Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 453

The wild wooden eyes stared at the black Chakra group in the hands of the people in the hands of the people, and I couldn't help but anger:

"Betting, do you want to kill olders, and get revenge and rock village ?!"

The beginning, he is indeed surprised because of his people's wood, but he felt in his reaction, the next second, the woods and the thousands of people who used to endure the thousands of hand Large difference.

So he is not too worrying, but what is going to see how the strength of the people.

He is also a bold.

However, this should not be tight, and the attack on the two is falling.

Silent kinetics is not a tone of the binding ability, but the heading is not the same, but this technique is not only slow, but also consumes big, but this constraint is really strong, absolutely not said.

I originally thought this is the end, I didn't expect the people to have a "spiral wheel"!

In fact, the people have learned the spiral pills, the purpose is to make it more accurately to grasp the tail beast jade, but they will take a few times, and they are so drums.

Power and destructive power are not as good as the beast jade, but it is easy to master, and this destructive force is only compared to the tail beast jade, not to say that it is not strong enough, this point from the three generations of Si Shadow wild wood I can see it.

When I heard the words of the wild, she shrugged, and it was very helpless. "There is no way, I have a nameless ninja, I can't get the face of the three generations of the three-generations of the shadow. In this case, then we must show some means.

I also understand it, do business, I really have to show my capital, otherwise, others don't pay attention to us, but will press our value.

You said yes, the corner. "

It is a horned angle that is unable to look back from the head.

"Well." The corner responded and breathed, don't see that he did not move in the surface, in fact, in the darkness, he was really afraid that he was shot to death, then they and Rocky Village is big, and I am afraid that I have not so ready.

But at this time, it can't fall.

Just like the people say, this is the business, this is what you must experience, let others know their abilities, otherwise the money will not be equal.

If you hear the people, the wilderness bite teeth, and it is low. "Well! We can talk about ..."

I saw that the martial wilderness actually succeeded, and the corner didn't think this way is correct.

Forbearing, it is to see who fists hard, only the strong people tell the weak, and the weak does not reason.

As the cooperation between the cooperation, there must be the right strength, otherwise it will turn slowly into another.

Just angle and Danyu believe that when you sit down and talk, the spiral rotation in the hand is not dissipated, and it is still crazy, and there is an increasingly clear trend.

The people have a smile, "Is it? That's that let us talk, but before this, the three generations of Tang Shadow you have seen our ability, I also want to see how your strength!"

If the voice falls, I saw the black spiral wheel in her hands and lost it towards the shaped wild.

His corners behind him, as if to guess people, this is not in the style of common sense, without hesitation, he will not hesitate to take it directly, he doesn't want to die in his own attack.

"Damn! You will go first! Don't use the old man!" The wild wood is shrunk, and the five cars beside the body shouted.

The five rocky villages endured, listened to the words of wild, hesitated, but still used instantaneous leaving.

They know that they are here, affecting the wild wood.

Seeing the five rocks left, the wild wooden brow is a loose, followed by the sound: "When the boy! When the old man is born, you still don't know where to drink milk!"

"The dust is stripped in the world!"

The trees and branches that were originally brought together, almost a moment of bursting and opening the powder.

It can be seen, between his hands, a square exacerbated the transparent nunion of a touch of light white light.

With his hands card, this white transparent juncture will wrap the spiral rotation of the people.

I saw a laugh on the face of the wild wood.

Other, he dares to say, but he has absolute confidence to this, the dust above all the blood, and he has absolute confidence.

So far, I haven't seen anything that can hard to resist the dust or people, the best choice is to escape.

This black sphere looks horrible, but in the face of dust, there is only a hate.

Dust, it is not developed by the second generation of noodles. This is a "bloody phase elimination" that is above the "bloody limit". Passing to the disciple of wild.

It is also the best way to stand the best of the three generations of Danyu.

If you see this scene, there is nothing surprised. He is a little understanding for the dust of the wild wood. Since he dares to appear here, he will not take him very afraid.

Eleven shots in both hands.

"Wooden Wall!"


A piece of wooden board closed with a strand of a surface of a surface.

He is not in defense, but because ...

This is blended in the second tail of Chakra, which is that the spiral rotation of the natural energy can be so easy to be "eliminated"?


Chapter 222, Spiral Wheel, Power [Search]

Dashewa saw the behavior of the house, just wanted to ridicule twice, the expression was immediately changed.

He shocked to the primary stripped nunion that he released.

Under normal circumstances, all the tips should be lost after the comic community, and it should be lost and disappeared.

But why do he feel that your combo is uncontrolled, it is like a madness inside.

For the sake of insurance, the wilderness fell on the ground, the old and smaller hands were shot on the ground.

"Earth Rujing"! "

With the sound, a huge rock monster is called by the wild wood, huge and hard body, no name is strong.

Holding hands on the chest, half your body, as a huge city wall generally stopped in front of the wild wild.

Next second ...

boom! ! !

The exclaimed explosion sounds throughout the valley, even even the rock cliffs in some valleys began to collapse, the environment of the original mountain clearing show in the valley is also everywhere at this moment.

The white primary stripped nunion of the wild wood becomes large in the explosion of the spiral rotation, and anything that is in contact with the comic circle is all in an instant.

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