Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 491

Although at the beginning, the people try to touch him just because he will become the family of the Yishabo family in the future, knowing that his two sons will play in the future development.

And the people also know that Yu Zhibo Fu Yue is always willing to contact himself, because his teacher is a three-nailed big snake pill, and another three-lastulent hand and his relationship is also quite good.

At the beginning, the two were more utilitarian.

As the people showed their strength, they let Yuxi Boyue are looking at himself. I know that I am now having to be a friend.

In his opinion, now the people have become a lot of possibilities.

"Fu Yue Lao brother, I don't know if you come here? Don't tell me, you have to ask me to eat." The people were joking, followed by Unexpo Fu Yue into his home.

Young young woman inside a look very sage is already waiting.

After the resort and Yizhu Fu Yue sit down, he immediately sent tea.

"Meiqin sister is really more beautiful, Fu Yue, you are really a blessing."

I heard the praise of the people, Yuxi Bo Miqin faces slightly red, smashed the lips and did not speak, silently left the door, leaving only the people and Yuxi Wai Fuyue.

"Well, there is something wrong, so the secret of God, even the Meiqin sister does not let her stay here." The people saw this approach to know that this thing is not small.

Sure enough, the expression of Unexpo Fu Yue has become a little dignified, "the people, this time you have to help me!"

I heard the words, I thought about my heart, I also gave up the appearance of the joke. "Oh? Even if you have something to make me help? Is it a part of the Ethnic Group in Urcho?

However, in the status of you in the Yishabo family, it becomes a matter of the next family.

Yischo Fuyue's face has a hard smile, slowly shaking his head, "Indeed, if the length of the family does not accidentally, I still have seventeen points to grasp, but ....

What you know, Yishibo family is not a long-term word, many of the power is firmly arrested by those elders. "

"Well? You can't think ..."

"Yes!" Yu Zhibo Fu Yue Shen Sheng.

Stand up from the ground and walk to the edge of the window in the room.

"Since Yuxiliary Boss in the year, all the friends of the Yishabo family have not fully controlled the power of Unexpea, and many of them are taken in their hands.

If it is just this, it will be calculated, after all, there is another person like Uti, maybe I will lead the Yishabo family to destroy.

However, this is a three-point place for the old guys, but I just want to protect my own an acres of three-degree place. No matter what the future of Unexpea is, it is getting more and more weak. Dare to call us. "

"" a punch on the window frame.

"If you say this, but you have thought about Fu Yue, and the wooden leaves are impossible to look at the Yuxi Bo family in the wooden leaf, and the day is the roll of the woody, which is the woody high-rise. "Strive to speak, there is nothing to avoid."

"I know, Yishabo family has never been accepted by the high-rise of the wood, because the sequelae left behind the original Yuxi spots, others believe that the Yishabo family has mastered the Wooden Leaf Police, and is the emphasis on the rolls. But I don't know if this is a real positive, exchange the Unecheyo family that the Unechyo is unable to enter the true core management of the wood.

I don't want to upgrade the Yishabo family to how high, and increase the Yishabo family above the wooden leaves.

I just hope that this virtual name of the first luxury door of Yuxi Boi, don't break the name of the ancestors, and destroy the name of Unechebra. "

Yisi Bo Fu Yue is still relatively thorough. Since he can have such a status in Yuxi Bo, then explain that the entire wooden leaves are not too many secrets.

The house is helpless, "Fu Yue, you can see me too," I will not help you, you will never want me to help you help you with the old guy. What do you have?

Even if you really want to make me, I don't dare to do it. "

"Do not!"

Yuxi Bofue is turned around, staring at the eyes of the house straight by the window.

Shen Sheng: "Now you may not, but after this war is over, it will not be a must."


Yischbo Fu Yue took back from the window and sat down again, and his eyes looked directly at the eyes of the people.

"You just came back yesterday, so I didn't know, but I came back later than you, so I know more than you.

Do you know what the whole wood is currently spreading? "


"It's you and the water gates!" Yuxi Bofue is very solemn.

If you don't speak, I only hear Yushusu Fu Yue continued: "Almost everyone talks, ten words will not leave you, this is a significant thing, this is a few years ago, the flag, Ma Ma, the big, the big snake pill The situation is very similar.

Only the case is not a three-generation rigid, this time, all the starting point of the creation is the three generations of fire!

I think, what should you know more than me? "

Silence, the two are all inseparable.


Slowly spit out two words.

In these two words, there are too many things.

The day of the day will give two people and wave winds.

Why is two people, not any one?

Probably the time at this time, I haven't thought about choosing anything between them.

"Although I don't know why three generations of adults don't support his disciples' big snake pills, but this is a good thing for you, otherwise the popularity of the big snake pill is accumulated in the wooden leaves, whether it is you still a water door, There are some gaps. "

"Big Snake Master ..." His people muttered.

He probably know why the big snake pill will not be supported by the day.

It is very likely that the group has made some hands and feet, and some experimental content about the big snake pills will inform the daily day, which leads to him to give up the place of letting the big snake pills inherit.

As for the saying, I was very familiar with him, and I know that he can't be willing to become a shadow.

Fortunately, this time the house and the wave style also vocal on the battlefield.

"So, now you may not do it, but up to three years, you can definitely help me!" Yu Zhibo Fu Yue burns.

"Isn't there a water? How do you know that I can succeed?"

"Because ... Yuxi Bo will fully support you!" Yu Zhibo Fu Yuezukahiro.

Looking at the Yuxi, Fu Yue, who is sitting opposite him, from his eyes, the people saw a "ambition".

Deep sucking a sigh of breath, the future is not coming, and Yizhi Bofue will continue to say: "Don't worry that we are big and bright, you will not bring the anti-effect, or let the rolls of the woods, because I am ready to prepare "

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