Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 577

But the opportunity was seized, using the masses, hardly took the position of Huangjie from his hand.

Slowly hand over the hat in the hand.

The people took over the fire.

The cheers of the audience sounded again, this time they cheered, the content was exactly the same.

"The fourth generation of fire! The fourth generation of fire!"

"The fourth generation of fire!"

"The fourth generation of fire!"


I am listening to it, it is

"Yongbei girl! Yongbei!"

It's generous to smoke, sometimes it is not a good thing.

Put this slightly somewhat strange ideas in your mind.

Gently, I was worn out of the sky, representing the fire of the highest authority of the wooden leaves, and opened the arms to welcome everyone's cheers.

As his hand opened, on the ground around the square, a tree rapidly slammed up on the ground, forming a dome formed entirely of trees, surrounding this square.


Originally most people just heard that the people will be wooden, but they have never seen it, but they say too much, even if they are not willing to believe, they also believe it.

It can be seen that now, it is much higher than what rumors.

Looking at the joyful wooden leaves, I also felt the popularity of the people in the hearts of the woods.

This is definitely not a major contribution once, and you can satisfy so many people.

At this time, he remembered this time.

Just because of the death of the group, he feels that there is a feeling of drinking.

Sapphire, "His people, no matter how much it is between us, no matter how much I have made you feel dissatisfied, I hope that you can just stay on me, not spreading. Go to the entire wooden leaf.

I admit that this time is indeed a lot of things that make people feel dissatisfied, and I even think about it now, I feel absurd.

Now letting you put down this location. This location may be a good thing to me.

I don't want to mention what you want, just hope, you can protect the wooden leaves, guarding so many people who support you. "

No matter what the people passed through the bits from him.

With hard strength, it is even by means of means, or even with the ability or all three.

These are not important, the important thing is from this moment.

He is already a hot shadow!

Since it becomes a shadow, then you have to assume the responsibility of the fire.

The house is nodded, and I look at the day, "I am relieved, the three generations of uncle, I will."

Although I may not be bright, it is not a light, but I am also forced, I don't want to be a rebellion, here there is a lot of friends. "

The focus is, he earned so much money before, in the woody house, so many industries, if the rebellion, then you can pay a lot.

This is all money!

I heard the people said that the expression of the day was eased.

Lounge your hand and patted his shoulder.

"From now on, on your shoulders, you must take the whole wooden leaves."

I still feel that it is difficult to accept, but it is not so uncomfortable after full power.

And don't need to use his short body to pick up a wooden leaves, he is relaxed.

The waist is straight, it is not awkward, and there will be no more gasping on the sixth floor.

This is the feeling of completely released pressure.

If you haven't said that he wants him to help, he has not emphasized that you would like to leave a little power.

From today, he will finally live in the old life, and go home every day, I will have a son to give birth to her grandson.

I can even give it to Asa to regenerate a brother.

After all, the waist is good.

"Okay, I will not share the cheers of you today, the fourth generation." After the sky, I was laughing, and my hands were behind, I jumped in the direction of the big snake pill.

"Hard work, the third generation." The people looked at the back of the day, and said a word.

Then, the royal gown is getting ready to get the root in advance.

Become a nig shadow, the fire is not worn, but it doesn't feel less than the wear of the robes.

Listening to this cheers, the sleepled books in the fire in the office, and the two people were sluggish.

The second hundred and sixty eight power alternate [ask monthly ticket]

On this day, the relief of Woody Village completed the right to alternate.

This power alternates to other hidden villages, it must be a bit sudden. After all, from the day of the day, the seedlings must be transferred, and then the people succeed in succession, and a total of a total of time.

Possible intelligence can not be delivered so quickly.

But if it is a resident of a living word in the wood, it must feel some of course.

It seems that all everything should be developed like this, and the people inherit the bits of the fire and get all the recognition of everyone.

When this news passed from the leaves to the front line, the commander of several battlefields of the intelligence was stunned.

They don't know what the leaves have happened, but they learned that the leader of the root of the root will become a rebellion.

How many days, the fire is coming?

Several managers from the highest level of the wooden leaves are almost replaced in the shortest time.

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