Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 45

The speed of the road is a lot.

At the Nara family, the people know that no one has monitors yourself. Once you leave the Nara family, the dark ninja waiting outside is followed by him.

During this time, his changes and progress should be very clear.

However, the people have not hidden to cover their own efforts.

This kind of thing can't cover up, the more it is, the more you will be suspicious, it is better to show your efforts and talents all aspect.

Show your own efforts! Show your talents!

Let the two big things side, and people think that they are as stable in the woods.

But his cultivation plan today is interrupted.

Just left the nun of the Nara family, hidden in the dark side of the dark, the first time in front of him.

"Human column, the ninger, please!" The indifferent sound passed from a pale mask.

The cold voice is not suspicious, as if you dare to refuse, he will move.

The residential expression is short-lived, and you will neither your head.

It's so long to come to the wood, even if you stand in a far away, you can see the huge spectacular rock, and the fire office building in front of it.

However, the fire building, the people are indeed the first time.

Under the leadership of the secret of the secret, all the way is unimpeded, come to the office that is a fire.


Sending the people into the office, the secret disappears directly outside the door.

As for the persons, will people bring threats to the three generations?

Don't be joking, the safest place in the wood leaves is the office of the fire.

The prestigious name of the ribbling of the day is a roaring throughout the end.

Looking at the people who came in from the door, the sky was bright, and there was a very friendly smile, very natural, and it seems that there is no matter what it is in the crystal glass of the table. occur.

"Three generations of uncle!"

How to call it, in the eyes of the people, call others to call, it is not bad.

"She is coming, how is it, do you have habitually habit in the wood these days?" I asked in the sky.

Looking at the fullness of the feet, I also hung on the face, I also hung up, I nodded, "I am used to! Seiki is very delicious, the meal of the United States is very delicious. Very good, let me feel the feelings! "

I heard the people said that the smile on the face is even more.

The more comfortable people live in the leaves, the more close it to others, then he is more footed in his heart to the woods.

"Recently I heard that you are in exercise? And it is still very effective."

The day of the day, I thought about the daily exercise project and the results, and I have to take it from nod.

Talent is good, I have not prescribed, but I'm trying to work hard, it is the second!

The first, is still an endurance now.

For people who work hard, there will be some good feelings.

Although it is a bit exaggerated every day, it is a little bit of him.

But count the second tail of the people, everything seems to be said.

"Well! I haven't had a chance because I have to perform the task, but I have given me a lot of reels and books, let me find the way to get started!" Said excitedly.

When I fly, I suddenly felt that I didn't seem to be a little. I was uncle. The deer was also uncle. I didn't be a long life?

Press the strange ideas in your heart.

"She is very hard, this is very good! I am too busy this time, but it will give you a ninja school in these few days."

During this time, I'm really busy.

Although the country of rain and the alliance, sand compact and rock have also slowly withdraw the country, but the battlefield, statistical gains and losses and the three countries are pulled, divided into interest allocation, and it is also very expensive.

However, he didn't have time to study himself, and this is not believed.

It is clear that he is a time to see if he is really willing to integrate into the wooden leaves.

Now that the exam is almost the same, you can let yourself go to the Ninja School.


However, the eyes of the people are flashing, and the small star in the eyes is not adulterated.

After all, don't go to school, the toolman is only a life, but go to school, the whole school is his toolman!

Otherwise, how can I get the money of Kakasi's quasi, Asma value, a life force?

Think about some little excitement.

I nodded in the day, suddenly asked, "What do you want to make such a remember? What is it for learning tolerance?"


If this problem, if you answer your answer, it is estimated that the efforts to do in front will pay all the best!

Fortunately, people prepared in advance.

"It has become stronger ... of course, in order to live, can eat full, can make people around you!

My ultimate idea is to open a cat house in the wood, there is a day! "

Now, if you speak, you are very sincere, the sincere words are very believed in himself.

Anyway, I am from the heart, is it wrong to pursue stable?

If you can, he hopes that you will not have a wooden leaf in a lifetime, and the address of the cat is thinking, just in the next door of a lone!

At that time, what is the big snake pill, Penne, and the big tube, I have a big tube and one, and what is fear!

I heard the words, and the day of the day was a bit complicated.

Just want to eat full?

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