Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 394

For this, if you have just came to the Ninja World, I am afraid that my heart will be difficult to accept, but I have been here to come to the Ninja World for many years. He has learned.

The life is worthy of money, and it is showing the best in the Ninja World.

Although there is no strength, there is a very embarrassment, but the country at this moment is even more.

Silently passed through the dummy forest, come to the country of rain, relatively safe Yuyin Village.

Whether it is sandy village or wooden leaves, there is no trouble to rain in Yuyin Village, and I don't want to give it to the other party.

Therefore, the residents and ninjas of Yuyin Village, although it is still afraid of war because of war, life is still good.

The house waited for a time in Yuyin Village, looking for a nice opportunity, using "Designing Yan's Surgery" successfully sneak into Yuyin Village.

Once again, I came to Yuyin Village, and his mentality and last time were completely different.

When I last time, I have a half-hidden in Yunyin Village, and the heart is a certain awe.

But this time, it seems to be more calm.

Looking at the building building of the building, the developed sewer system allowed Yu Yin Village to be flooded by a large amount of rain, there were many people on the street, wearing a thick raincoat, rapidly Walking on the street, there is no communication between the footsteps, there is no communication between each other.

Gently pulled the raincoat on his head, such dressing, it is undoubtedly a hidden ability to cover your own shape.

It is also more convenient to do things.

Find a pub relative to a lively pub, and pushed the push to go in.

PS: Subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket!

Chapter 198 Xiaoxiao [Search]

No matter where it is, the pub is the best place to collect information.

If you enter the pub, you will silently sit in the most corner of single table.

Have to say, a person from the outside of Sandy Village but who didn't know who's appearance, there are many people in the pub.

And it doesn't seem to have yourself in the outside, and it is also a voices, and the cup is raised.

The whole rain is rainy, no matter what season, this is the same, so the whole country is very wet, when the weather is cold, this kind of moisture has become an unbearable cold, and drinking is undoubtedly increased. It is a good way to remove the cold in the body.

So the people in the rain, there are fewer few less like to drink a little wine, which will lead to the management of Yuyin Village, full of people.

Fortunately, there are many raincoats like the people, sitting in their own position, drinking a glass of wine, so his appearance does not cause other people's attention.

"I heard that the ninja and the ninja of the wooden leaves and the Ninja in Sahaya have collided in the past few days. I don't know how many people are dead." The sound of the loud rude sound stood out in the noisy voice in the pub.

There is more wine, and if you start, the courage will become bigger. There are many words, so it is naturally in the mouth.

This person may also be a generous guest in the pub. He opened a mouth, naturally someone in the bar.

"How many people do you die? Anyway, the more you die, the better!"

"You two, don't discuss this sensitive topic, don't you worry about where you come out to give you ..." This time is the boss of the pub, he is not willing to bear such responsibility.

Others are outside, how to discuss this topic at home is nothing to do with him, but can't do it in his pub.

The one who started to open, full of face, as well as a careful wing of the boss of the pub.

However, he is dissatisfied, but it also realizes how sensitive to the topic he says, he is just a stubborn, and the heart is not a little more than this line.

"I heard that there is a new organization outside now? What is the peace of the shit everywhere."

In the pub, don't be a few cups, the least, the topic, all kinds of topics, will become their interest in drinking.

Sure enough, after men transferred the topic, there were a few laughs in the pub, and he also revealed his tough.

Then, they discussed this new topic.

"You said this new organization, I seem to have heard, a organization just active in the other side of Yuyin Village, I heard that the leader is three young ninja, the strength is weak, because they promote Peace is indeed attracted some people. "

"That organization has a special tolerance for civilians, it seems that people who eat unquestiones will pay for food, which has attracted the attention of the half-Tibet leader."

In the noisy pub, you want to find your own information that you need is not an easy task.

However, the people are interested in this topic of their discussion.

Gently fill the wine in the cup, asked, "What is this organization?"

Others don't have to open, as long as someone picks up, they said.

"It seems to be called ... Morning? Xia? Anyway is the meaning of the morning."

I heard this, the hand was slightly, then put down the wine cup in your hand, gently pulled the raincoat on his head, turned to leave the pub, disappeared in the rainy night.

The original plan was temporarily being placed on the side, and for the birth of the organization, it is estimated that in the world, there is no more in the ninja world.

Temporary the plan to put down the plans, well-being, but it is necessary to see it, especially the three groups that are still still in the past.

Of course, the most important thing is the long door that has a round look and is once also seen as a prophecy.

The curiosity in the heart is like a caterpillar.

In fact, at this very early, the people let the corners pay special attention to the big and small organizations of the rain, especially at this time, should be in the beginning of the birth.

It is only the information given at the time that this is not born, or it is born, but it is not conspicuous, and there is no attention to the intelligence person.

There is another point to explain that the residential intelligence system is relatively weak in the rainy country at this moment, after all in the rain in the war, even if you can't live, who will go to the cat?

Only just relying on stray cats, the intelligence is also limited.

Fortunately, this time I am unintentional, I know some information about Xiao.

Leaving Yuyin Village.

I found a remote cave outside the village.

When you come out again, it is still the figure of a raincoat. If you observe carefully, you can find that this coming out is a little bit shorter than the figure you just entered.

Just, there is no one near this, and some people will not pay attention to the change of the people.

Or say this, it is actually a true relief, but just a embarrassment.

The people of the three generations of winds are , after injection into their shadow, they can freely control at a certain extent.

A few days ago, I used this kind of man who was completed in the battle with a tailed crane, but I couldn't use the magnetiary when I used it. Many magnetics were just a feeling, so only After the tonna, it has to retreat after suppressing the guard.

Take out the three-generation wind movie, the people are more familiar with him, and it is not so stiff to use, you can use this new identity to touch the current tissue.

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