Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 484

A series of questions hit the heart, ghosts found that they couldn't answer.

Looking at the martial ghosts who climbed up from the water stood in front of him, the house grabbed the shank of the muscles, and lighted it gently throws him.

The ghost is still in the happening, but he is consciously caught the muscle, holding its knife holding tightly.

The muscles were caught in their hands, and there was no anti-resistance, but it was revealed.

Because it feels that the quality of Chakra on the ghosts seems to be as good as the ghost of the watermelon mountains, but the taste is very delicious.

Quality This kind of thing is able to improve, but this kind of thing is not changeable.

In this moment, the muscles found their new owners.

But ghosts still don't know where to go.

"Follow me later, ghosts, I will let you clearly understand the necessary yourself exist when you die." The people looked slowly, the sound was slow and full of magnetic, as if there is an unlimited Charm.

"I need you, be my companion!"

"Staying ... Sancai Mr.? Become ... Peer ?!" Ghost repeats, gradually, his eyes are getting brighter, seeming to find a confused vent.

"To! Become my companions!" The people opened again.

The ghost's eyes restored their spirits, and he found the meaning of his life again.

"Good!!!" He solemnly.



Because of a dim corner.

Under a white fluorescence, you can see a bed that is placed in this area is a closed space of the rock.

A young man with a crutches standing next to this bed and looked at a special device that was lying in the bed. The body was wrapped in a special device and a bandage package.

The old-red eyes of the old scarlet is not wave, watching this teenager who has been chosen by him, this must be indispensable, this will be controlled by him ...

Under his gaze, the boy's right eye trembled and slowly opened.

The eyes are full of confusion and confusion. As the eyes are all open, he reacted that he didn't seem to appear in his imagination.

And this teenager only opened a right eye, and there was a scarlet eye, two black hooks stagnant.

He whispered, "I am dead?"

Finally, the teenager recovered from a coma saw a white-haired old man standing on the bedside.

Open again: "Here is ..."

The old man looked at him as soon as the old voice sounded, "the gods and reality slices, my Zhiso's people."

At this time, the teenager finally saw clear, this white-haired old man's eyes are actually the writing of the Yishabo family.

"This eye ... is it ... Is the grandfather? Is you also a person in Yishabo?"

Wen said, the old man laughed, "Oh, you have to think so too."

I heard the old man acknowledged that he was an Yuxi Bo family, and the teenager had a lot of care.

"Is the grandfather saved me?"

"You are so huge rock, actually can live, I have to say that this is also a miracle, a fate, it is what you destined to experience, I just briefly pack it, can live It's all because yourself. "The old man said faintly.


The teenager heard himself alive, and suddenly played from the bed, just because the action was too large, touched the injury on his body, couldn't help but take a breath.

However, after he came over, he continued: "I want to thank your grandfather, I will definitely repay you."

The teenager is bent down and puts his head to the bed.

The old man is not moving, but he continues to say sharply: "This kind of kindness, there will be time to make you sooner or later, just now, now you have no such power."

"No problem, now I finally got this pair of Yuxi, with my ability, I will definitely grow up in the shortest time. I will tell you old grandfather in the future, but my current village is still fighting, Maybe there is no time to accompany you, wait until the end of this war, I will be back. "

Said, the teenager has to stand up, at this time, his heart is full of joy. He doesn't want to wait. If you want to appear in front of your two companions with the fastest speed, tell them that you are not dead.

Especially ... Lin ...

The teenager flashed a girl's sunshine, and the face couldn't help but appear from the heart.

That's right, this boy is one of the members in the wave of Watermen, Yishibo belt!

But very quickly, this joy is interrupted by the sting of the bone marrow, and the cruel reality pulled him back.

With the soil, he fell in the bed, and the body at this time will not allow him to do this.

The old man just wanted to open, but he saw the darkness of the corner, and the shadow of the dark, and he just said, "Before raising your body, then say."

After finishing, turned around toward the dim.

It is difficult to see the soil that will come back again. Behind the ragged old man, there are actually connecting several tubes, and these pipes lead to the darkness of not seeing.

With doubts, accompanied by pain, fainted.

After him coma, a whole body is pale, it looks like a human appearance, there is a bed next to the bed, white.

I looked at the teenager who was in a coma, sighed with helplessness: "It's really chaotic, the stitching body is not completely healing, so the mess will only lead to more serious injuries."

Said, put your own hand on the earth, and an energy full of vitality slowly poured into a young body from his body.

On the other hand, the white-haired old man went to the corner, sitting on a chair formed by a huge dead wood.

Gently breathed a breath.

Even if there is a foreign road, it has continued to supply Chakra, hanging his life, and it is almost the limit. Now, even if he uses it, it is difficult to have more combat power.

"How to say?"

After the breathing is smooth, he asked against the black shadow that appeared.

Under his gaze, the black shadow came to him, "Your body is getting weak, spotted."

Spot, that is, Yuxi Bao, once bored, in addition to the thousand-handles, almost no one can enter his eyes, the appearance is so embarrassed.

The black shadow in front of him is naturally a tolerance to the endurance.

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