Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 392

The country of rain.

According to the message delivered back to the people, the big snake pill is hesitant, immediately rectifying the army to enter the country, and put this time in the all kinds of Shain Village in the country of rain.

The thousand generations received the message, nor will it be weak, and in the border of the country, we will welcome the Wood-Leaf Ninja, which is led by the big snake pill.

After the first collision with the defeat of Saha Yin Village as the end, the Qian Dynasty did not dare to easily collide with the leaves.

At the moment, the leaves are facing the village of sandy village, rock village and Yun Yin village. In terms of the number of people, the wooden leaves are in an absolute disadvantage, so the most stable way to win the way to slowly take the ninja of the wooden leaves. It is not suitable to consume exhaustion, and it is certainly not suitable.

Although this is once forever, but for the resource, it is too big to share the cost of the victory.

In this way, it is better to give this arduous task to Yayin Village and Yun Yin Village.

Anyway, Sandy Village has only resolved the contradiction between its own internal, and now internal contradictions have been differentiated, and the spearhead of sand is unanimously, there is no need to directly launch a decisive battle with wood.

Therefore, the Qian Dynasty was only led to the sand hidden village army and the wooden ninja army confrontation, and did not rush it. At the same time, a part of the troops were also sent back.

At this time, Luo sand has not passed the information, and the militaries and the sea are not very relieved.

Sandy Village is reluctant to fight, the wooden ninja that the big snake pills will certainly do not want to fight.

The purpose of the big snake pill is just a sandy village, which does not let them be unscrupulous to deal with the three people in their rear.

The weather of the rain is always covered with a rainy rain. After a loss, the sand, it will not easily enter the country, unless they have, once again occupy a certain degree of upper wind.

Of course, since the wooden leaves will send people to the replenishment lines and replenishment forces, sandy village is also the same.

The big snake pill also dispatched the protection team to perform the task.

Now that both sides are waiting in the front, it is actually to see who's special action squad can take the lead in completing the task and pass back.


"She is troubled, please."

Yizhibo Fu Yue single-handed right eye, feel the same as the gauze, and apologize and thank you.

At that time, he appeared in a tail guard, he was shrouded by the sand, followed by a huge roar, driving the madness of the sand layer, and he was tied together with the sand, and finally lost a consciousness and fell into a coma, I don't know What I have encountered.

I heard the story of the people, I realized that the horror giant beasts that were only in the desert were originally the war weapon of Sandy Village.

He feels that his right eye is hidden, but there is no other feeling, it may be just because of injury, there will be such a different.

That kind of discomfort has gradually disappeared under his subjective control.

As a number of medical nashes in the number of wooden leaves, since there is his treatment, he said that there is not much problem, it should be there too many problems.

"The predecessors of the people, I am so embarrassed, I haven't helped it, but I have become a cumbersome ..."

The clothes at the moment of the day are also slightly wolf, and I am embarrassed to scratch.

The two are all in a coma, and finally, after the help of the people, they will succeed from danger.

The team is a team to perform the task, but they didn't help too much, or I am sorry.

Slee people looked up again, "Look at what you said, if you are not you, this task will not be so smooth, I am afraid I am still running with the Ninja of Sandy Village.

And their goals are me, but I am harm you in danger, it should be I feel sorry. "

Which is called emotional?

This is called emotional business.

The words of the people clearly make the feelings of Unecheburo Fu Yue and the days to the day. There are a lot of feelings.

"Saha Yin Village is destroyed in his own hands. They want to use one tail to deal with us, but they did not expect that the end of the desert is directly trapped, the oasis that occupies an important role in their replenishment line. The batch of materials was also buried under the desert, and our mission was completed. "

Although this task has been completed, there is a certain twist and funny, but as a ninja, as long as the mission is completed, no matter what method is used, or there is a coincidence, it is completed.

"Let's have one level, that is, breaking through the defense line of Sandy Village, returning to the country of rain." The words of the people seem to be serious.

Know what he wants to express what is the meaning of Yu Zhiwu, Fu Yue and the day, and the color of the day.

When they get near the country, they have no feelings, but they are not so simple at this moment.

"Sandy Village of Man is definitely serious after the first decisive battle with us, so I suggest that we can walk in the south, don't take the direction of the country, where Saha Yin Village must have a heavy guard, I suggest we can walk in the south of Sichuan.

Although the distance is far more than double, it is safe.

Moreover, the teacher of the Big Snake Pill is certainly definitely with the ninja army with the wooden leaves. We go to the border, not necessarily, why don't you really complete the reason, our people are still too little.

Once being stopped, Sand Yin Village recalled the batch of people who were looking for us, it is estimated that we are more likely to be the party that is hitting the front and forth. "

The people took out the map and simply analyzed the Yue Zhiwu Fu Yue and the daily difference.

The battlefield of the wooden leaf and sandy village is mainly in the country of rain, but in fact, the country with the country and the country of the fire is not only a country, and there is a country in the south of the rain.

Compared with the country of rain, the country of Sichuan is even greater, and it is not easy to find after entering the country of Sichuan.

Although the strength of Sichuan's country may be relatively weak, the State of the rain also borders the fire country, the country of the country and the country of the country, the geographical position is too important, as long as the country is occupied, in the country, facing the other two countries It can be entered to attack, but it is the generous place.

Therefore, in the second endurance battle, the rain of the Leaf End of the Leaf End of the Leaf, and the Snoringer and Mocktarrhea took the rain in the country, Sandy Village and Yan Yin Village have to agree to sign a stop agreement. It was because the wood leaves of the rain were occupied at the time, and they wanted to be unordered.

I don't want to be passively beaten, plus the threat of half-hidden half-hidden, rock village and sandy village have to stop.

This time, the third endurance battle that was provoked by Sandy Village, although the initial purpose is only as an internal contradiction, but it is still decisively regarding the country as a goal.

Of course, leafs will not allow such an important place to fall into the control of Sandy Village.

Especially at this time, the leader of the rain in the country of rain is half-hidden, and the position is unclear.

Half-Tibet This is the power of Yin Yin Village, opening the country to sandy villages and wooden leaves, he is waiting for the situation more clear, or who can give more benefits.

At this moment, the attention of this moment is hit in the country of rain, the people plan to take the country, and the preparation force will definitely be weak, slightly around a far away, returning to the country is the safest.

"This is indeed a good choice, but the country of Sichuan is a poor mountain, and it is definitely more than the time to spend more than our plan." Yu Zhibo Fu Yue Shen said.

There are a large number of mountains in the country of Sichuan, especially in the country of Fengzhi and the border of Sichuan, and the border of Sichuan and fire.

This is why Sichuan's country has such a big territory.

"It doesn't matter, how hard is it to go, it is much more secure than directly from the national state of the wind."

The two did not speak again, since the people were the captain, he made a proposal, and the two did not oppose opinions, then they can do it.


I am two days later.

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