Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 361

The house is silent.

The anti-thesis of the big snake pills came from the group Tibetan, and this, even if he didn't say, the people can guess.

"It seems to speed up the footsteps." The people will only open after a period of time.

"Yeah, you need to speed up your footsteps."

However, the two did not worry because they were doing the human body experiments here, and the experimoctors came from other countries. They were not the people of the wood, and even the people of the fire, even found, most It is reprimanded or closed, and there is no big wind wave.

Just in this way, the big snake pill may not be in the position of the fire.

But from his situation, it seems that there is a bit of the nigramine, and he is only if his experiment can continue.

"However, I may touch some taboos that should not touch."

The house slowly opened, picked up the plastic gloves on the experimental table, wearing in the hand, looking at the eyes of the instrument on the experimental station, abnormal calm, deepening the deepest place in the eyes, wiped a deep coolness.

When I heard the people, I looked at him slightly.

You know, the experiments that the two now do can be called taboos, but the people say that he may touch the tabogen, that is no doubt, the people said than they do now, more Taboo, once you know, it may become a rebellion.

The big snake pill has a smile, and he really likes to explore the unknown descending, this kind of knowledge, the two is the same.

It is also difficult to bring big snake pills, I will celebrate the disciple of people.

In this world, many times are lonely, pursuing a strong road, all is lonely, rarely have companions, because you are stronger, the more you have experience, the more you have to die.

Among the original, the big snake pills pursuing science is lonely, but at this moment, he has a common goal and ideal "confidant" with him.

"Let's do it, I want to see, you can study what, I hope that I can make me bright."

The big snake pill is raised, and it is full of appreciation to the eyes of the people.

In contrast, the people are also ranging from the corner. He knows what the big snake pill will answer, so he said in advance.

The battlefield of this Sandy Village, sent a big snake pill to the town, as a general command, and the people worked together to cooperate with the Department of Medical Department.

The ninja fighting with sandy village, not only to be careful about their sand and embarrassment, but also be careful of the toxins where everywhere.

The same is good at poisonous big snake pills, as well as a post-high school student, with the top three medical tandes of the wooden leaves, undoubtedly the best choice.

Moreover, the people are equally good at the knife, and it is the gratitude of the teacher.

It is not sure that his strength is so powerful, and it is prone to confirmation this time.

Since the big snake pill is the general command, then what is the people who want to do, as long as he gets his head, it will not be so troublesome.

As for saying, what is taboo, there is only the battlefield to know.

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Chapter 187 War broke out [ask monthly ticket, subscription]

Time urgently, but before night, the leaves integrated a total of three thousand ninja, and went towards the country of rain.

The existence of these small countries can play a role at this moment.

As a small country living in the middle gap between the big country, it can play a good buffer, which can block the war that must happen outside your country.

Maximize the safety of residents within the country.

Wooden leaves are of course not escaping a lot of spies in the woods or in the fire.

The war of sandy villages and wooden leaves is burst.

There is not much signs, just like a balloon that has been inflative, it has reached the edge of the explosion, in order to prevent the balloon from explosion, so I found the only vent, I will vent it all the efforts to vent it.

Change the equipment of the equipment and the big Snake Pills in the front of the team.

In just a few hours, three thousand people's Ninja army are integrated, which can be seen how strong the bottom of the wood leaves.

However, it is a determination that there is a determination that some of the giants of the giants are not letting the wooden leaves, and they will send them the battlefield for the first time.

Among the three thousand people, Yishabo family and the day, almost one-third, that is, nearly 1,000 people.

Don't underestimate this thousand, even if it is 80% or even 90%, it is also a weak force for the leaves.

Yischi said, most of them have not awakened the existence of the Yisha Wai's written eye, but the day to the white eyes of the family, there is no eye-catching limit for the Wishbo written eye.

However, from this time, the people also understand one thing, that is, the so-called day and Yischo, indeed worthy of the wooden giants.

Two families, the power mastered is not just their family members themselves.

For example, nearly one thousand people come from two families, but the family members who really dispatched may only occupy half of them, and the other is the power of the confident.

During the Warring States Period, there were a lot of viassa, such as Yuxi Bo and the day, after building wooden leaves between the killer and Yuxi Bud, and these confident families were of course joining the leaves.

In the wood leaves, these families are known as the day and Yizhi Bo, these people, these families are in the eyes of the sun, that is, the power of the two families is undoubtedly.

Therefore, in this nearly one thousand people, the real day to members are estimated to have two hundred people, and Yu Zhiwei has only more than one hundred people. One of them is not 50 people, most of them are still a single hook. In the eyes, but even if this is the case, the Yisi Wom member of the written eye is also a special position in the Yishabo family.

From this, you can see the strength of the two major giants, but also no wonder the Tibetan will always take the Yishabo family, because he has been continuing from the Warring States era, and the intricate relationship is really airable. Very big words.

In fact, there are not many real people in the two major giants. Even if they are all developed by the family, they don't have a lot of people in the family, plus one of them, and does not learn to help. I hope to be a civilian peace of mind.

This is also the case, and many people will slowly give up become a ninja and become a general member.

The three thousand people of this time, nearly one thousand people's power comes from two major giants, and the rest is that the leaves of the leaves, or some civilians.

Among the three thousand, nearly two thousand five hundred people were endured, and there were more than 400 people, but they couldn't help but hundreds.

And this hundred endole, 80% from several families.

These endurance is the real power of the leaves.

For example, Su Zhibo, the old team of the people, the old team of the old team, who opened the three hooks and jade, and he also had the strength of him. In the team of the Yishabo family, the status is not low.

Of course, the leader is the Ninja, which has a few faces of Yue, Fu Yue.

On the day, I also sent a lot of tolerance. Among them, the most reluctant people attached great importance, is a twin brothers in the day. They are the genius ninja who graduated from the ninja school in the late Ninja school. difference!

The two brothers became a long time ago, and they added that because their father was the ethnicity of the current day, the degree of paying attention was not low.

For the strength of them, the people don't understand, but it is still a point that can be guented to be weak than Yisha.

When it comes to the day, I have to talk about their temper and homework model.

The guests have completely mastered the fate of the family, and every day, when the family of family members, they will be applied as a curse called "Birds", and the curse is in their forehead.

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