Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 351

And as this person appears, the sight of the surrounding crowd has also moved to him.

A red hair, a clear teenager, the eyes of the eyes, even indifferent, the cheers of the people around him, even if there is no "nourish", the "nourish", the people who are different, no expression is indifferent The embarrassment looks intimate.

"Red sand !! Red sand !!"

"! It's a big man!"

"The behind the adults is not the same, is it a new variety of ?"

"The crow of the last manufactured, it is indeed very good, it is a bit high, but the scorpion is indeed a talented, the sandy village is fortunate." There is a head in the crowd. The sandy village of the care can't be sighed, and he is also the beneficiary of the created.

Just, for these words, completely does not care, just walk silently.

It is noted that the Luo Sa's brow is aware of the consciousness, followed by quickly comfortably, and quickly smiles and laughs with the red sand of the face.

"Haha, this is not the genius of the genius of the genius of our sandy village for decades, I haven't seen you for a long time, I didn't expect you to be so high." Luo Same is full of smiles.

At this moment, the magnetorus sand and the red sand, let the surrounding sands have sigh.

The brilliant future of sandy village is coming.

The third-generation style called the strongest wind movie in history has not been old, but he tried to pass the magnetic Luo sand, and the genius teacher Red sand, such a combination, let the sand naute to see sand The future of the village.

Your own road was blocked, and the scorpion looked up, looked at Luo Sand with a smile, slightly frowning.

Nice, "Well."

After that, the footsteps were twisted, avoiding Luo Sand, avoiding the crowd to continue to take his way.

The smile on Luo Sa's face is constant, turned to look at the back of the scorpion, and the smell of the eyes of the bottom of the eyes, it will not cover up.

There is only one idea in the red sand of the red sand behind.

"Human is too hypocritical, bringing a laughing mask, thinking that you can disappear, and you are the most sincere!"

PS: Updated 360,000 words last month, although there is no more than 400,000, but it is not bad, ask for a monthly ticket in everyone!

Chapter 183, Red Sand [Search Moon Ticket, Subscribe]

Back to your own room, scorpion is skilled in the binding of his back with black cloth strips.

A pair of red devil's corners and six arms, as well as the huge body set by "prey", like ants, and the arms of the plurality of joints can do any degree and angle torsion.

 

The ants-shaped embarrassment made by Red Sand, it is for "prey" to put the opponent into the body, the teacher uses the tutorial secret technology machine, and then cooperate with his previously developed crow Insert the opponent to pierce your opponent with a slot of the black ants, you can solve your opponent.

A crow is almost amazing the whole sandy village. Now, it is now creating the    

There is no doubt that as long as the Xiamen is rushing, Dad, and the jealousy, the  

When I fall on the ground, I sent a dull sound.

Single from the body and style of , it should be not light, but since theoretically, there will be no such weight, at least will not send such a dull voice.

There is no fluctuations in the expression. When I saw this, my eyes finally showed fluctuations, as if I saw something he cherished.

It can be seen in the naked eye, and the five small Chakra wire extends on the fingers of the scorpion.

With the slight jitter in his hand, the fairy drama is awesome. 

  φ φ         

A person who is shackled, the whole body is bound, the restraint to people who can't speak or even shake.

Looking at the Red Sands in the horror.

He did not think that he would be caught by the scorpion, which will be arrested by this red sand of sandy village.

The scorpion is stretched, and the face is in this person's face, and the eyes are full of hot:

"Human body is still too fragile, let me let you make you the first most precious collection in my eternal art!

Rest assured, you will not feel pain, nor will there be any regret, because all your ability I will keep him! Will you make you a perfect art! "

At this moment, the eyes of the are the same as the eyes of the people who have seen precious experiments.

the next day.

.............,,.,,,,,,, ,, ,,

If you carefully see, you can find that this is a big difference. The most obvious is the appearance of this , there is no kind of wood or metal texture, but it is very big with a human beings. Similarly, with the same skin, the same hair, compared to the delicate five senses.

And as the scorpion is gradually increasing, Chakra fluctuate is emerging, with Chakra fluctuating more and more obvious, a small group fire condenses in his hand.

Seeing this scene, it is difficult to stop in the eyes.

I have been constantly chanting in my mouth: "I succeed! I succeed! This is the true , this is eternal, this! Is art !! Art !!!"

This is the first attempt to make people.

But if you want to say, from the past, it is very very very early, and it may even be traced back to him just learned to make a jelly, and create his parents to hug himself, did not feel the temperature from the puppet.

At that moment, he sent a merit to the idea of ​​making people in his mind.

Always concerted, it is finally successfully produced the first person of life, and the ability to have the ability to be produced before, Chakra is all retained.

"Only such a beggar, only this kind of can really be called , other things can only be considered a disabled product." Mood muttered.

Take out a seal roll and will take this people.

"No! This is still perfect, or has a flaw, great flaw!

The strength of him is too weak, too weak, his body can't match my perfect idea, my perfect art, I need to find a more suitable person, the more powerful people come into my ! "

Then, the scorpion began to shook his head, not satisfied with this embarrassment in front of him.

His eyes suddenly changed, from the original epileptic amount, "woody white teeth! Flag wood!"

Just a pity, a few years ago, from the leaves back to the information, the flag of the flag is late.

He has always expected, always wanted to defeat, and always want to personally revenge and white teeth, actually die in home.

This is simply a big joke.

The one killed his parents, let him become an orphan, and the woody white teeth who have Herhwei name in the endurance, actually died in this self.

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