Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 527

I have a long sigh, "I'm okay ... I am old, I can't bear this important position, I can't bear the responsibility and pressure of the mountain."

He continued, "But, in this war, let me replace you, let the wood leaves."

"Rocky Village has begun to negotiate?" The people suddenly said.


It is a little surprised to look at the old man.

This thing, so far a few people know it.

The people smiled and shook their heads. "I didn't get the news from where I got it, purely just guess.

During this time, the battlefields on the rocky village are not active. Both sides have the restraint, the roots of the Tibetan Tibet are very active during this time, and mainly concentrated in the country of rain, the country of the grass and the country of the country. Area, it was just a guess, but I didn't read the three generations of uncle, I didn't read it. "

"Sure enough, it is you, the water door is in this regard, and it is better than you than you."

"These I didn't care."

I heard the people said so, I didn't know what to say.

After a while, open again, "His people ... see if you and the Tang Dynasty, can you reveal this?"

The people did not immediately give an answer, but continue to look at the wooden leaves.

"How did he say?"

"I will convince him!" .

"The things of the uncle, just like this?" The people turned around and stared at the day.

Looking at his eyes, I will be a mouthful of mouth, I don't know what to say, I'm in the original place.

"Oh ..." The people will slow laugh again.

In the end, the group hiding is a very special person to the day, specially arrived on some special provisions that can be overwhelmed.

"I will give you an account, give Carti, all the Ninja for the wooden leaves.

Just ... wait until this time the war is over. "

What is the important decision made in the day, and the slightly looked at the people.

Say that he is now old.

"Let him send people to monitor me, monitor my cat house, otherwise I don't guarantee that I will not make something special."

If you are, you will find the stairs.

"no problem!"

Finally, the reliection stepped on the window sill.

"Three generations of uncle, say a word.

Now you and Tibetan are no longer suitable for the important responsibility.

You are too emotional, and you can't hide the registered group of violations or is a small punishment of the rain, which will make many people feel cold.

The Tang Tibet is also to catch this, and there is more and more unscrupulous.

I will put forward a few questions.

Do you know how many Ninja is now in the roots of Town? How much to bear strength, how much to endure?

You know what is it still doing except the mission of rocky villages? Which level is there?

Do you know how many people around you are mastered? How many people are you master?

I estimate what you have eaten at noon every day, what I have eaten at night, there will be people telling the group.

What exactly ... Are you a noodle? ! Or is it hidden? ! "

The voice falls, and the people jumped from the window.

Looking at the leave of the departure, I recalled the question he proposed, and I was in the same place.

Because he has a few questions about the people, it is indeed an answer.

"It seems to be the root, or too indulge, even if it is handed over to the next fire, it is also a rotten power ..."

PS: Emmmm .. The background is pushed to me to say that today is pushing. It seems that it is not today, but it is estimated that it will be addressed in these two days, and everyone can rest assured.

Chapter 291, the color of the world [ask monthly ticket]

Leave the fire office.

The people directly plunder to the family of Unexpea.

Taking advantage of the sun has not going down the mountain, bringing the two genius disciples who have been newly received, Yishe Water and Yuxi Pub.

Regardless of their doubts, come to the cat house together.

It is a little bit a little to enter the cat house, and it is indeed no more monitoring, but also nodded.

The efficiency of the day is still good.

"His people, you are back?"

Seeing the people in the door, wearing apron, holding a pure white cute cat in his hand, thinking that there is a guest home.

The surprise in your eyes is clear.

The people laughed, nodded, "I just came back, I went out at night, please take a few little guys, don't be busy, go to get off work."


Lingxiang's recommendation made by the people, from the two people realized that now, there is almost no refute.

Skilled to open a qualified wooden cat cage in the cat house, put your lovely white cat carefully put it in.

I still said on your mouth. "According to your plan, you will choose the highest quarterly, the best quality, the best quality, the first batch of cats after the first batch of cats, will be able to walk.

Don't look at the cats that have just been hugging in my hands are normal, but in fact it has been born for three days.

Unlike its parents, it has Chakra in a birth, and the food is very large, and it is estimated that the subsequent body will be extremely large, which can become the mount you have always said. "

The plans of the people have the plan of the cat house, and the entire Psychic Cats are planned, only Liangxiang and Xiao Lan they help him complete.

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