Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 342

The people stand on a tree, the more gains the look between the eyes, and the frokes together have no simplicity.

On his shoulders, a light blue double-tailed cat fits together on his shoulders.

I saw that the look of the second tail was slightly dignified, "the people who came, there were many people, there may be hundreds of people!"

If you hear the small second tail, the expression of the house is more agglomerated.

When he had thought that the other party was once again attacked, he didn't expect this "heavy soldiers" to be so heavy!

Hundred people!

It is really a big hand.

The people feel that there is a helpless. I didn't expect that there were so many enemies that would appear at once. In this case, I want to guard the two people, I don't seem to be as simple as he imagined.

"Tongling's technique!"


The three groups of smoke have emerged, and the three body petite cats appear in front of it.

"You go to help those little guys."

Three cats nodded and disappeared in the woods.

These three cats are blended with the small blue of the second tail Chakra, combining the small silver of Chakra, and blending the five-tailed Chakra's small five!

They are the true power and the heritage of the people in this time. It is also truly wholeheartedly loyal to the existence of the people, and is responsible for helping him oversee the intelligence system of the entire endurance.

And they have passed the cultivation of people, and they are equally excellent enough, so the combat power is absolutely weak.

Have them help should be able to protect their few people.

After you finish this, the people took out the circles of their waist, and they were free to smile in the half air, and the face was slightly excited, in this smile, mixed with a plug Bloodthirsty.


The voice falls, the body is distorted by a residue on the tree.

The night is deep and quiet, and the sound of a buzzard, which makes this in a quiet night, adding a minion.

At the moment of the shackles of the house, a dark cloud floating in the sky, it is just the advantage of covering the moon in the sky, and it is obvious that there is a bit dark forest, which is even more dim.

A touch of silver is flashing between the woods, accompanied by a lifting object to the dull sound of the ground.

This seems to be just a beginning, after which the land-life renewal is dropped on the ground, and the sound of the metal collision will be accompanied by the plane.

Or simply say that it is the sound of metal being cut.

The sharp edges of the circle, showing the fullest, plus the help of the Ray Chevrac, but also unfavorable, no thing can withstand a knife.

The rear, vigilant asma, red and Kayan still maintains a state of tension.

The river Yeo took towed the wind sleeves of the Heanaro, biting the lips and silently fell away in the woods, and slowly showed a little concern in the nervous eyes, and slowly showed some concerns, and time over time The lapse, this is more and more obvious.

As a corpse falls, after the rear, go to the attractor, not, but did not stop, but it is more and more crazy.

The eyes of the people shot a sharp edge.

Nourishment ...

With the sound of thunder, it was just a thunderous shot under the circle of the circle, jumping out of the blade at this moment.

Originally less than four feet long circles, instantly extended to a length of tens of meters, and turned into a bright thunder chronicle.

With a slice of Hyster, this thunder is almost divided into two, with them, and of course there are also those black robes.

Some people have died under such an attack, and of course some people have to bear this attack, but there are some scars in many lessons.

If the people gently, they saw those who were killed by him, and the face under the black hood, all hanged a cold smile.

It seems that they are not dead, but the god hugs of faith.

If only one or two people have nothing, but everyone is this mode of appearance, it feels self-bone marrow.

"Evil god education?"

The house is forcibly presses the feeling of the kind of fur in his heart.

From the mouth of Heanaro, he knew some information about this evil god, plus his former world, and the country of Tang did not seem to have a evil spirits.

Bloody smell slowly dissipated in the woods.

Along with a slight body and skeleton, the blood spurted from the arterial tube, sniffing this increasingly obvious bloody flavor, a hand-held scarlet sickle, bare young man standing in the upper body On the treetops in the distance.

The reddish eyes stared at the relieving people in the forest, and there is one person falling.

The man has some excitement that can't hold, and laughs crazy.

Under the extreme crazy, scattered with a sickle on his arm.

Then, he stretched his tongue gently on the scarlet sickle. "I like this person! I like this person !!! Hahaha

The ability of this person will definitely become the most devout believers of the evil gods. His killing ability is simply prepared for the evil spirits! ! "

In the big laugh, he once again lifted the scarlet sickle in his hand, cut off the two big trees next to it, leaving only the flat gap between the trees.

With his appearance, those who madly went to death, they have chosen to go around, and leave this horrible wooden ninja to the adult.

The adult with evil spirits.

The huge sickle waving is like a weapon of death. It is only a different thing that the dead sickle is a gray of death, and his sickle is a scarlet of blood.

Feel the madness and irrational breath of him.

This kind of breath gives a familiar feeling.

Careful memories from this feeling, there is no time to let him think about this moment, because the opponent has appeared in front of him.

The knife is launched, and the scarlets of the other party are pulled up.

Hey! !

A dotted star is in the circle and the sickle touch.

The power of the two is almost fair, and it is not possible to divide the win.

Strike is slightly surprised, even if he did not open eight armor, his own strength is much, and there is still a number.

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