Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 545

At the same time, the power of the nine tail beasts will be gathered again, return to the god tree, which is the body of the outer road, can reproduce the god trees again, combined with the power of the god tree, can completely give this world belt To real peace.

"The editor is good, semi-half vacation, it is no wonder that Yu Zhibo spots will believe."

For the detailed process of the messenger plan, the people swee out, what he pays attention to, or the "Wenlu Vientiane" described on this stone monument.

The method of combining the strength of Unechyo and the power of thousands of hands is not described in detail here, but the theory is very much, and a large part of them gives a lot of inspiration.

"The two-eyent kaleidoscope can really open the limit of the odo, the limit of single-eyed holes, just incomplete must be an initial form.

It's no wonder when I try it last time, no matter how I put it into the macropollers, I must see any changes.

It's just that this is not complete, it is too incomplete, just a few ribs and a slope arm, even a head. "

The people looked at the content on the stone monument, and the heart was spit.

"No wonder all the way to write the eyes must make two eyes, in order to fully exert the power of writing the eyes, even if the kaleidoscope is the same.

If you don't have to be able to write, the power of the kaleidoscope will be greatly reduced.

However, this is also said on the stone monument. As long as it can be opened, it means that the Yin Attribute Chakra is full enough. Even if you lose your eyes, for example, because of the evil spirits, you can continue Open must be affair.

Moreover, it must be awakened. From theory, it must be equipped with two kaleidoscope writes to be officially opened. "

Seeing this, the people have a glimpse, because he clearly remembers that he must be able to turn on, only one kaleidoscope is written.

Continue to look down and understand.

It turns out whether there is an enormous qualification, not the decision to open.

That is, when Urcho belt is deeply stimulated by seeing the death of the original wildlife, when the writing wheel is directly promoted from the two hook jade to the kaleidoscope, it can succeed because his two eyes are close enough. There is a mutual impact between each other.

The kaleidoscope of the houseman and Uchiwa belt is a pair, which is awakening at the same time, so because the distances of the two are nearly close, this must be formed between them.

For example, after Unexpell Water, after being taken away by the group, it is still able to rely on an eye-free use to use, because he opened the qualifications of him, and it has been in his kaleidoscope. .

Just want to use the strongest state, two kaleys are required to cooperate with each other.

In other words, the kaleidoscope writes is to open the key, depending on the capabilities, the need to be opened is different.

Seeing this, the heart is moving in the heart.

"Round looks, is it a kind of way to write the wheel eye?"

Then, the people have a low drink, surrounded by his body, emerges a rich cyan Chakra, and these Chakra quickly gathered after the appearance, and a skeleton has emerged around his body.

This time, this skeleton is not just a rib and a arm, but the two arms have, and the hoe has emerged.

In addition to the feet, it is almost a full body to be in the initial state.

If you don't dare to continue, if you make a lot of huge movements, you can determine that the round look is indeed a kind of writing.

It is necessary to breathe.

"After all, it is a pair of eyes that do not match. If you want to use the truly complete need, you can easily write the eyes of the kaleidoscope that can be used together."

After the end of the trial of Qiqi can continue to look down.

Finally, I saw the essence of "Senluo Vientiane".

"The kaleidoscope write wheel is limited, too much use will lead to the gradual blindness of the eyes, but if combined with the power of Ashura, after the yin and yang, this drawback of the kaleidoscope is almost ignored.

The combination of Yin attributes and yang property can only exhibit strength. "

What makes the people are more assured that he doesn't have to worry that you will lose your light like Yuxi.

After all, there is no brothers and sisters who have no brothers and sisters, and if they don't find a supplementary way to play, he is really worried that the kaleidoscope writes the eyelids.

It seems that it is not worried about it.

Rest assured! Pipe enough!

I saw something on the stone monument from the head to the end, because I know that there is a black and feet in advance, so I will not believe in 100%.

He is most important, or about the content of "Senluo Vientiane".

Finally, use a word to describe this action.

Unaso this line.

Late the land and the ground, the stone monument was blocked again, and then removed this to his huge pressure.

Long spit out a breath and put your eyes back.

"It's no wonder that it will be so easy, and the original pressure is really so big. It seems that he does need to thank me."

After receiving the round, the people have disappeared.

This mysterious South Heroes let it stay quietly, anyway, even if you are present, now Yisi Bo is also unknown.

Solver increasing trouble.

It is directly returned to the underground laboratory of the cat house.

Because of the war, it has been a long time for a long time.

This time, he should have a long time for a long time, you can do experiments well, so that you can give it to the student's things.

The first experiment that the people want to do is to increase the number of cellular cells in their own body!

Since it is a Silver Wan, it is natural to do Senlo first, we can do it again.


Two months later.

The entire endurance looks like it is falling into a deadlock. The three hidden villages cannot break through the line of defense, and the leaves have no ability to completely repeate three hidden villages.

From the first large-scale outbreak period, then to the present, the war has evolved from the most beginning to the strength.

See who is more resistant to see who is insisted.

This is not a good thing for all hidden villages, continuing to do so, can only grain the strength of each other.

The ninjasters of each hidden village have also entered a fati period, and the battle will far is not so powerful.

Today after two months, the people have finally received a new task.

Today's wooden leaves, although can't say how lun, but it is better than the panic at the beginning of the war.

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