Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 329

Looking at the back of the departure, I nodded in the day, "Wooden cat, there is a small reputation throughout the endurance, the new young life, and finally begun to begin."



Time speed lapse ...

Weak people are stronger, and strong people become stronger.

Everyone is moving towards their goals.

Wooden three endure with the agency and the arrival, the big snake pill is closed without experiment, no longer the mainstream of the wooden leaves.

And the people who came, they slowly replaced them the mainstream of the times, and then, they were Kakasi, Mitkai them.

This is the alternation of the wood, and the old Youth Four generations are still perfectly connected, so that the trees of the wooden leaves have become more stable.

Not just the trunk and leaves on the surface, buried under the surface of the surface, and it is also constantly expanding its influence.

I have already attached people's attention, the people, Yuxioji Cheng and Nara Ji Nai's excellent squad, and the different development and goals of their respective development, naturally disbanded, is not only the people who are dissolved. This squad also has the squad between the wave wind gate and the vortex.

It is undeniable that the overall strength of the squad is still quite good, especially in the written eye of Uzhibo, will be promoted to the three hook jade, and it has also improved to the endurance level, but also reached the strength of the team. The peak.

Nara Ji Nai excellent shadow, and Unecheboy became a hand-made ability, combined with the endurance of the people, and the fire of Unexpo, whether it is a frontal battle or a side No matter whether escort or assassination, the success rate is extremely high.

But as they have their own strength, as well as the difference in the goals, plus the problems of the woods still have insufficient people, so they have to bear a special tolerance and not ignore the power, and have to face Disband.

Everyone who is scattered will be assigned to different teams, or is responsible for lending a new generation of ninja from the ninja school.

However, the trajectory of the three is obvious, and the Yizhipo, who is a member of the Yishabo member, has entered the recruitment of Unexpello, and entered the Ministry of Wooden Police, and became a glorious police department team leader. Less real rights.

Nara Ji appked to become a staff member of the Huang Shadow office, transferred from the battle care to a job, because ... people love.

Her love object is the old-skinned person, the same group of Nara family, Nara Luojing.

When did they come together, even this captain is not very clear, but after in love, Nara, the character of Nara, is a big turnout, so that the people have to sigh, love is really Can change one person from head to tail.

Finally, the three teams who have ever had a happening, only one of them is still active in the mission.

I have to sign this situation.

Soon, the wooden leaves were arranged, and even if they left from the dark, they didn't surpass the team.

For the excellent task of the people, it is not just a daily, and the many wooden high-rise is also seen in the eyes. In this regard, the two consultants have put forward against opinions, and they are still there. Agiacom is put forward in small meetings of the wooden leaf.

They believe that this kind of reliable task ninja should let them play their role in the aspects of their own.

However, the daily opposition is strong, he said that he said that the task ability of the people is very good, but the dark career will make a person will gradually lose his original and care, and the people are as a wooden leaf Ninja, there should be a more rich life.

can be clearly felt, the emotional fluctuation of the people is getting smart, if you don't want him to become a ruthless task machine, this team's team task can make him slowly picked up the emotions that gradually lost, he Always convinced that the best way to keep a person is to use it.

If you get this notice, even he also feels a little surprised.

Go to the team yourself?

If you can, he wants to push this arrangement, this is not much time, allocated to the task, training, experiment, the time is very compact, now let him bring a small fart, Isn't it a waste of precious time?

But there is no way, I have prepared it slightly, and the people came to the Huang Ying office.

Every time you come, you can do dozens of strong and horizontal tempes hidden in the dark.

Push the door without sound.

In the open office, the huge and conspicuous work desk is sitting in a head, can't see some old people who can see a little haired, is the three-generation fire shadow of the sun.

Seeing the people came in, slightly looked down, and the face showed a smile.

In addition to the three generations of fire, the office is still standing on three non-high children, and the three people heard the voice of the door, immediately put the eyes on the people who entered into.

Playing with these three little ghosts, the people have recognized their three in the first time.

When they first registered the Ninja school for the first time, they also paid attention to them.

In particular, the little ghost wearing green tights, identifying watermelon head, he is looking at the first eye of the house, and in the eyes, it will be excited to suppress.

One of them wearing a red dress, the black short hair with shoulders, with the tender face, and the red silk, revealing a shy and curious.

The other one is in the absence of a stream, and the hands are inserted in the trouser bag, and there is a unknown straw in the mouth.

Mahati, Xi Raise and 3,500 million, ! Fei Asma.

Three people glanced at the three people, and they all accused in the eyes.

Go straight to the desk, silently looked at the flying day of sitting on the chair, silently expressing your dissatisfaction.

Know his character, and knowing that he is a fight to himself, but he is obliquely, pretending to see it, pick up a piece from the desk.

"The three people are the members of your team, respectively, Mahati, Xi Raise, and Fu Fei Asma, I believe you know, here is the results of each subject in the ninja school to school, graduation assessment Single and their teacher's evaluation, and some of their additional information should be better to help you understand them. "

If you don't speak, take the information, simply looked at a few eyes, and I feel some brain hous.

After a different expression, the people didn't ask for a good job: "Do you want me to do babysitting?"

This is no longer a silent representing your dissatisfaction, but talking directly without a scruple.

McTai, Xikaihong and the Fei Fei Ausma have a surrounding person, can and the three generations of nihido, the people who speak, there is not much to the entire wooden leaves.


The people are speechless.

Although it is said to be the truth, it is not a bit of reservation, although it is always a lot of things.

But when this thing really fell to yourself, the people started to understand why the original Sinenmills would rather go to the front line.

Too much trouble, it will waste a lot of time, and your own plans will also be affected.

And take a look at the characteristics of these three people, although Mitche is his son forgotten the Dai Dai, but he will only be patient.

The same is the red-eyed red, but there is no blood limit, and it is also good at using illusion. In addition to illusion, in terms of stemming and body, it is said to be praised by her.

Finally, it is also the most special, , I shouted, my dad is a bride.

In his eyes, there is only a lovely happy evening. Is it not to let yourself give Asa?

"You are so eye-catching to arrange a nanny, isn't it afraid of others to gossip?" The people did not avoid themselves.

I didn't respond yet, and Asma next to it couldn't help but I can't help it. The eyes stared at the people, and a pair of playing people.

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