Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 383

The golden yellow sand of the sky came out from the greenness of the green, and the flame of the gone was in the direction of the oasis. The blink was overwritten.

Seeing this skilled appearance of sand fire extinguishing, the people and Yue Zhibo Fu Yue stopped at the same time.

The day behind them is in the evening, and looks at the eyes of the people who can't be surprised.

Just now, when I used Chakra, when I released the blue flame, the stock naturally released, so that he felt some shudes, so the consciousness opened the white eyes.

What did he see?

From the abdomen of the house, Chakra full of various negative emotions fluctuations.

This is definitely not belonging to Chakra in his own itself.

The house has lived in the wooden leaves for many years, but it really knows that the person of the artistic identity is not much.

And the daily evening is at this moment, I seem to have discovered this secret.

Note the line of sight of the daily difference, and the people were blinked toward him.

Then, their attention is attracted by the portrait of the person who is slowly coming out from the sand.

Luo sand!

The eyes of Luo Sand, staring at him, staring at a shallow house.

"I am waiting for you for a long time!" Luo Sand sink.

"Oh? I didn't expect that we still have qualifications to let Luo Same have time to wait for us? It is also pleasing to ..." Strike is like a surprise.

When listening to the people, there is no hippie smile at all, and the eyes of him at the moment, only the people can read.

And understand what he meant, this is more greeted.

Anyway, Luo Sand should be unsouncing.

"However, just if you are alone, it seems that it is a bit not enough."

The voice just fell, and there were two people appeared, a good orange hair woman, Sandy Village burns the leaves! Another one is not called famous name, but looks at their position and expression, as if the status and strength of the leaf warehouse is not high.

That is laughing, but the battle is shocked.

"Be careful!"

Yuxi Bofeng also died with the same expression in the day, from the other party's unlike threat.

Take the circle of the waist, the feet gently on the ground, and the shadows slowly disappeared.

The people decided to send a man, quickly moved out of Luo.

Seeing the people launched an attack, Yishiwa Fu Yue and the daily poor are also moving together.

One person a goal.

It is undoubtedly a row of Shangsha.

Hey! !

The circular pulse and Luo Sum have no collision, and it is sprinkled.

"It seems that we don't have to do it, you have already destroyed half of this oasis."

Luo Sand is licking his lips, and the arm is powered, and forcibly holds a knife of the house.

"This is not worried about you! This is to deal with you, this time, even if you lose this oasis, you have to stay here!" Luo Sandeked back.

"Is it?"

The people will take the power of Luo Sand, and the right foot is retired, and the right foot is gently on the ground and rush again.

Hey! !

However, this time Luo Same did not use the golden sand to block, but in his side, set up a sand wall.


What surprised the people is that this time his circle does not even be able to cut on the gold sand, but it is suspended there when it is very close.

One of the strengths and strengths can't cut this knife, even if it is a circle, it is no longer possible to advance.

Luo Sand is not unexpected, and if there is no smile on his face, "I batched so many times. Don't I want to deal with your knife?"


This kind of dissensic but existence is the only reason why the unique explanation is the repulsive force in the magnetic force.


His people, quickly closing the knife, then pull the knife at a faster speed, sword.

Still the feeling of cutting in cotton.

There is a kind of impulse who wants to crazy.

"It is useless, in order to deal with you, I specialize in studying the teacher's hand, this is the magnetic special use means he studied to deal with wood leaves, even if your knife is strong, I can't touch me."

Luo Sand seems to be proud, in order to deal with the people, the snow is shame, he has studied a long time.

It is not a rainy day. There are very few lightnings in the desert. I don't let him can use the natural lightning, then in the sterilization, the control of the gold sand, it should be invincible.

Golden sand is a ball, just a small gap.

The people don't believe in evil, but they still stay in half empty.

"Since you can't attack me, then you will go to me."

During the speech, Luo Same stretched out, Zhang opened five fingers, "magnetic gold sand!"

The surrounding is gold sand, with his five open, Jin sand in his idea, gather in the people.

Also, in the desert outside the oasis, there is always a good stream of golden sand, which is slowly flowing from the boundless desert, giving to this.

This time, Luo Sand is really determined, even if it is destroyed this oasis, even if you destroy the replacement line of Sandy Village, you must do it.

In his opinion, the people have no doubt about the importance of the whole tolerance in the future.

Moreover, he has enough reasons to convince yourself, it is not qualified to become your own partner.

If so he is alive ...

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