Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 493

This is the transaction of their two.

Compared with these, the water and, it seems to be two attached.

Of course, the attached gift is a joke.

No one knows how often, these two small guys will grow back for a while.

Even from a certain extent, you can change the direction of the entire Ninja World.


The fourth generation of fire.

To be honest, the people have not been too interested in this thing.

In his impression, the waves of the waves are the fourth generation.

And his time in order to become stronger, many of the criteria violations of wood leaves.

Although it is still not forced to escape like the big snake pill, it will not be very light.

But now I'm supporting two people and the water gates, which means it is obvious, they can compete fairly.

A person may not be interested in the case of completely seeing, but now I hope that I am in front of you, then no matter whether it is successful, try to respect the title of the title of "Nang Shadow".

It seems that people who want to participate in their competition, there are still a lot.

Yishibo is already express, and the people do not know that other families will not say, such as the day to a family.

The people and the water gates are good friends, but it is also possible to compete with these people's support.

Fortunately, the two will not be confused because of this thing.

"Well, you have two little guys call teachers." Yu Zhibo Fu Yue is full of smile.

PS: It is well known that the large wave is Doube's meaning.

The 238th chapter is difficult [ask for a monthly ticket]

"The teacher of the people!" The water was excited immediately.

There are some hesitants, but after seeing the water is so excited, he also shouted: "She ... the teacher of the people!"

The sound is still a little glutinous, some tender.

"Fu Yue brother, they gave it to me!" The house nodded with satisfaction.


Looking at the back of the three people, Yis Zhipo Fu Yue is still slightly worried, when the people walked over him, I couldn't help but the small channel: "The monks, the age is still small, you are tight !!"

The back of his resort waved, be a teacher, he was not the first time.

The spin is that the people left the home of Unexpo Fu Yue with two little guys, leaving the families of the Yishabo family.

If you want to take a little more than two people, you will control your own speed, feel the situation of the rear, and the ability to deal with.

After all, the water is increased, and it has also learned Chakra, graduated from the ninja school, is still quite excellent.

It is too small to be a small age, even if he is now able to release the dragon ball, you can finally learn about the knowledge about Ninja, so he is a little less unconnected, it is difficult to keep up with his speed.

Note that this situation will stop slowing down slowly to go to the melice, taught him a little bit, the ninja is driving, when running, what should I put in force, and how to focus, if Conditions are allowed to attach Chakra, etc. on your own feet.

Subsequently, I was a real "genius" in front of the people.

His speed is a little bit a little, although there is still a gap with the water, but it is much better than the beginning.

The people must admit that there is still a gap between people and people, and some people have to work hard to do it. Some people only take a few minutes.

He has a person who has seen such a genius or a flag-like Kaki.

It is noted that the people after the situation will give up the meaning of continuing examination. The initiative to slow down to the two people, starting to teach them from the most basic things.

And the learning skills of the two are really very strong, and some things will be transparent, and even they can do it.

And he found that Yizhi Woshi's talent is weak, especially at the speed, in the mobile skills, more accurately, the talent in the instant, but also the Behind.

At this time, the talents finally understood, why did the original flying day in the coming, the apeer and the big snake pill, will love the big snake pill.

Because, sometimes teach a genius, it will make the teacher feel particularly relaxed.

This doesn't feel can't feel in the contrast of the two people. However, if you take the other three disciples of the people, the flying Asa can you, his talent is purely his own choice, it is Mai Tekay Hall and Xione, a good at spell, a good illusion, in addition to this, don't have to think about it.

Of course, for some people, they can do more excellent than a comprehensive person, let them all develop, which is wasting their original talent.

Sometimes I have to admit that some people can be fully developed, and each of them is as good as others, even more excellent.

Three people came to the training ground.

Yisi, who has ran all the way, wheezing,

After all, it is only a two or three children. This age is when you ask for candies in your mother, rather than starting to contact Chakra and Irna for murder.

The eyes flashed in his eyes.

I have a reason for myself, he is too familiar, and it is a bit more distressed.

After a long time, I knew the house and the water waiting for yourself, forcibly pressing my tired, and strive to stand up.

I don't know why, I saw this scene of this scene suddenly didn't want to teach.

Let a child, especially such a small child, to withstand the pressure that the book doesn't have to bear.

Yuxi Bo Yue is a strict father, also a grandfather, as his son, and it will be quite good, but it will never have a very happy.

It is only a young teenager who is only 13 years old after that year, in order to protect your brother, the entire Unechebian family, think of that in order to let your brother grow up in the most dangerous organization, in order to make yourself growing into people, As his grinding stone.

This kind of brother is controlled, it is really not worth it for him.

Deep sucking a sigh of breath, the smile on the face.

"Good! As your teacher, I decided! Today's training tasks are ... Sany-color meatballs !!"

"Good!! .... Well?" After the water response, he responded.

Sany-color meatball?

I heard this name, and the Yishe's eyes did not have too much emotional eyes, and the inexplicable shining was shining, and the child whose child should have.

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