Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 472

Tips are not good, then you will drop ten people!

Don't forget, you are the ninja of your body!

Holding the hands of the knives again with the hands, the arm instantly, put the Ray property Chakra into the arm, a method of using the thunderstorms.

Stimulate the cells and muscles on your arm, let yourself break out more powerful.

At the same time, Chakra in the hill.

After the change of the family, the two people's posture is still constant, but the face of the grass bait people will rise.

The arms are shaking, and it is incredible to look at the people.

What is this power?

The people are, no matter what expression, hands are once again.

boom! ! !

The ground is cracked, the ground break under the foot of the bait is broken, and a lot of crumbs are extruded, from the ground.

Moreover, with the persistence of the people, the wild bait people have no chance to exhibit the true advantage of their own blunt knife.

Don't say that it is a blunt knife, he is a problem when it is connected at this time.

What makes him a little greatest, the people don't have their hands.

Suddenly, it is concentrating the spirit to deal with the people. At the same time, when I think I can recover from this situation, I feel that the left hand holding a hammer suddenly loose.

Subsequently, I feel that my neck suddenly felt a cool man, and I have been pressing his people suddenly pulled it, and the double knife in the hand will be combined together, and turn it again into the appearance.

Gently, after the back, look at the grass bait, walk next to it.

Through the grass bait, some don't understand what people mean. Just touch your neck, just felt the coolness, but it seems to be very hot?


Low head looks to your left hand.

How is there a kind of moist and viscous feeling? Why is the kind of hot like a neck?

So red?

What is it? !




A series of series of problems appeared in his brain, some reactions have not been reacted for a while.

When he finally reacted, I realized that the people just labeled the hand in a moment, I saw a white light from his waist.

Then, he feels that his strength is slow, and Chakraka in the body is not listening, and the heat of the stocks at the neck is getting more and more obvious.

It is not blood to heat, but because his body is getting cold.

The sight of the eyes blurred, and the body was slowly poured back, gradually lost the power of the body.

At the same time, the people came to the ghost light again.

He suddenly remembered one thing, seven psychic scrolls of the talents were not in their own, and did not expect the ability to relieve the spiritual contract in a short time. There was no way to limit the way to the psychic.

So, it is best to find a psychic scroll of seven tangle knives. Otherwise, this double knife can only play for a while, and it will be taken back.

The house is very pleasant and habitually looks at this special tackle.

In the body of the ghost light, the people really found the psychic reel of the seven tangle knife.

"This thing ... It seems that you don't want to destroy ..." The people just rose this idea in the brain, he heard a voice from the distance.

"This reel, you can't take it!"

Talking is the three generations of water.

Although he is still there with no pear, there is a part of his attention but it is still in the people.

If the people want to take this reel, then he will definitely put all the things in his hand, but also to snatch back from the people.

Talented to the seven people, as the holders of the seven tie knives, is definitely very important for fog hidden villages.

But compared to the holders of this seven trous knives, it is more important to this seven tackles, this is the foundation of the seven people in the fog hidden village.

Once this psychic reel is lost, it is equal to the three-generation spikes that have lost this seven talents. As the three-generation water shadows in the foggy village, this matter will not be allowed to happen.

He can tolerate the death of the knife holder, but can not tolerate the loss of seven tiers, this is his bottom line.

As for saying, why can future ghosts have been holding a muscle without recycling, that is because people holding a psychic reel is a four-generation water shadow, and people who control the habage in the back of the hood are strained. The ghosts just joined the tissue that washerified in the earth, so the muscles were not recycled.

As long as the people dare to take this reel, he dares to drop his head to deal with him.

Therefore, after understanding the determination of the three generations of water, the people have lick the lips.

Just like this double knife who gave up to the hand, he was definitely not satisfied.

That simply ...

The hand holding a reel is blowing, and the psychic reel is in his hand.


I saw the three-generation spoacter's eyes of this scene, turning my head, I want to do it.

"Note your opponent, three generations of water, if they run, you can really can't catch these tips." The people didn't panic, and the opening reminded.

As if to confirm his sentence, a knife who is not to live in the Ten Trees is a three-generation spray. At the same time, the thunderous teeth of the black thunder is also accompanied by lightning.

boom! ! !

The knife is a broken knife, the collision of the big knife, broke out of super destructive power, and even led to the break of the big knife.

However, 10 hidden also with this super impact, dragging the broken head and the big knife quickly retreat.

No pear is eight but completely opposite him, bulky.

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