Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 433

The house is swaying, and the tail after the body is gently shake, "There is no way, the water door, the three generations requires that I don't allow this news to anyone, after all, the second end, if they exposed, they Yun Yin Village must not jump directly?

But now it doesn't matter, Yun Yin Village is already our enemy, even if I am exposed, there is not much relationship. "

After he talks, after the people's body, another tail was thrown out, two tails were swayed after their body, and it appeared so natural.

The two furry cats in the top of the head are appeared together.

Seeing that the people turned into this picture, the consciousness under the water, I immediately laughed: "Hahahaha, I will say why you want to use the wooden cute, why do you like a cat, it's now, now you, I have become a cat! "

Listening to the laughter of the water door, the house is white, there is not a good air: "You still laugh? Time but not others."

The spin-up door expression instantly converges, and now it is really not a joke, and there is time to joke with him.

It seems to have seen the idea in the heart of the water, and the people said silently in the heart. "Mock it, laugh, wait you to know, your friend is a cat, your girlfriend is a fox, You will understand that what is the feeling of a dog. "

The heart is full of endless compassion in the water.

I saw the inexplicable pity of the people, and the water gates did not want to understand why.

However, when he knows, it is indeed tangled, and the opposite people are staring at the two people, but they have more important things to deal with, there is no time to consume, quickly solve them. The battle is the most important.

"Your shameless thief! Robbery! At the beginning, our Yun Yin Village and you were ally, actually got the beast of us Yun Yin Village!" Emperor drunk.

With his position in Yunyin Village, the boat is high, and it also knows what the tail beast is representative of a village.

I looked at a few cloud of angry, and the face of her face showed helpless expression. "I can only say that things are much more complicated than you think.

However, it doesn't matter, anyway, now you have a cloud and our wooden leaves have already been warned. Do you want to retrieve the second tail? Just here, you come here! "

During the speech, the people referred to their abdomen, full of face.

"Big Brother, he handed it to me! This stupid! Breast!"

Chirah is frustrated and rushed towards the people.


Entton shocked, reached out, but it was a little late.

No way, for the safety of Chilabi, he also can only initiate an attack.

After the short and the short soldiers of the water gate, he also learned about a little water gate's battle mad style and way, now he has confidence, even if the water door is always in these, he will hold him back and forth, he also has to grasp him!

I didn't hesitate to see the two people rushing.

Two tail waved after the people, respectively, towards Chiraby and Ai, this solidized tail, strength can not be underestimated.

"Better than tail! You are far away! Stupid! Breast!"

He heard that Qirabi shouted, he once again extended two tail, a total of three, two of which intercept the two tail bars of the house, and the remaining one, then he slammed Smashed.

From the quantity of the tail, the chilabi, who is a column of eight tails, is indeed a lot of people.

Moreover, it must be recognized that the eight-tailed combat power also exceeds the second end to a certain extent.

However, when the beast is in the human column, it is not only the power of the tail, but also the strength of the column!

Chiraby is still a lot of a small person, and he has not yet grown to the attack on the air of the water.

This time, the flying thunder of the water door is not proficient, but the two are the same?

The number of tails is not enough, then people will come together!

! !

The people took out the circle of the waist, and the front of a chapter of the Chibabi was on the front.

"Well? You can block a piece, do you block six?"

Seeing that the pressure of the house is not very large to resist his tail, Chiraby has a jealousy in the heart, and the six tails will be thrown again after getting up.

"His people!"

Note that the water gates of this scene couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Pay attention to your own opponent!" The head did not drink low.

The second tail of Chakra pushed into the circle, and the circular dance blade in the moment seems to be a sharp caught.

boom! ! boom! ! boom! ! !

Six chapters fall together, resulting in a huge pit in the ground, the entire ground is trembled.

Chiraby expression is happy.

However, he immediately changed, "the other person is still dead, don't fall, better!"

Whether there is a change in the sound or talking, don't think, the Chilaby at this moment has been mastered by the eight tail.

Soon, the Chilabi expression change again. "I know, don't remind me, the ghost! Stupid! Break!"

This person's communication method is really strange.

"You are two, is it something that I can't look for us ?!" Just at the top of the eight octopus tentacles, a slightly sorred sulking sound.

Submersped, with the attack of the six tails, it is not very easy for the people.

boom! ! !

Suddenly, all the tails were bombarded, and a light blue figure was out of this pit, standing on the tree next to it, looking at the Chilabi, with a non-concealed ridicule.

"What is the pride of the beast and the human column, what is the pride?!"

It can be seen that the two substantive two-tailed tails after the original family have disappeared, transformed into a trench coat to the ankle, in the end of the windbreaker, a black hook jade, becoming the edge of the windbreaker, at the same time, At the neckout standing, there is also a black hook jade.

However, there are two cat's ends on the head of the house. At the open chest collar, the three body shapes are like a necklace next to the neck.

The whole body is wrapped like a substantive Chakra jacket, and the dress of the people is also the appearance of Chakra highly aggregation.

This is the true two-tailed mode of the people and the second tail!

It is also the full body state that the end of the tail beast is really unable to fusion without any mustard.

So, the people used two-tailed Chekra before, and they can only be considered in the second tail. At this time, he is only true two-tail mode, or it can be called another travel mode!

It is a bit similar to the future nine lama mode, but compared to the nine lama mode, the people Chakra simulate the hook jade on the coat, more than the nine lama mode.

For true tail beast mode, the number of hooks that condense physical chemicals often represent Chakra volumes, and the weak level.

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