Konoha Cat Keeper

Wooden Totter Cat Chapter 421

The country of the earth is a little better, but there are many ninja people in the country, and the three-generations of the three generations of Duyu, which are cautious, and the country of the country is numerous, and it is not as simple as it is relatively.

Instead, it is the country of Ray, and the wild cat is not a rare creature, and the people have entered the country and Yun Yin village with Grand Snake Pills. There is a sense of innate advantages.

Therefore, for the country of Lei, the people don't say, but the atmosphere is not weak.

The two are looking for a local rest during the day, discussing things about space and flying thunder, and quietly rushing in the evening, and let the water gate in some key places to leave flying thunder's surgery, for their future escape Leave the back.

For a long time, it may be a long-term pull knife, which requires strong, playing a shot of a place.

At this time, the people who were surrounded by some of the tactics and theoretical knowledge in my mind, they can play an extremely important role.

Finally, after they carefully cautiously avoid some Yun Yin Village in the country of Lei, come to the abdomen of the country of Lei, this process has a smooth existence of the water.

The intelligence capacity of the house has played a lot.

"Well, I can't say that it is fast, but it is absolutely not slow, and the next time I get the dynamicity, the more the movement of the plan is, the higher the success of the plan." Tao.

The two are in a dense forest, and when they are in front of them, they are approximately a few kilometers away. The naked places are a relatively large town, and this town has some cloud guards.

After discussing, they are thinking, it is here.


The two blue eyes of the water doctors look at the people, and the eyes have a little expectation, which seems to be awaiting a big event waiting for the people.

His: "..."

It's hard, this boy's friend is too difficult to bring.

"What do you want me?"

There is no way, this kind of crime of the slaughter of civilians is really too big, even if he is not afraid of public opinion, it is easy to bear this kind of charge.

Although the world's public opinion, it is simply a little witch, but once this thing spreads, the people will officially and the wooden leaf of this propaganda Light Wei'an village, and the position of the fire is not dead.

It is not to say what he cares about, he is the same mentality as the big snake pill.

If it can become a nig, it is natural to be the best, and there are countless benefits to the various plans in him.

If you can't become a nig, you can't be a traffic, you can't let yourself lose your heart throughout the wooden leaves.

Originally, if this responsibility has a person to share, such as the water gate, it will be attacked.

One person can't afford it, two people can be understood by people.

Unfortunately, the water is not a person who is in this person.

He is sluggling: "Do you want ... we sneak into it, kill all the clouds?"

The people are really helpless.

However, this is also the character of his own body.

"This way, we kill, and destroy the town. As for how many civilians can live, they will see them in their own.

To know your task, the most critical is to make the moving and quiet size. If it makes it too small, let the cloud in all have no, that danger is your teacher, the ninja of the leaves, and The residents of the fire country. "Stri people's depths.

Wen said, after the water gorge is slightly sinking, nodded again.


Get his consent, the people are no longer hesitating, and the hands are in one second.

"Treatment of Tongling!"

A huge spiritual array appears at the foot of the house and the foot of the water, and a large number of Chakra filled into the spiritual array.

A few smoke explosions sounded.

A huge shadow appears in front of the people and the water.

The huge body is like a hill, the moonlight is irradiated on them, just like a prehistoric beast.

"You are a boy! You still owe me two hundred sacrifices last time. If this time I don't even have this Lime, I will swallow you! Even if the big snake will come, I can't stop! I Ten Snake said! "The opening is a huge snake wrapped by purple scales and black ring scales, which is the 10,000 snakes in the dragon.

"His people, what can I do?" This voice is relatively soft, it is the old friend of the house.

"Who summoned me?" This is a strange and slightly hoarse voice, and how it is also covered with the violent emotions that are flooded, as if he can say such a sentence, it is already His maximum restraint.

I didn't feel this voice, the people and the water gates have nothing to do, but the arrogant mens and mild green snakes are simultaneous expression.

This sound they are familiar with them.

Because the owner of this sound is the existence that they are unwilling to see.

Even the arrogant is the same.

In the eyes of the shades, it is a huge snake wrapped in the red scales. One eye has a huge knife, which has been blind.

The name of this snake is called.


The 209th chapter is a flat place [ask monthly ticket]

The most violent in the Dragon Cave, the nest of the nest, the deep-eyed, a deep-eyed, red-eyed.

This is the first time that the people have flashed in the brain after seeing its appearance.

The arrogant Wan snake closed his mouth, the gentle green blue snake was even slightly moved away from the Xinxin.

Because the Xin is loses an eye before the battle, it turns into a destruction, a headache guy, is a very violent big snake.

Even the White Snake Cactors took it without any way, the snake in the dragon cave did not hate it, or it is fear it, no one is willing to close.

This psychic surgery this time is only to summon some of the strength and large dragon, a big dragon.

In the Dragon Cave, the snakes with different functions, like a role and blue snake is a full-time battle of giant snakes. In the battle type snake, there are some small snakes, such as some toxicity. Stronger.

In order to cause a large enough destructive power, the people will pass the three giant snakes, afraid of not enough, randomly in the giant snake in the Longfen Cave, I chose that is the strongest, the most violent is also the same. A giant snake.

I didn't expect to go out that this horrible red huge scales were psychically.

From the performance of the mesaw, you can see how the strength of the Xinxin.

Although the 10,000 snakes are not afraid of Xin Tao, but they are not willing to provoke the Tain.

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