Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat No. 404

"She is back, you are back."

Lingxiang saw the appearance of the people, like the eyebrows.

Although she has notified her before returning, but when I really saw it, I can't help but feel happy.

The reluctance smiled and rubbed his hand and gently licking it on the head of the incense.

"Recent business is not very good?"

Feel the temperature in your hand, the smile on the face is getting more gains.

Hearing his question, gently spitting your tongue, "Yeah, since the start of the war, the business is a lot,"

"It doesn't matter, this is inevitable, and the wooden business is not only us, after all, the big environment is not good."

During the speech, take off your own slightly shabby coat.

The proficiency of Liangxiang took the coat of the house and gently stacked it.

The well-behaved appearance makes the people can't help but knead her head.

"Or red hair is more suitable for you."

Wen said, the expression of the incense and the movement in the hand moved slightly.

Red hair, represents a vortex family, showing red hair is undoubtedly the identity of her vortex family, I can't help but think of it, I don't want to think back bad memories, for the fragrance , The identity of the whirlpool, not, but not glory and help, it is a nightmare.

Feel the state of the flavor, the people are holding, and then the reaction will react, and the words you don't intend to make her a less beautiful past.

Slightly apologize, "Sorry ..."

Lingxiang slowly, biting his lips, "If you need it, I can always."

How can you listen to this whisper?

If you are stunned, you will take out the idea in your mind.

I looked at the inquiry appearance of Liangxiang, smiled and shook his head, gently knocked on her head.

"Good! I am hungry now, is it ready to eat?"

I thought it was the moment of regression, but I didn't expect to be such a request.

I nodded hard, "Well" a high-speed: "I am ready, I will give you it right away!"

"Close, anyway, there is no business recently.

After a while, I can open the door in the morning. If you want to do something, you can do it yourself, don't be bound. "

Sit down in front of the table, look at the busy flavor to take a plate of dish.

From these dishes, the flue gas can be seen, these dishes are careful after she is finished, it is to wait for the return of the people.

Looking at these colorful vegetables, the reorders suddenly the index finger, and the rice bowl was eaten.

Half, I saw the Sweet San San, supported his head, and his face with a slightly stupid smile.

Let people put down the chopsticks, "Have you eaten?"

"Well?" Lingxiang looked at the people who suddenly returned to God, some of them.

"Um, let's eat together, alone is more than eating." The people swayed.


The flavor spitted his tongue, and took a tableware and sat in a small mouth of the small mouth.

With the amount of the people, it is not about the spirit of fragrance, but the fragrance clearly knows how horror is his meal, so there is a lot of deliberately.

Just I didn't think that it was doing more, or I was still eating a lot of people.

"It's enjoyable! It's really addictive! I haven't been so addicted for a long time." Taking your own belly is satisfied.

At the front line, although not enough, it is really unsatisfactory, and the chew wax can be perfectly described.

I have no problem for a day two days, but I have to eat for ten or a half months, and some people who are eaten are still uncomfortable.

Looking at the appearance of the people, the fragrance feels that everything you do is worth it.

Pick up a tableware and poured a cup of tea, then drilled into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

The reluctance to lying on the chair, thinking about it, if it is in the peaceful age, it is really very happy in this day.

But unfortunately, born in this cruel ninja world, it is still in the war age, even more.

If there is not enough strength, you can't protect yourself. Once you have more strength, you will face more danger, this is a very contradictory situation.

Because you don't have strength, you may not be able to do it, your life is not your own.

It is better to work hard to improve strength, although dangerous is large, but at least there is a chance to save.

I have come to the table slowly to sit down.

The people who made the body and asked straight after sitting: "Liangxiang, how is the mastery of Chakra and Tsuen?"

The expression of Liangxiang is slightly slightly serious.

In this world, there is no power to be very difficult, and the help of the people need help, not a cumbersome.

If the fragrance will choose to become an ordinary person from the beginning, then the people will bring her back to the wooden leaves, so that they live outside, really need to find the door, there is no need to waste so much Time and energy.

But since she brought her back, then prove that she must have certain self-insurance, the key moments can help, can not be cumbersome.

"You give me the surgery, basically have learned and master it." Lingxiang responded.


The eyebrows are picking, some accidents, to know those who take it out, although it is not too difficult, but it is absolutely not simple, I didn't expect that the incense is quite a talent.

"Try it."

Said, palm, a small group black smoke, Chakra, from him.

With the emergence of the black gas, it seems that the temperature in the whole air has dropped a lot, and it is just approaching, there is a sense of exclusion.

Yin property Chekla, but also a very rich Yin property Chekra.

What is the meaning of Lingxiang understands?

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