Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 451

In fact, they also have two people, except for them, no one can enter here.

Even those who endure, can only be considered in the middle of the organization, only like this, can be considered a high level.

"Are you writing on your information?"

The house took the reel and confirmed again.

The corner is serious, "I am like a person who is joking."

"That really is very interesting, the three generations of Spring two-day scales Duyuama, actually have to do the column of the people of the village." The eyes of the people took a trace of fun.

When this is key, when Ji Yin Village and the wooden leaves, what happened, actually leading to the shadow of a village to handle the people of the village?

This is not a joke, there is a big joke.

When the people used to endure the exam, he also met the four-tail column of Yinyin Village, and met the five-tail column of Yinyin Village in the mission of the country.

And this wilderman wants to let them organize people to deal with them, is the four-tail column of Yingshen Village!

So the corner will say that this task is only for the people, because he knows that the people have been collecting Chakra in the tail.

The four tails are not collected.

And in the eyes of the people, the corner is completely attracted by him up to 50 million mission rewards, saying what is for him, is a fart.

How is it, there is no more than 50 million two people who have a white flowers.

As for the relationship between the three generations of the three generations of the three generations of the village and the four-tail column, the remembers can remember.

Two stubborn old guys, each other is not pleasing to each other, it is estimated that the old purple is not used to the three generations of Dangyu, the hatred of the Raytarian Yun Yincun Village, and the proportion must have to do it, let him It feels very unhappy.

It should be at this time, choose to be a cloud of a cloud from the village?

However, the old purple is a column power, and it has also made a lot of contributions without rock, so Yingsyin Village did not listed him as a rebellion.

Old purple should know when you are young, you have a loss in Yuxibo's hand, so you have been hateful, and every time you have a war, you will point the spear head to the wooden leaves.

Whether it is the second endurance battle, or now the third endurance battle, all this.

So the old purple is very subjective, and the wilderness is to make a public enmity. At present, it is definitely the best choice for Unicombera to attack Yunyin Village.

In his eyes, Dashewa is a stubborn and selfish old guy.

"What is the goal of this task? Don't do the four-tailed column, and you will reach more than your neck.

The corner shook his head. "After all, it is an important combat force of a village. It is still a column, he wants to die, I don't know when I will rebirth, so our mission is just to bring him back to Yinyin Village. "

I heard the words, I frowned, "Just? This is better than killing him, it is not good enough? 50 million task remuneration, still less."

The corner is also subject to the place. "I also feel less, but after all, we have not shown his strength, he can give so much, but just try it."

"Is the deposit given?"


His: "....."

Gently sigh, "That's not, let's talk to him well with him, after winning a part, we will pick this task."

The 212th chapter of the people vs wild wood [ask monthly ticket]

"Snare, they are coming."

At the junction of the country of Taki, a hidden valley, coordinating the three-generations of the three-generations of the Ninja army of the rock Village, and there is actually appearing here. If you are known by the Ninja army of the wood, maybe it is good. Opportunity.

Wild Woods, no more than one hundred or forty cm, high.

At this time, he came here to see others. He also knows what the consequences may have been known by the leaves, but he is enough to explain the elevational view of this is about to appear.

After your back is behind, slowly floating from the ground, squinting outside the mountain.

Through the control of the Turkikra, the perception of the ground can clearly feel clearly, the two people are slowly walking into the valley.

The rock finger in this valley is his absolute belief.

As an image of a big hidden village, I met a tissue that would like to absorb some rebel, if I was known by others, it would bear a small pressure in public opinion.

Moreover, he wants to make mercenaries to do this, just because the identity of the object is too sensitive, it is definitely very unsuitable, and can only be handed over to outsiders.

Plus the person who came to the next time, the identity is too special.

The rebellious angle of Takin Village.

As everyone knows that village is the ally of Yinyin Village, and the corner of the poor in the village. If you let the Village or the wooden leaves know that he is related to this person, then they are rocky villages and The relationship is likely to be affected.

However, it is precisely because he knows the strength of the rebellious character of Tokin Village, so he will be willing to try this task to try to make this task.

Dressed in a black cloak, behind a scarlet's huge sickle, and hidden in the pockets of the green fluorescence, finally appeared in the sight of the wild wood.

I saw that his frown was not loose, but it was because the sickle behind the people, and it feels some eyes.

"Tang Yin Village?" I thought about it in the wild.

I have to say, the older wild wood, the strength is strong, and I don't say it. I will say that he can take some of the things that are not accepted by some other Great Dasino.

For example, the corner is in accordance with the meaning of the people. After the start of the third endurance battle, they will give their "Xixia organization" to the hands of the self-recommended letter to the hands of the villages.

The shadows of other hidden villages are directly discarded this "self-recommendation", only the wild wood stays.

Sometimes, some people will always say that two-day scale wild wood is a stubborn and bad old man, but in fact, he is just a bit stubborn in personality, in practice, it is, it is more desirable.

The two people and corners of the house will come to the front of the wild, and they are not worried that he will have ambush here.

The strength of Dashewa is still relatively strong, not only can we use the soil, but also use dust, it is slightly wiped to death, but if you want to deal with him, it is more difficult, but if you want to escape, The people and the corners are confident even if he arranged more people to stop them.

"Three generations of noodles, this is what I mentioned with you, the leader of our Xia organized, because your mission is special, so our leader wants to talk to you personally." The corner with masks, speaking voice I feel very dull.

Dashewa is looking at the people, and it can see the appearance of his hood through the hood.

However, for this person, even if he is also a little, it is not young, but also never seen it.

If you are not a reputation in the corner, you will look at the underground rewards, and Dashi will not look at him.

After all, no matter what to say, the task he wants to release is not ordinary people.

"I don't know what is wrong?" Duo Wooden.

Whether it is in the discourse, it is a feeling that is giving a high feelings.

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