I will go to the fire!"

Said, no longer hesitate, a flashes disappeared at the door.

Directly rushing towards the fire building.

When some commercial streets of the wooden leaves, it can be clearly felt that these people in commercial street are somewhat unbelievable, and they are gathered together in three or two.

If it is just a two, it is normal, but it seems that people on the street are such a picture, and the people think that some are not right.

The next consciousness accelerates the pace again.

Just, when he just crossed the commercial street.

Frowning wrinkles.

The right hand grabs the circle of the waist and instantly takes out!


The crisp metal collision sounds, and a small knife is on the ground.

Look at the eyes, it is the ninja with the mounted darkness, which is a knife in the hands of the first person, which is very neatly broken, and the knife tip falls on the ground is it.

With a mask, you can't see their appearance and expressions, but the people are recognized, not the secret of the secret, but the root!

For the head of the person, he looked at the broken knife in the mask, he could clearly see the surprise in his eyes.

However, five people are not moving, but they will surround the people, a warning.

"I have to bear the people, I have the monks of the group."

If you have the eyes, you didn't send the knife in your hands back to the knife, saying faintly: "If I said, I have to go to the Nang Shadow?"

A moment of silence.

The other party continues to say: "Triple Hidden adults! Please!"

At the same time, the other four, there are also bitter in their hands, and a big man does not agree with them.

The crumpled brow slowly loose, and the circle of the circle turned in his hand, leaving a small circle like a bright moon and sent back to the knife sheath.

"I call it."

Get a sure response, five people did not put alert, "escort", walk towards the root base.

Once again, I came to the root of dim, and I can clearly feel that Chakra fluctuations in the roots have a lot.

The roots of the ninja, have been sent out in a lot.

"Town Hidden people."

Looking at the familiar, wearing a white robes, Zhidun Treasures of the cane.

I heard the call, the group was slowly turned, and I gave a break from the bottom to the ground, and I stayed in the short knife in his waist.

"It seems that your new weapon is good." The Sub-hidden voice wanted to sound.

"Thanks to the big group of people." The people didn't have to respond.

For the attitude of the people, the group is like it seems to be expected, not surprised, nor angry.

The group hiding that Shao, with a little wrinkled face, showing a touch of smile.

"I heard, I heard that you have completed this extremely difficult task under the guards of Yinyin Village." After finishing, slightly, you will continue to say: "Just unfortunately, in addition to you, the other three Due to this task and sacrificed.

They are all great. In order to make the trees of the wood, they will be better to grow, and they should be used as nutrients.

This is the root ninja, which is the real role of the root. "

The people have lick, and the death of the three roots ninja, he is not surprising.

At that time, the carava of the famous country in Tianzhi, even if there is no one hundred people, at least seven or eighty, even if most is to bear, only a few partial endurance, that dozens of ninja, red Three people were in the moment of shot, they knew their own endings, but they still did it in order to complete the task.

Tuanzang said that they are the roots of the leaves, dedication to the wooden leaves, this is not wrong.

Just, the people dare to guarantee that the group should be the situation of the country before letting them do this task.

So many cars, there are more unbearable, and even the powerful five-tail column of Han, just send them four people, and what is the difference between sending death?

"Do you feel that let you do this task, the giant is equal to death?" It seems to look through the idea in the brain, the group is straightforward.

The eyes are together.

He wants to listen to the group, there is a special explanation.

Be careful that the people don't pay attention to this matter, the smile of the group is more and more ugly.

"In fact, from the beginning, your mission is just the success of the assassination that is about to become the famous country, because it is, and colluded.

As soon as, the rocky village in the scene is not in your mission. Even if it is really a collision with the Ninja Village of Rock Village, it is only a small part, and the powerful five-tail column is Han, This is not what you need to respond. "


The people think of it, and the beginning of the mission, said that the five-tail column will have a strong person to deal with it, do not need them.

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