Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 41

Tight ...

A smoke is scattered, nothing happens ...

In addition to slightly messy people in smoke.

Sure enough, the handsome people will always suffer the jealous jealous ...

The first time use transformed, no fruit.

However, when she used her transfiguration, he really felt the flow of Chakra in the body.

Treatment, in fact, through various printings, it is released into "surgery" in the body!

The first endurance release failed, and it was normally in the people. After all, it was the first time, and even did not know whether the syndrome was standard.

I haven't worried again.

A number of attempts, just a waste of Chakra, wasted time and energy.

It is said that failure is to success my father.

But that is also the premise that the establishment of re-acting reflection of failure.

Otherwise, I only know that it is blindly trying, and the final result is just a failure.

"Three margins said, when trying to practice the homes, it is best to find a person who is much height and height, shorten the gap between each other, will let the transformed into a lot of simple .

Moreover, the more understanding what turned into things, the more thorough understanding, and the transformation can become more like. "

The people silently recalled the main points of the homes in their hearts, as well as when he released the trend, Chakra flow and operation in the body.

Ten minutes, he did not act in place.

Summarizing the places you just don't have enough.

"Come again, transformed!"

It is another smoke that is floating, or there is no change, but the people will exclude one of their hearts.

This time did not stop because of failure.

It has no unexpectedly failing for several consecutive times.

The people are not discouraged.

As for the consumption of Chakra, the transfigue itself can't consume too much Chakra, and I don't know why, compared to the total amount of Chakra in the body, this change is not very big.

I remember that the books just refined to check the Chakra, or even it is not enough to show it.

"Focus on the spirit, put the inventory as possible, Chura's fine flow should not let go, do it accurate!"

Try again!


Everything seems to be exactly the same as the three margins, the movement of the people is very standard!

! !

The smoke rose from the people, it seems that it seems to be more rich than just.

After smoke, his appearance has changed completely!

A dark ninja appeared in the woods with a white mask and a gray-white ninja vest appeared in the woods.

It is the cloud that traces people!

I originally surrounded that the secrets of the mood of the people have a good body, and some people have a weapon in their hands, and some people put out the posture of the printed.

Although the secret of the secret of the secret, although there is no action, but the eyes are tightly staring at the people, while expressing it a little or not in his hand.

It's not because they were scared by the transformation of the people, purely they responded as the darkness.

The darkness of the cloud, they still know more.

Between the big rivals, there is a battlefield, in the dark, there is also a struggle belonging to their dark, so after seeing the look of the cloud, it will be tightly understood.

But soon, they also reacted, how can the clouds that might really appear in the wooden leaves.

This time, the wooden leaves, but the gods gather!

The people went to the lake and looked at the appearance change in the lake and shook his head slowly.

White fog appeared again, change back to the original look.

Nice to satisfy, "Well, or look handsome, more pleasing.

However, this transformed is not very difficult, why is the Ninja School take this as an examination topic? "

Oh, really because of the talents, this simple tissue, it is really too Yale for me!

The test of the homage is successful, so that the unknown energy in your own body is Chakra!

"So, I'm very difficult to refine Chakra, I am fascinated in a night, it is probably because of the big beauty." The people think about it silently.

Unconsciously faced a slightly warm smile.

When I have just used changes, I didn't feel that I had another Chakra interference in my body, which is one of the reasons why he can successfully release the homes.

"Don't say it, the body is very honest ..."

The people are far away from themselves.

He remembers very clearly, the future of the prince, although the massive Chakra with the presence of the nine tail, but also because the existence of the nine tail has led him to Chakra's control.

Three hysstorms in the eyes of the people, but almost let him know more.

Later, with the help of our own, the nine-tailed seal was strengthened, and the Naruto could reluctantly control itself Chakra operation.

Now that the seal on your body is definitely weaker than the seal on the Naruto.

And the second tail of Chakra did not interfere with him, inevitably the second tail active convergence.

It's really a little proud!

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