Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 468

PS: For the time of blood mist, please see the words.

Chapter 228, three generations of water shadows [ask monthly ticket]

It's useless to use it. It's still still doing it. After all, this is a task.

However, this extreme dangerous thing, almost 100% will die, the effect of this operation is great.

The initial purpose of developing this technique is not also for this task.

Clear the situation of fog hidden villages, and the people will leave again.

Have to say, the fog hunger will use most of the defensive power in the border of the country of Water, plus the relationship between the internal faction of each sent parties, leading to the defensive and monitoring power of the fog hidden village.

At least, there is still a lot compared to wooden and Yun Yin Village.

Therefore, after leaving the fog hidden village, I came quietly to the lakeside outside the fog, and I waited for the shadow to complete the arrangements left.

This sitting is a whole day.

When he opened his eyes again, several ninja have appeared in his sight.

For the head, it is a black long hair, the face is cold but it is close to the eyes of the eyes, wearing a light purple dress, there is no doubt that he is the third generation of the hidden village!

And behind him, followed by two ninja.

For these two people, although the people are the first time, but they can call their names.

The body is high, and the body is strong and even seems to be a little fat. The name should be called the waters of the mountains and the ghosts. He is carrying the most famous seven talents in the foggy village!

And the other body is almost completely opposite, it looks very slender, with a white mask on his face, it looks very likely that the dark part of the fog hidden village, but can let the people identify his identity, it is Because he hit the slender, it seems like a needle, it is like a needle.

Long knife seamless needle!

Then the name of this person is a skeptic pill, and the watermelon mountain river ghost is generally a member of the seven people in the village.

The birth of these two people is not very good, but because of the appreciation of the three generations of water, it is stood out from the earliest batch of blood fog policies, and now there are two people in the right arm of the three generations.

They are also a faithful support of the three generations of water shadows.

Seeing the three people arrived, the people slowly stood up.

The figure flashes, flip towards the distance.

Although the three places have been closed, his perception is very clear. After a little bit of eyebrows, the two people are chasing them.

Under his shallow purple robe, hidden one hand in the sleeve and grab a note.

This is what he found on the desk when he just arrived in his office this morning.

The work desk of a village, since it is casually patronized, the three generations of water shadows are of course very angry. I thought it was a ghost light family or what I didn't read the misty village of him. But when he saw this When the content written in the paper, there is no sound, but it is found in the first time according to the note.

I haven't come yet, what is wrong, the other party retreats in the first time, causing the three-generation water shadows to be angry, all the way.

However, the time to run is not long, and after arriving in a mountain, stop.

In the lakeside, the ninja in the foggy village is too strong, he is afraid that this small body can't stop them.

Turning his head, looking at the three-generation spoons that still closed his eyes, he stood behind him to keep a vigilant, the ghost and chestnut pills.

"Who are you?" "Three generations of water shadows.

Hearing his question, the people took a deep breath, slowly spit out, and calmed it. I don't know because running is still worried and slightly jumped. Some fast hearts.

"I have explained the identity to you."

I heard the words, the brow of the three-generation sputum wrinkled again. He somewhat not allowed to make people, but looked at him as a little bit of appearance, and there was a little bit slightly.

In his sleeves, fingers slightly, and the paper was pulled down from his fingertips.

"He let you come?"


"Is this what he said?"


"Help me do something."

"as you wish."

The two are so inexplicably talking, and the watermelon hills and skewers and skeptic pills are not understanding.

After saying these words, they have fallen into silence, leaving only the "" sound from the leaves.

About fifteen minutes later, there was a five people in the distance. From their wearing and dress, they can be seen in their identity and the skewers of the watermelon mountains, they are all the people. member.

The talents of the talents found by the ghost light magic months, from this time, listening to the gine, is the straightness of the water and shadows.

But unfortunately, such loyalty only maintained a generation, after the death of ghosts, the seven people were also pulled down by the perspectives of the foggy village.

They are now only a part of the three generations of water shadows, but many times, they don't certainly command them.

From the rest, it is, respectively, the user of the knife is the user, and the ten hidden.

User, wild bait people.

Users of bursting froth, no pears.

The user of the thunderous teeth black margin.

And the last double knife, the ghost lights.

Plus the use of the three-generation water shadows appeared in the smell of the smear, the use of the long knife, the needle, the needle, the needle, the needle of the needle.

Tariums, seven people!

Even if the country is closed, it is far from the country of water, and it is still a combination of Herhewei names in the endurance.

"Three generations of water, adults!"

Seeing the three-generation water shadows that they came here, the five basic etiquette and respect still have.

Regardless of the rights of the fog hidden village, it is just internal problems, and it will not be placed in the face.

After the five people did not get the consent of the three-generation water shadows, they got up directly under the leadership of the ghost light.

At the same time, the ghost light is one step forward, asked: "The water and shadow, don't know what to call us here, what is the task?"

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