Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 498

Give a cold and glance on the body of the ground, and the last mist but the dark department that he did not kill.

When I came to the root ninja, I found the scroll from him, gently opened it, and the pupil of the house slammed.

The palm is gently shaking, and a fire is completely burned from the end of the reel and will be completely burned.

"Yu Zhibo Spot!"

Hard students squeeze such a few words from the mouth.

He just saw the things on the reel, so far, there is only an intelligence that Yishiota is known, about his intelligence.

Although I don't know how to do it, I have a certain relationship with Yuxi Bo spots. Even if I don't know if I do transaction.

The burning reel was thrown on the ground, and came to the mist that was not killed by him, picking up his mask, showing a relatively general face.

"Where is your fog, where is the troops?"

The people asked, while pulling one dropped in the ground into his chest.


But I saw that the fog was bored, and I was relieved.

It's just that hate is staring at the people, it seems to be in the heart, bringing this memory into the meditation together.

She frowned.

If the time is abundant, he has a means from the other party to get what you want.

But now it is obvious that time is not enough, since the original wildlife has been taken out of the village, the plan that Yizhibo spots has been launched.

He is still not dead now, and the people are not willing to destroy his plan in his face, otherwise, if you press him to find the door, the people really don't dare to ensure that you can defend the Yu Zhibo spots in the Year of the Scene.

time does not wait.

Since he doesn't say, there is only yourself.

Carefully remove the culture flask with two write-eyed eyes.

"The Western Eyes of the Yishabo family can only maximize the role of writing in the eyes after you get two eyes." The people whispered.

Subsequently, in the fog, I change my two eyes allocated to write-eyed eyes.

Anyone else uses the written eye?

Who is this ninja with a wooden leave?

At this time, this fog is confusing.

But the people obviously don't pay attention to him.

The first time two written eyes are all put on themselves, and there is a feeling that can't say it.

He also replaced a write-eyed eye, but a write-eyed eye, even if it is a three hook jade, it is very different from now.

The most obvious, it is to feel that the power of this writing is greatly strengthened.

Of course, this consumption of Chakra has also increased a lot, and Chakra, who is fortunate, is a strong one.

And he also found that after the Yin property Chakra is entered into the write-wheel eye, their power is more powerful, and the second-tailed Chakra and Write the eyes, it seems to complement.

It turned into the eyeball, except that the end of the beginning of the replacement of the eyes was slightly unaffected, the rest of the fare is very good.

Not only that, but the people felt more than the power in their body, there is an invisible force that echoes each other.

"look into my eyes."

The slightly magnetic sound sounded, and the fog in the hair was to hear such words and consciously see the eyes of the people.

Only two eyes were seen, and the three black hooks and two black hooks were madly rotated.

Next, he completely lost awareness.

Looking at the memory in his brain by writing the eyes.

I have to admit that every time I use a write-wheel eye, I will be tempting this powerful and mysterious power. It is also no wonder that there will be so many people who are addicted to such power. Even if they are their own teachers, they can't escape. The law of the true fragrance of the eye.

After a few minutes, I found the things that I wanted to stand up, the scarlet eyes, cold light.

Mist! Yuxi Bouvelle!

Chapter 44 lost [Search Moon Ticket]

A huge flame rises on the island.

Illuminate the original dark night, especially the area around the island, this brightness is like a white day.

A ninja in the mogle, the ninja, with a hinged mask, with a small girl in his arms, leaving the island.

It is also the only person who has leaving the island.

Give up the vessel directly, run at full speed on the sea.

This dark ninja is a remember, after reading the memory of the secret, he knew the gathering of the foggy to bear the large team.

It is said that there are more than two hundred people in the foggy village.

A typical thunder is small, and the three generations of water, which can call so many people, it is already the limit.

However, this dark ninja, who deliberately left this, is the captain of the previous mist, the status of the moving force is not low, so the people have learned a lot from his mind.

"Thousands of sharks."

Just arrived in the small islands living in the fog, there was a fog, and the darkness stopped him.

Thousands of sharks, it is the case of this mist, but he is hurt in his body, it looks like a wolf.


Gently nod, I will pass him directly into the island.

With the identity of him, except for the commander of their actions, it is not necessary to explain anyone.

Inside the island, immediately found the commander of this foggy village action, the endhere of the defending position in the fog hidden village, is one of the foginges tried at this time at this time.

"Thousand sharks, what situation?"

Seeing the injury on the people, I am from the situation of the soldiers to the army, and the feelings are serious.

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