Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 321

On the back of the flag, wood, I don't see him sad, I don't see him crying, just standing in front of the crowd silently, if not, there is a woman with a face to help him support umbrella, estimate He wet in the rain, he won't have much emotional fluctuations.

The funeral is very fast, and the people have been waiting, and they also appear in his sight.

A cat in a light blue jewelry in itself, passing through the crowd to the side of the people, pulling the shoulders.


Xiaolan slanting nodded nodes did not speak.

But the people know that he wants to know.

Looking at a little bit covered, there is a generous mouth, and if you don't care.

With the gradual dissipation of the crowd, he will stand in Kakasi, who is still standing.

I gently patted his shoulders, Kasi didn't move, today he heard the so-called comfort, is there still?

"Do you experience dark? Kakasi?"

The crowd scattered, leaving only two people and Carti.

For the first time, if I heard it is not comfort, Kasi half-closed eyes have changed.

"Don't listen to others seem to comfort, you never know how many things hidden, use your own heart, feel good, feel your father's ideas and practices, try to understand him.

Even if you don't understand it, you don't have the relationship. If you grow up, you will finally understand.

Work hard, when you are strong enough, you will understand what your father's work is. "

If you listen to the people, Carti is still not very clear for a time.

However, the little blue on the shoulders of the house, when watching Kakasi, Chakra on the body fluctuated in concealed.

PS: Original, I don't want to ask if I don't want to ask, but some people may not understand, so I have added a question mark, but it is quite helpless.

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Chapter 171, Cat [Subscription, Month Ticket]

Daba Pills. "

"You came."

The house is proficient in white coat.

There was no laboratory in the big snake pill for some time. He found some changes in the research topics of the big snake pill.

The people did not ask why everyone didn't know that he was still alive.

The flag wood has fallen, and then discusses the problem about this, it is clear that it is not big.

However, this happening, there is a big impact on the two people and the big snake pills.

Both did not speed up the progress of the experiment.

The people can significantly feel the same, in the experiment of the big snake pills, the research intensity of biology is significantly increased.

It may have begun research on the human body, but did not show it.

There is no talk in tacit, just doing things.

After a long time, the people feel that the atmosphere should be almost fermented between the two people and slowly open:

"Daba Pills, you said why can one can be so fragile?"

When I heard the people, the big snake pill was stopped in hand, as if I touched the most sensitive point in his heart.

"Do you feel like this?" The hoarse voice of the big snake.

"Whether it is a big brother, or uncle, or something else to die in the hidden village, it is too fragile, as long as it is subject to a little damage, if it is not treated in time, I have seen it to be sympathy."

These words are not completely in order to cater to the inner ideas of the big snake pill, and he also has experienced so many things.

"This is human, the people." The big snake pill licks his lips.

But the people have revealed a pair of expressions with the words.

Seeing his appearance, the big snake pill is picking up.

"Not long ago, when I found a famous blacksmith in the country of Tie, I heard a rumor in the border of the country of Tiezhi.

Be few decades ago, there was a very powerful ninja in the country, but because of some contradictions, the senior rigor of the Ninja and the Thain Village had a dispute. In the end, this is the strong man of hints, slaughter. The whole high-rise in Tokin Village and uses a secret motley that has been circulated in Tokin Village and captures their hearts.

According to rumors, I learned this kind of secret, and I can accommodate the next five hearts in the body. As long as there is an existence, he can always survive.

So, in theory, as long as you learn this kind of secret, you can have permanent life. "

The homicious village strong, of course, is of course his partner, he himself, the second employee of the cat house.

As for that mystery, of course, the land.

"You said the secret, is it called the land?" The big snake pill listens to the description of the people. After a little thinking about a period of time, it actually directly said three words of "land grievance".

I heard the big snake pill actually knew the secret of the land, and the people admitted that they did not expect themselves.

"I have seen some descriptions about this secret in the collections of the old age, and I have done a certain degree of investigation, just because the material is too rare, so I can't finally.

However, I have heard that this person once seems to have challenged the first generation of the thousand-handles, and finally even alive. "

As a strike, all kinds of techniques, especially those with very interesting, especially some secrets and ban, such as the land of the land, have a sense of eternal life, must have a certain understanding. .

"It seems to be the land." If you think about it.

"If that kind of action is like what you said, it is indeed a permanent life, but this, this person's growth limit is there.

The level of development of this secret determines the upper limit of this ninja, and the quality of each heart will also enhance his strength to a certain extent, but the upper limit is not high, there is only this. "

The understanding of the big snake pill is obviously very old. Just just through some of the fine branches of the branches, plus the description of the people, guess the disadvantages of the land.

Its growth limit.

For most to endure, the upper limit of the shadow level is undoubtedly very high. After all, the film level may be a point that they can't touch forever.

But for the two people and the big snake pills, the movie level is obviously not their goals, nor is their end point, so this secret can become .

However, if the people themselves don't want to exchange too much from the gods and the land, how to say that his employee is also a high salary.

His main purpose is to open the scorpion with the big snake.

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