Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 478

The 232th chapter crisis resolution [ask monthly ticket]

"At the same time, yellow flash and leafless cute, the two of them bloom, but it is not inferior to the wood leaves and wooden white teeth!" The sleeper Xiaochun hinged.

The water household infected with a place, and the engraved, he also called a smile on his face.

As for the day, it is not necessary to say, his chrysanthemum face is undoubtedly a show of his voice.

The only one in the entire office is not very nicely, and there is only a group hiding.

The improvement of the water gates and the strength of the people, the endurance is called, and it is a hit of him again and again, and it is getting farther and farther away from yourself.

"Hurry and tell this news and let him cooperate with good people." The day said to the door, and some people immediately gave life.

It is followed by, and the sky is looking to the group. His expression gradually recovers, becomes serious, "" Tibet, rocky village and Yun Yin Village? "

The face of the group has not released the face, Shen Sheng said: "Not optimistic, their purpose is clear, and Yun Yin Village is in the country because of the second tail of the people and the mortal water gates in the country because of the second tail of the people. The place is, it is impossible to pix out, unless you will be ... "

"It's impossible!" I flying in the day, I didn't wait for the group to say something.

The water household on the side and the sleeper Xiachun look at it, and the two feel that it is still possible to fight for it.

"Japan, you will make the group to tell the Tibetan, can we come up with a compromise? If you can let Yun Yin Village stopped or even alliance again, then this endurance battle, maybe It is over. "

The two immediately reported that the group continued to say.

"Unless it is returned to Yun Yin village unless you return the second end of his body, plus us in the middle, maybe you can let Yun Yin Village will be closed. come out.

After listening to him, the sky is sinking, "Mono! The people are the hero of the leaves, you actually think about him to Yun Yin Village, what is the behavior of you, and the same difference with the sale • In exchange for your own survival with your own life, with this, it is better to be generous to die!

Moreover, we are still unbained with Yun Yin Village, it is difficult to say. "

It is really angry that I am really angry. The expression of Xiachun and water household turns is a bit embarrassed. I don't think that the group will finish the words. I didn't expect him to really know the ingredient.

If you have just now, you will get started with him. Is this not unloading killing?

Even if he can really exchange peace, you can't be on this bones, otherwise you let the rest of the wooden ninja?

What do you want to make the same wave of water?

It is also no wonder that the sky will be so angry.

At the same time, they also see that this person is a bit for the people, I don't know if it is.

In the face of the anger, I didn't dare to talk, but I didn't dare to talk, but I still have the same relationship, but I have to guess that he will have such a reaction.

"In this case, then the goal is only rocky village, and the old guy of Dashewa is stubborn, but people are also awkward. If you can convince him, then Ji Yin Village will no longer need to worry.

It is just that this wave of waves take a small blow to Rock Village and can use it slightly.

However, rocky village is still a little, it is necessary to give him some determination. "

This time you can listen to it.

The expression of the day is slightly eased.

"However, even if this plan is really successful, you have to face what you should know?" The group stared at the eyes of the day, as if he wanted to see something from his eyes.

It is unfortunately, and the flying day is dull.

Treasure nodded.

Then, it is again opened again: "Right, the score and credits of the water doors and the people are still letting the ninja of the whole wooden leaves, let them know the young life of the leaves, two Sparkling Xinxing has begun to illuminate the entire wooden leaves, let people know the existence of the two heroes! "

"Japan, just the water door and the people ?! That big snake pill?" The water household couldn't help but remind him.

However, the day of the day didn't seem to hear his question and continued to say: "Also, the water gorges said that Unexpello belt soil and flagmark's credits and sacrifices, don't forget two, They are also the hero of the leaves! "

For the Qianfei, don't answer your own questions, the water household seems to understand what it is, and it is surprised in the eyes.

It also understands that it does not only have his water households, and the sleep Xiaochun has also realized.

Big snake pills ...

Only the group hiding is not surprised, even why do you do this, he knows the reason.

He just didn't expect that it was so embarrassed that the emotional

"Just like this, you will prepare it." After the arrival of the day, he slowly came to the window, and the three fire consultants didn't say much, each left.

Looking at the original bustling wooden leaves, it became a little depression, and it revealed that it was contest in the eyes of the sky, followed by self-covering.

"Big Snake Pills ... Don't really let me down ..." Grab a reel in hand, it is the last group to pass through water households and sleeplers.

In addition to some suggestions, there is also a part of the information about the big snake pill.

The disciples who were most hoped by him became now, and the Fei Japan believed that he must take responsibility.


The north of the country of Lei Zhi, facing the cliff cliffs of the sea, ushered in a group of ninja.

I originally used this long place. I didn't have talent, but unfortunately, the person in charge of this action was a house, he knows that the importance and essence of the rear of the enemy.

"Sancai Mr., what do you need to do?" Watermelon Mountain Punkouln looked at the mountains of the country of Lei.

As a person living in the country of water, the mountain like Lei Zhi is relatively rare.

The people stand in front of everyone.

His front is the country of Lei, his rear is a sea.

The face has a smile. "This is the ninja, who is good at the water?"


Strike deliberately and the three generations of water, emphasize that the ninja that must be good at the water is for the moment.

Get the affirmative reply, the people turned to look at the waters of the ghosts. "In this case, 50 ninja do do full of water, and turn the country of Lei Zhi into the sea, I believe in the ghost Can you do it?

After all ... you are the holder of the big knife. "

The characteristics of the muscles are to absorb Chakra, and then enter Chakra through the body of Chakra to the owner of the owner, so that the holder has a massive Chakra.

The future mortal ghosts are called "no tail beasts", and the big knife is not a large part of the reason?

Moreover, when they rely on the sea, it is like a tiger to put the water.

I heard that the people actually wanted to flooded the country, and the watermelon mountain river ghost expression was a bit ugly, not only that, he felt that the people were very understanding of their own muscles.

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