Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 388

This is the legendary war weapon, one tail?

The people standing below, staring at the abdomen of the body's initiative, can see it in its forehead, one close to the old man is holding ten there.

Because of the sealing and printing, it is also because of the speciality of the guard, so it will lose the opportunity to sleep. Once the sleep, it may be held to hold the body by guarding the crane, release it.

Therefore, a tail column is to use "the craftsmanship", let himself enter a depth sleep state, will be released, let it play freely.

Seeing the oasis of yourself destroyed, it is originally half left in Luo Sand, but after the abutment crane appears, this size of the sandstorm will last for a while, the oasis is destroyed is a nail. .

However, whether it is a crane or a blessing, or the beginning of Luo sand, they don't care about this oasis, because in their eyes, the people are more important than this oasis.

As long as you want to destroy him, it is enough.

"Find you !!"

Suddenly, the guard is called.

"Wind training empty bomb!"

I saw that the guard crane was originally more and more drums, high tensile, followed by a shot of the stomach, and the winds like the air drafts were sprayed from the mouth.

The blown winds and sands are divided into two halves under the attack of the empty Dan, aiming at the place of the ground.

Staring at the training blanket composed of this group, what is the short knife of the waist, inject the second tail in into the circle, there is only three rounds of circle, in the perfusion of Chakra Extend to several meters long.

A knife is pulled out towards it.

Hey! !

The round dance blade retracts the knife sheath, and the huge practice blastball is smashed into two halves, bombards on the sand on both sides.

boom! boom!

Don't look at this, it is very exaggerated. It seems that the power is terrible, but in fact, Chakra's condensation is not so high, not enough to give him too much threat.

The house standing on the ground looked at the top of the opposite, like a mountain, a huge tail, with a ridicule of the smile.

Let the strongest trick he mastering at this moment.

Extend the right hand, lift the fist, pop up the index finger, slightly bend, reach it again, so repeated several times.

You come over! !

Sure enough, such a movement keeps the crane almost rushed away.

The left hand wrist of the house is gently shaking, a black metal that is like a bitter is being lost on the ground, and it is masked by the sand.

However, the attack of the crane is also soon landing.

A huge ass from the sky, sitting in the place just standing.

"The call is really stashed, and I will blow it with a little bit."

At this moment, the people have appeared on the other side, once again on the ground, a black thing is like a bitter thing.

boom! !

With the palm of the guard, the whole piece is the sand in the desert, as if all the sand is like its arm, how to control how to control it.

The change in the desert occurred.

The previous oasis has long been disappeared, even even the Zhiso Fu Yue and the daily difference have been affected. I don't know where it is embedded.

But now there is no time to pay attention to them.

The threat of a tail guard at this moment is significantly larger.

His people have to admit that he has a little underestimated the strength of the crane, or underestimates its strength in the desert environment.

That refers to the appearance of the arm to control the sand, so that the people have almost no one foot.

Almost no need to use any stem, don't have to consume Chakra, manipulate these sand is his instinct, and it is also made up for this shortcoming of Chakra.

"Trouble .."

Originally, Oasis has been destroyed, and the replenishment line of Sandy Village has been cut off, and their tasks have been completed.

Just don't know where Yuxi Wai, Fu Yue and the daily difference.

And on the tail guard, there is also something he needs.

There were not many opportunities to meet the end of the beast. Now it is difficult to meet now. Of course, it is necessary to complete the goal, otherwise I will not know when I will encounter.

The depth, suddenly appearing behind the guard.

The circle in the hand becomes a 40-meter long knife, from top, obliquely on the shoulders of the guard.

Fortunately, the circle is enough, plus the second tail of Chakra pivot, enough to open the huge tail guard.

! !

A huge arm, has been dropped on the sand.

"Ah !!! Stink !!!"

Catch the crane that is painful.

The backhand is a palm of the semi-air, and he takes him on the ground directly like a mosquito.

The resort that dropped on the ground quickly got up, and his eyes saw in the direction of the defending crane arm.

But only see that the arm is sand, at the same time, the sand is driving, and the arm of the man who is cut off is recovered at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Some headache patted the head, "It's more difficult, this thing is hiding in the sand, and the sand is integrated, just cutting the arm of his surface without any use."

It's just that there is a small thinking time, restore the body, keep the crane, fight against the floor, open your mouth, a black ball is condensed in his mouth, while from the air, in nature, a lot of blue Color natural energy is integrated into the pellet.

"Rely, you don't move with the tail beast, do you have so many Chakra?"

Said, the people put the thumb of the two hands in the mouth and gently bite.

The hands are calm and print, and they will be placed on the ground.

"Triple Luo Shengmen!"

boom! boom! boom!

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