Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 449

From the appearance from the appearance, this person is not big.

From the perspective of mobile speed, the strength is not strong, it should be a ninja that has just been to endure.

The eyes are squinting, and if there is no smile on his face.

Seeing that the people just laughed, but they did not answer, the person was cold, holding a bitter hand gently power, and the neck of his neck was directly drawn.

As far as this decision and killing, it is worthy of affirmation.

However, his bitterness has no one, but the feeling of appearance is not a feeling of cutting into the meat, but it is like cutting on the wood.

The person's face is changed, just like a departure, but it is still late.

I saw that the original house slowly became a piece of wood, and from this wood, it extends a root thyn, and the young ninja just behind the stood was bleed.

"Wooden thorns". "

Made of the trip-like wood beams, and produced multiple wooden columns around the enemy to prevent enemies from escaping.

And just being uniform by him, it is undoubtedly only wood.

The young ninja that was tied by the wood, rising red face, no matter how much he used, it could not break away from the rest of the wood.

More than this, the more struggling, the tightening of the restraint.

Then, I saw the real housekeeper slowly came out of the tree next to it, looked at this struggled young ninja, asked faintly: "Where are you? Why attack me !? Your leader is Who?!"

Oh, the young man was calm down, staring at the people, and did not send it.

But the people noticed that in the hands of him, there was a thing similar to the reel, only saw that the reel was pinched and squeezed.

Send message.

Just watching him, the people don't stop, but I want to see how the corners are arranged.

Not long after, it is about 10 seconds, and one of the ninja begins to appear.

Standing on the tree, standing in the grass, or standing in front of the people.

Intole, I have to bear it.

Everyone's eyes are staring at the house, there are many people who have been with the people who are brought by the people who are brought to the people, but there are many people who are more older.

These people are all recruiting wandering ninjas that are recruited in the corner or are the same bounty people like him.

All recruitment criteria are strictly in accordance with the requirements of the people.

"Woodwood ?!"

After a big older, I saw the woods of the house, and the eyes were consciously contracted.

These young ninja should be cultivated by themselves, not good.

However, these older ninja, their eyes and abilities can be much stronger than those young ninja.

For the wood, I have stayed in the legendary wooden genus, the god of the endurance, this is the first time I saw the real wooden.

I still want to have a fight with the people, but after seeing the wood, they have a little not allowed, my heart, my heart, I don't dare to go forward.

Seeing their appearance, she couldn't help but frown.

Bold is still too small.

Since this ...

Hand printing.

"The wooden sector is coming!" Low drunk.

The tree is coming, it is the unique scribing between the initial generation of thousands of hand, after having a wooden blood succeeded, the powerful nipple can be used, and it will be able to use it, only one thousand people, but Now, there should be Yuxi Bozhu.

Of course, this is only a half-hanger, or even half of the hangs is not enough, others are the truth of the tree, and he is a small wood.

This is already the limit he can release by his own wooden rude.

But in any case, the scene and the momentum do not do it?

In the future, it is stronger, and the wood has applied it, and the same method is only the ability to inherit between the kilocacy.


The ground was shaken, which was a wood, but after showing the "Mu Dish Tree", more trees were crazy under the ground, and they went toward all the Ninja in the field.

The tree is coming, and it is not a wide range of common tolerance, because the appearance of this technique is only changed to some extent.

But as long as it is in the range of this tree, all the offensive and defense allocation is controlled.

Seeing this young companion is bound by this wood, only a few don't be bonded, and the rest is still endured, all are bound by the wood.

The decline in the woods is not large, just right to cover all people.

But this is enough.

I don't know why, I don't know what to do, and the attack is still retreat.

But when you want to retreat, you may face the situation, they a cold.

Immediately a bite, put it a posture ready to counterattack.

Before they worked, a sound rang in the woods.

"You are also a tree in the tree. If you live in the thousand-handles, it is estimated that you are angry with you." The sound has a feeling of breathing.

I heard this voice, these no matter what being bound, I still have the ninja that are bored, and the face all appears in the face.

Their people are coming, the powerful and horrible corners are coming!

However, I heard this voice, I feel that the surprise is not just them, and there is one of the people who have shown the wooden, being ridicied.

"How is it not a tree? You see this tree ... it is big and round!"

The people smiled and shook them, and the hands were gently shot. The trees left by all the trees have disappeared, and those who were bundled were also released.

The corner is step by step from the outside, and he is wearing a black robe, or there is a small visual and mental level oppression.

Look at the corner slightly, he went in the end of the tree.

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