Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 416

A wound that can be seen from the ribs under the chest.

And this wound has been burnt and prevents the body's recovery.

Through the previous information report, the people have seen, because they don't dare to operate too much, the wound is too deep, so they just do emergency cell stimuli.

"This wound is not caused by hell puncture four-handed hand?"

It also flashed in the eyes.

"Well? Your kid knows this? The eye is good, no, this is the attack of the strongest spear hell puncture four-way attack."

"This can still live, have to say, old color ghost, you let me see it."

Listening to the sigh of the people, I have been very happy. After all, I want to have a honest guy to admit that others is very hard to see.

But why do you feel so awkward? Don't you want to be happy?

This little devil seems to be his own elder, and is it worth a happy watchmaking?


I just wanted to return, but I couldn't help but sultry, and a dramatic pain slammed into his mind from the chest.

I only saw the people who squeezed their faces, carefully wounded the wounds, and those who restricted his self-recovery were directly removed.

In this way, the hole at the chest is getting bigger and bigger, and the internal is also increasingly obvious.

The wound looks more and more.

Let those onlookers all consciously hidden, as if the pain is in their own chest.

Tough, also biting the teeth at this time, and the forehead secretion has secreted fine sweat.

The only thing in the audience remains calm, and it is estimated that there is only one person.

After cutting out the wound at the chest, the left hand of the house flashed with fine arc and gently locked it on the chest.

The current stimulates the cells around his wounds, as well as thunderstorm currents that are blended in the body, assimilate these currents, slowly come from the body.

Most importantly, stimulating the heart will continue to operate.

Even if it is strong, it is, it has not been speaking.

Then, the people began to deal with the wounds caused by those who were.

The processing method is exactly the same, and it is all removed!

Soon, there is no more complete skin on the body, and it is like a blood.

Only his chest is still slightly ups and downs, and the sound of his slight breathing proves that he is still a living person.

Everyone looked at him with worried eyes.

From time to time, we will look at several medical ninja next to the eyes, and they make their pressure.

Although they are very trustworthy for the medical tissue of the people, but they also have this kind of treatment, they are also the first time.

Self-satisfaction, the action technique like this, they don't understand.

But for the people who admire it, it is really admired, let them come, make it like this, but also keep him, do not let him die, this is unhappy, they can't do it.


A long-time constellation, slowly spit out a breath, such an operation is still too expensive.

However, the preparations have been completed, then, it is necessary to see the real operation.

The people have been released to the left hand at the heart.

Both hands quickly print.

This knot is much longer than others imagined.

As we all know, if the proficiency of a master is high enough, it is possible to save a lot of overwhelming seldles. For example, the water dragon bomb requires 44 prints, but the second-generation rigs and thousands of hands are simplified. It only needs three.

This is the same.

Finally, the last is in the final.

"Secrets creates regeneration!"

The hands wrapped with rich green Chakra fluctuations, and put it on the chest.

Next, it is the moment of witness the miracle.

The chest is a hole in Huo Da, recovering the speed of the naked eye, but the same, the whole body, the place just cut by the people, all start healed.

"This this..."

Several medical ninja eyes wide.

Not just them, the rest is the same as this expression.

I don't have a dying, I can't do it, and I am actually recovered quickly after this.

Where the healing is almost exactly except for the skin slightly different.

Such medical niphon.

Just ... create regeneration!

The cruel plan of the second hundred seventh chapter water gates [ask monthly ticket]

Three hours later.

Completely restored to healthy, sitting on the home of the camp, and exhausted people fell in the seat, a pair, no matter what something is nothing, don't find me, otherwise I haven't finished with you. expression.

It is indeed no human care, but in the eyes of his eyes, there is no kind of burning heat.

So many people are looking at this kind of eye, telling the truth, the people feel that some are not natural.

There is a kind of creepy feel.

It seems that I have become a giant panda?

However, others will see him is also normal, and then the hurt, plus his "Xia Hotel" cut, and finally the scar is still in the blink of an eye.

It's more active, and they are more keen on the people.

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