Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 427

Plus the unicorn arm, similar to the use of "Thunder Heavy Storm", further allowing the speed of the sword faster and more power.

The circle of the circle is twisted to avoid a first knife, and the collision is generated with the second, and the position where the collision is located is in a small opening on the small way to look at it.

Any knife, even how hard it is, as long as there is a little defect in the knife of this knife, then this handle is no longer a complete, it can be broken.

A good at the knife, his knife, even if it can't be transferred to Chakra, the sharpness and hardness are absolutely top.

Unfortunately, it is more fast than it, more sharp, and harder, and chooses to dance in the pointer.

At a moment, the battle between ninja is such a rapid change, especially between Ninja, using the knife.

And the use of a long knife, that is, the Ninja of the Great Taodies has not reacted.

What kind of strength has your own companions, he knows that two people will also be more than the knife, which is between Jiefang.

How can I be killing this moment?

This is definitely very big for the impact of him.

Moreover, woody cat, good at thunder, isn't it good at I?

How do you have such a knife?

I remember that Ai said, carefully the other party's tolerance, as for the knife, it is not particularly strong.

The people will not give him more thinking and reaction time, now I feel very good, very good, as if everything is in the same feeling, let him feel faster and faster, the adrenaline secretion.

The left foot point, a one hundred and eighty-degree rotation, rushing toward the remaining person.

That cloud is lighter, and suddenly, it is a bit of the strength and ability of the people, and puts out the defensive posture.

Long too knife, there is a certain advantage in defensive, and the other party wants to close, it is very likely to take his attack first.

The whole person will disappear again. The cloud is forced to be very helpless, and the sight is tightly followed, especially his action trajectory.

Hey! !

Mars four shots, illuminate the surrounding trees.

The corner of the house is cold, and the other side defensive appearance he also looks in the eyes, and the heart is contest.

When a ninja with a knife lost his progress, he knew the defense without thinking against the counterattack, then he was not far from death.

As the saying goes, I will lose, as long as people, there is no mistake.

Even if this person really takes power, the spirit is highly concentrated, and it will not be mistake over a period of time. The attacker can also seize the opportunity to play the ability to create a mistake.

Backed again, the circle is on the bottom, one pick, and be blocked by the other side.

However, once the long knife came over, then its length advantage disappeared.

The eyes of the house, the eyes flashed in the cold killing, along the blade of the long knife, and the hand holding the handle.

The friction between the blade and the blade, issued a sharp harsh sound, accompanied by a lot of Mars together.

The clouds changed their faces, but he was also a person who god Warm War. This situation did not encounter.

Hold the right hand wrist, the right hand wrist, the palm of your hand, the left hand is ready, lost the support of the right hand, the circle of the round, the blade wants to continue the blade, almost lost.

In this case, there are two choices, one is the other hand to interchange, in this short moment, the other's knife belongs to the hollow state, and it is also the weakest time of the other party. If you launch an attack, there is a high success The rate will be killed in one fell swoop.

But if you can't kill it, then the left hand holds the cutting handle, and the crazy screamer is like giving up the defensive target.

The second choice is to choose back, re-install, and look for opportunities again, which is obviously more secure and safe.

However, this is not a chance to be made, then the chance of fleeting?

He did not hesitate, and the knife continued to advance.

In the face of this situation, the cloud has also had certain precautions, the right hand wrist is once again, and a bitterness is pulling from his sleeves.

At the same time, the left hand is finally holding the handle.

At this point, the back of the people is completely no fire.

"I have a hand!"

This cloud has been waiting for the opportunity, saying that I will lose, he certainly knows, but he is not a point count.

It can be seen from the surprising choice when he is just a surprising and the two, and the reserves are the very radical knife. This kind of knife is extremely killing, but there is a very deadly. The shortcomings, that is too radical.

The more radical, the easier it is, the easier it is to show the flaws of this cloud, and he is not waiting for the people to show the flaws.

As long as you have a knife with a knife, the people will be divided into two halves. He has such confidence to his own knife.

At the very least, it is a waist.

Unfortunately, he didn't think that this flaw is not to see him deliberately gave him.

And at the moment of his companion died, he was very shocking, and considering the radicals of the people's knife, but did not expect that why his companion will die so suddenly, don't he don't know how to use a knife to resist Human knife?

His attention is all on the dead end of death, but did not pay attention to the blade that falls with the skull.

Or, he noticed the blade, just the brain has not turned over, why do you have a blade?

At this moment, he is destined to feel sorry for himself to think about these things.

In fact, when he seized the opportunity, when he took the blade to his arm, he immediately took the best choice.

But all this is too late.

Is it hard to resist a sharp circulation?

Luo Sand that tried countless times is certainly willing to tell him this answer, but he should have no chance to hear.

A simplicity of the smashing, accompanied by bitterness, there is a neck of the person.

The two have completed the comparative spells of the knife in an instant, and the final result is that the people will win.

Two figure is tense, and the people are cold face slowly send the circles to the knife sheath, and the body is slow down.

It is the last sound that he raises a little grain, which is the last sound of the creation in this endurance world.

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