Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 517

Get your affirmative reply, half-hidden, no longer put this thing.

Catch the hostage, just one step, you can not go, anyway, in his opinion, this kind of organization is even more powerful, and it will not be his "half of God" opponent.

Even people who can complete into his eyes throughout the endurance.

If this is really a certain size, otherwise he can solve it all by him.

This time, I even combined with the hidden hidden hidden hidden, it is already very important to this well-being.


The ninjas in Yuyin Village is very good at assassination. Naturally, it is also proficient in hidden means, especially in this rainy country, their special equipment can be said to be more like a tiger.

The Ninja in Yinyin Village hidden, and the group hiding also ordered the roots of the ninja all hidden.

Then he left a house.

"Waiting for a group of ninja to the organization here, your task is to catch a purple hair girl."

I heard the words, the eyes were fascinated, and the cold channel: "Know it."

He didn't refuse, nor did it feel angry because she was half a child.

This is the ninja, as long as it becomes the ninja, there is no age, gender, and some have only different camps, different villages, different strengths.

Soon, all ninja hooded, even including group hiding.

After a while, sudden dozens of figure appeared in this basin, standing in the forehead, is a young man wearing a black robes, orange hair, hands holding a long sword in the earth.

Xiao Zhiwei leader Baiko!

Behind him, this is a male and a female two age-related ninja.

One of the men's red shoulders, too long Liu Hai's right eye blocked, but from his left eye, it can still be different from others.

A circle circle is almost unable to distinguish the strange eyes of pupils and eyeballs.

Round look!

Another girl is the goal of this man, with a white paper flower that will not be soaked by rain water, she is the only female homonym in the three leaders.

Being behind them is the rest of the organization.

"Is there still not yet arrived?" Yoshi was surrounded by the basin and did not see a shadow.

"It should be yet, it is still a good time, it is still a bit." Xiaonan said.

Bikou nodded, "Since this, wait for a while."

And have a long wait for a long time, a group of deep-raised rain shares, the ninja with a mask on the head appears above the basin, and is the top of the mountain pepper.

Seeing people, Biko does not panic, just in the head, said to people behind, "The other party came, stay vigilant, pay attention to the movement around."

Finally, Baiko's previous step.

Half-Tibet also took several rain tolerated into the basin and came to the front of the Nishiko.

Under the anti-virus mask, he squinted, and his eyes looked at the leader of this talent.

I can't help but sigh in my heart. "It is indeed a person."

Chapter 247 Acceptance Capability [Search Moon Ticket]

It is no wonder that half-Tibet will be praised in the heart.

It's not half-hooked, but because this religion can be so close to him, it is not much moved.

Single theory of this heart, it is not very common in the entire endurance.

It is not a reason to develop the tissue to this point.

"I have seen your proposal, peaceful parties to unite, I hope to use your strength, I will negotiate with the country of the wind, the country of the earth, and the country of the fire, with you, the country Save it from this war.

My age is not small, the future of the rain, still needs a young man like you. "

When I heard half-hidden, the members of the Xiaomi's members had a smile on the face.

Once Baiko became the leader of Yuyin Village, then they also brought the chicken and dogs, and became the official ninja in Yuyin Village, no longer needed to have an displacement day.

However, Naiko has not been dizzy by this joy.

Before everything, he will not be joy before it is in the case.

I reach out for half a hidden hand, "Since this, I hope we will have a good cooperation."

Looking at the hand of the sea, the middle of the half-the-town heart suddenly moved.

Do you dare to shake your hands?

That is not to seize the opportunity to uniform, this well-being can't turn over more wind and waves.

But soon, I will expel this idea from the brain.

He can uniform Maski in an instant.

He has this grasp.

However, after the Baikang, there are more than a dozen Ninja, once he is difficult, not allowing these ninja, will also dance the wall, when he will not have something, but the rain is never, there will be dead injury.

If it is just a general rain, it is necessary, but these rain tolerated this time is elite, and if you lose anyone, you will feel distressed.

Since there is a more secure way, why do you have to fight with this group of ninja?

So, after half a hidden hesitated, he reached out and the brothers and porters.

Until this moment, the eyebrows of Niko showed a lot.

The long-door and homes behind the Baikin, and many of the Ninja, which are taught, and a little vigilant.

"Detailed cooperation, let us return to the members to discuss, and finalize it again?" Semi-Zang proposal.

I heard the words, although I would like to finalize this matter now, but he also knows that this is not a small thing, and it is not possible to make decisions.

Note: "This is best."

Half-Tibet also nodded, waving the rain behind him, turning directly from directly.

He didn't prevent the sneak attack from the back, because he saw it from the eyes of Nishiko, he saw that the other party is a juvenile who has no sense of justice, it is absolutely not to make a back. Snown this kind of thing.

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