Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 363

And they entered the army, not only just a road, but also to build some basic transit stations along the road to facilitate the operation of the subsequent material forces.

War, but it is not only the battle of people.

Also also the majority of various big countries, and the big hidden villages are in the economical contest.

Sometimes a battlefield will not have a victory for a year, then the ultimate fight is the economy and heritage of two hidden villages.

Which party has a stronger heritage, more economic accumulation, the balance of victory will tilt in that direction.

The three thousand ninja army arrived in the country of the country and the border of the country of the fire, it is already three days later.

Yes, in the border of the country, the Ninja, the Ninja, the somewhere in the country of Fengzhi, is far away from the country of rain.

The country of rain is the allies of the fire, Yu Yin Village is also the hidden village of the leafy leaf, but in this situation, the country of rain and Yuyin Village have become the best barrier of the wooden leaves.

Although this practice is a bit not too human for the residents of the rain, they stand in the perspective of the wooden leaves, which will undoubtedly reduce the pressure they need to face.

At this time, it is not the most important thing when it is said that the interests of the villages are the most important.

Even the arrival of a friendly policy, in the meeting, there is no objection to this arrangement.

The country of rain is the battlefield of wood and sandy village, and the defense line of the border between the two countries is really needed to break through.

In this regard, the leader of Yuyin Village is half a pepper, although angry, but has no resistance.

In addition to him, Yu Yin Village is too weak.

This is the sorrow of the small country, but also the current situation that is half-hidden.

But even if it is strong, such as "half god", it still has no ability to change.

Since you can't change, you can only feel silently.

Half-Tibetans can gather the residents of the rain, do not participate in the battle of wood and sandy village.

Nearly half of the land is empty to fight two major hidden villages.

However, even if this is the case, there are still a lot of people in the country, and suddenly fall into the heat of water.

After arriving in the border, the big snake pill immediately arranged the Ninja army to establish camps, and arranged a certain warning force, sent some investigative ninja to the country of rain, and prevent Sandy villages from sudden attack, and let the juncture class around the camp Establish a basic truncation protection, and the trap troops have a trap around the camp.

After the defense and preparation of these foundations, you will start to arrange something else.

As a big snake pill with the command experience of World War II, it is now showing his excellent command power and the overall situation.

The whole three thousand troops, after the order of his one, the entire Ninja army started to run like a machine, every ninja is a gear in this machine or a bearing, and as a total command The big snake pill is the brain and the overall situation.

Have to say, the sky is not a reason for the big snake pill, and the whole camp is initially completed for a long time.

Whether it is the foundation protection, investigation, patrol, intelligence system, command system, logistics system, and even the medical system is all settled.

A tent temporarily built, like a combination of a fortress, ready to prepare a variety of dangers.

And the most important, it is undoubtedly a medical force.

At all tents, the headquarters of the big snake pills, next to the headquarters, is the tent of the medical department member.

As a house of the medical department commander, the two tents are together.

After processing, these most basic, the Dashan Pill held the first war meeting.

After a few days ago, the leaves were held by the leaves of the sun, and after the end, it was officially announced that the wood leaves into the war.

The so-called warfare state is to increase the priority of all war mission to the first place, go to the S-level task, down to the C-level task, all over the ordinary task!

And the incentives and systems are also completely different from us, and the military system is activated. Anyone who completes a certain amount of task will be converted to all the tandem.

All tissue!

It does not rule out the ban on the seal, of course, this requirement is much higher, and the anect is theoretically unable to touch.

There are also the most critical, ninja promotion system, after starting the war policy, and to bear the promotion will no longer need to take the exam.

Moreover, the overseas command will enjoy the right to bear to endure.

In other words, as long as the big snake will be willing, he can enhance any one of the Ninja army to endure.

Of course, it is just the improvement of the title, not the improvement of strength.

As for the rumor, it is still necessary to adopt the consent of the fire and the sky, but this requirement also reduces a lot.

Therefore, start the war policy, for many ninja, although very dangerous, but also full of opportunities.

Big Snake Pills held the first war meeting, which once again emphasized it again, can inspire the passion of every ninja in the army.

Exciustrious momentum.

However, it is done in their meeting.

A ninja responsible for investigating is scarred directly into the account, and the people who are meeting are shocked.

The house is immediately treated, only heard him open: "big ... big snake pills ... adults, sand ... Sandy Village, the army, out ... dispatched!"

I heard the content, the face in the entire tent is one side.

The big snake pill in the master is leaned out of his eyes, and the yellow pupil revealed unidentified cold.

Said: "His people, give the treatment task to the medical class, you have to keep every Chatque, the first collision in the war, often the most fierce, you must face death at any time! "

When I heard the big snake pill, I was using the palm of the fairy, and the green of the hand slowly disappeared, standing up and responded: "I know, the teacher!"

PS: ask for a monthly ticket! subscription! Recommend the ticket! Today I have finished taking it in advance, and I will send it up!

Chapter 188, Woody VS Sand [Subscription, Monthly Ticket]

Make the injured ninja make a medical class.

Follow the tents behind the big snake.

Didn't think of this war, this war suddenly became so suddenly, and after the battlefield, the first collision was so sudden.

Even if you are, your hand is also slightly sweating.

When I came to the fire, I did so many tasks, killing so many people, and thousands of ninja, it was the first time.

Although it is said that in the past, there are many battlefields, but the most popular weapons, now it is full of Chakra with a variety of strange effects.

But the palm is sweating, but it doesn't mean that the people are afraid of the battlefield. On the contrary, this kind of familiar feeling, let him feel a bit excited, the blood is somewhat.

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