Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 435

"I said, now you are more than us, even if you are eight tails? Empty is a feeling of venting, is it a feeling that is very wronged?"

"Better! Let me hand over the body! I am mad at me!"

I heard the people so much, how can he endure?

Chilabi is slightly hesitant, or it is still heavy. "Good! Eight tails, , idiot! Bastard!"

A brow, you can see from this Qirabi's moments, he wants to do this and the Eight's extent, which is far away.

Then, I saw that Chilaby had a lot of dark red Chakra, and wrapped it with a very fast speed and quickly expanded.

After a while, it turned into an eight-tailed real appearance. The huge body appeared, and the trees in the wood were overwhelmed.

On his head, the original two sharp horns have been cut off at this moment.

However, this is the end of the eighth tail does not affect his strength.

"The dead little ghost, actually dare to laugh at us !!"

After the eight end came out, there was only a goddess, and now he wants to put this guy into a meat.

In the face of the full body, although the mouth has been ridiculing on his mouth, he still pays very much attention.

He has not forgotten that the first eight end in the appearance of Yunyin Village, if there is three generations of Lei Ying's frontal hard steel eight tails, the whole Yun Yin Village may be destroyed by it.

This is a born strong body, let him be a war behemoth that is enough to rush anything.

boom! !

A tail is smashed, and there is a huge gully, and it is made by it in the following things.

That is, the speed of the house is enough.

The tail beast power bonded by people, and the power that completely released, this is not synonymous.

Just say that the destructive power of the tail is improved.

"Good guy, no matter what to say, this is eight tails."

The seal space in the body, at this time, his appearance is exactly the same, standing in the top of the second, in front of them, there is a small window, showing everything that the people can see.

The second end is also nodded, "Yes, the strength of the eight tail, in our nine tail beasts, can be the top of the top."

And the kind of tail of the big desert, the relatively generous two ends, can clearly recognize that they are in the nine tail beasts, not at the top, at least, not in the most top.

The frontal hard steel is a bit difficult, unless the people will open the eight union.

However, the second tail is not the beast of the strength, and the people are not the kind of hard steel power.

With the speed, they can play the eight tails, and they can also find the opportunity to launch an attack, and when they leave a wound with a circular meal.

Although the wound is not deep, it is filling the wounds of the circle of the two tail Chakra, even if it is an eight-tail, it can't be instantaneous recovery.

While not only give it to the pain, also give it a variety of scars.

It has become more and more violent, and even the water gates and Aido fighting on the side have to transfer the battlefield.

For Eight-tailed combat power, Ai is still understanding. If you really want to say, even if he is not an eight-tailed opponent, the whole Yunyin Village can fight against eight-tailed, only his old age is three generations of Lei Ying.

Although Chiraby completely releases eight tails, it may cause unnecessary damage, but as long as you can leave the two wooden ninja in front of him, then everything is worth it.

Looking at the people is like an annoying flies, keeping back and forth with yourself, eight tail angry is unstoppable.

Before the body, the coward, eight octopus tail is like a peacock open screen, and a black sphere is concatenated in front of it, and the dripping is large. The natural energy is gathered toward the ball.

Feel the flow of natural energy in the surrounding space, watching the tail beast jade with the eight-tailed beast becomes bigger, and the people squinted.

"Solving natural energy?"

During the speech, I saw a hands in his hands. The same black sphere was condensed in his hands, and the natural energy around him plus the second tail of his body, and also gathered toward this circle.

Feel the violent fluctuations around the surrounding air, the unconscious trembling of Chakra in the body, the battle of the water and Ai is again stopped.

When I saw the huge black sphere in front of the eighth, the Ai watch was changed, and he remembered that he had seen this black ball once again seen such a black sphere, just a hit, just a super in Yunyin Village High mountain peaks, it is flat.

He still remembers the shock in his heart, the first time I have a deep understanding of the power of the tail.

Therefore, Ai did not hesitate to retreat from a distance.

The same feeling that there is still a wave of water, and his feelings are still clear, because in his perception, the two black spheres around the house and the eight black spheres in front of the eighth have different fluctuations. It is slightly blurred for the surgery of flying thunder.

However, the water door is still next to the people, Shen Sheng: "What is the situation, what happens."

The goddess of God saw that suddenly appeared in the water gates around him, his hands were shaking, and the tail beast jade that was condensed in his hand exploded.

It's hard to stabilize again. He didn't have time to warn the water door. Don't suddenly appear around you. Otherwise, the tail beast jade who just exploded, enough to send them to this world.

It's just a slowly said: "More than a big trick, I can't take you, it is very likely to be affected here, you will go!"

The water gates, : "Okay!"

If he is afraid that he doesn't understand his own words, he immediately shouted him, "Wait! Do you understand what I mean? You will go! First go back to the camp of the wooden leaves, wait here to end, I will go back to find your."

"Go back first?"

The water gate was completely stunned. He thought that the people made him go back, and did not expect him to go back to the wooden army.

"Yun!" The brow is tight, and the beast jade is fully condensed. He doesn't have time to explain with the water.

"No!" The water door is a catenar.

Since the two are coming out, then they must go back together. He will never put the house to the country of Lei.

"I don't have time to explain too much. My strength is not eager? The Ninja army of the wooden leaves may now face the joint attack of the two hidden villages in Yunyin Village and the foggy village. It is absolutely able to catch up with your speed. , Go to help you with the colorful teacher! "

His people swear, his mouth, never lived so quickly.

"The fog hidden village has been attacked?"

Water gates don't know where the people know this news, but from the eyes of the people, he can see that this is not a joke.

At this moment, the inner heart of the water door is very tangled and contradictory, and the squats who are born with themselves are in a rigorous army, the army of the risks.

However, this contradiction disappeared in an instant, and he also made a decision.

"I am waiting for you to come back!"

The voice falls, the figure of the water is disappeared.

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