Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 375

On the eyeball in the write-wheel eye, almost the same nerve and vascular distribution in the normal eyeball, there is a very small and small meridians in the siphon of many meridians.

This is not there on the eyes of ordinary people, and hidden in many meridians, if observed is not careful enough, it is almost noticed.

However, the people have noted that this nerve is critical, which may involve the importance of writing.

Ordinary people even have no interfaces with this nerve docking interface, indicating that there are unique people in the Yishabo family.

And this neural is not connected, and it does not affect the use of the written eye.

It is clear that it is so special, but it does not affect its normal use. It has to be confused this.

"Let me see that this is different from the brain of this Unecao family, and there is a universal person."

The interest of the people is completely hooked, just like finding new mainland.

Finally, at a few hours, be careful of the wing and operation, a little bit of a little bit of the brain of ordinary people, found more of the neuro should be connected.

It is surprising that there is no concealment in the eyes of the house.

"At the beginning, the thousand hands should also discover this special nerve. Separate a nerve run through the brain, connected to the deepest, after accepting the brain, the energy of the back, can you give the write wheel to promote?"

That is to say, this nerve does not affect the use of writing, affecting the promotion of writing.

If you think about it, you will rub the chin.

"But it is not the people of the Yishabo family, even if it is forcibly simulated this nerve, there is no impact on the free opening and closing of the write-eyed eye.


In the body seems to have some original sleeping things, it is slowly awake.

Thinking of this, the people suddenly thought, reach out left hand, a small tree appeared at the speed of the honey at the speed of the naked eye.

And rapidly increased.

Before before, the people can clearly feel that the intensity of the wood in their own body has been strengthened.

It is like a certain stimulus and promotes each other.

Now, if you have a hard time, his wood should be a big sum of the future, even compared to big and a few, his wood is too much.

"Is there a mutual promotion of writing in the eyes and Wood and Mutual? The mutual promotion of the blood in the blood of the Ashura promoted the extent to which the six immortals were finally reached?

If you transplanted a pair of write-eyed eyes, you can try more to transplant the cells between the killer, and slowly enhance the intensity in the body. "

This is also part of a plan.

"The first experience of writing the eyes today is the case, waiting for the end from the test, it is almost understanding the basic situation of writing wheel eyes and Yisi Wai."

What is the last test?

Yin property Chakra's perfusion!

The face of the house slowly emerged as a thin layer of black fog.

Then, the double hook jade in the write wheel is crazy.

Hemp brow.

It can clearly feel that the Yin Properties Chakra is being absorbed in the eyes of the written eye.

When the eyes closed, enter the two-tailed seal space.

Looking at the arrival of the people, I slowly opened my eyes slowly.

Usually it can also see the outside, and as long as he is willing, now you can always share a small part of the world that appears outside.

Just when it sees the people, especially when you see the written eye in your eyes, the brow is wrinkled.

"Have people, what are you doing, this eye ?!"

For the writer of the Yishabo family, the second end is more familiar, and there are few less of the secrets of writing the eyes, and it is still a little less.

The people have swayed, they have not been to do more explanation, straightforward: "Big beautiful, give me your Yinjia Chakra all!"

The second tail suddenly stood up from the ground, and a yellow and blue eyes stared at the people, Shen Sheng: "Are you sure?"

It's all Yin property Chakra, it is not a small number.

In many tail beasts, although there is no bigger changing like nine tails, it is not a general ninja to match.

And this is still a pure Yin property cham, for ordinary ninja, the sharing is not help, but it is damaged.

The house nodded calmly.

"Yes, all the Yin Character Character, fast!" The voice came, disappeared in the seal space.

Immediately, the rich Yin property Chakra rises from the abdomen, extends through the meridians to all corners of the whole body, and finally in the control of the people, they are all injected into the write-eyed eyes.

It can be seen, write two black hooks in the middle of the eye, rotate crazy.

Two hooks are almost integrated in the rapid rotation, forming a black circle.

Next second, this original still a variety of circles, the black is suddenly increased more than one color.

Stopping the Yin Properties Chakra continued to inject, the black hook in the inside of the write-eyed eye is slowly stopped.

Three hooks!

The original double hook jade, actually promoted directly to San Tsui at this moment!

The first feeling of the people is that Chakra's consumption is significantly improved. At the same time, there is no small improvement.

Extended, gently touched the eyes around the eyes, and the stabbous disappeared.


It turns out that the promotion of the write-eyed eyes is indeed a big relationship with the Yin Properties Chakra.

Originally, by stimulating the brain, producing a large amount of Yinandra from the blood into the write-eyed eye to stimulate it to promote it, the larger the stimulation, the more the yin attendant, the promotion of the written eyes The faster you.

And I will directly inject a lot of books that Chakra should be familiar with Chakra. "

The house is rubbed.

However, people who can do this throughout the endurance will obviously do not much.

You know that this is the second tail of all Yin property Chakra, is only just letting a writing wheel from double hook jade to San Tuyu.

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