Konoha Cat Keeper

Wooden Totter Cat Chapter 583

If you do not have a serial incident of Unecho and the original wildlife, it is not affected by the written eye, no need to face the teacher and the death of the teacher, do not say the fourth generation of rigs, the fifth-generation fire is very opportunistic to compete for it. .

It is important to know that Kakasi is not a ninja, which can have such a promotion speed. Although some people will say it is because of the war, but I haven't seen him in addition to him.

So, Kasi's talents can be seen.

The only shortcoming may be that life is not good, almost grams all people around you.

Furthermore, the red sand of sand is.

In the place where the education level of Sandy Village is obviously less like a wooden leaf, the resource library is marked, can graduate from the Ninja School from the Ninja School, eight years old, is a single age, it will be single Kill the strongest wind shadow of the history of Sandy Village, master the third generation of the magnetosa.

Don't say that the third generation of wind is not moving, since he moved the heart, it caused himself to be killed, it also explained that Red Sands didn't actually go in?

The heart is also one of the strengths.

Moreover, he is a tensive young person who has almost a type and usage of many people in Sandy Village, alone, altered the landscape of Sandy Village.

This is also a genius that is not worthless.

It was premature to die, parents, caused themselves into the horns.

Finally, I will say that the disciple of the people now.

Six-year-old school, seven years old, eight-year-old opened the eyes, and the eyes of the ground are both double hook jade, such promotion speed looks a little gap in the first two people.

But look at others' comments on him, Ji Fei Japan said that the seven-year-old graduation from the ninja school can think about the problem with the perspective of Naruto.

It can be seen that an extremely early-maturing wise genius.

And next, ten years old alone participate in the Chinese tolerance and pass, become the first person who has participated in the exam and passed by the history of the history.

11 years old is added to the dark.

If you know that you can enter the darkness of the none, you can more than you have to get more, you should be much more, that time you have already had an endurance!

Endless strength, even because there is a secondary auxiliary assistance is also excellent.

In the same year, he witnessed that Xiao Zhihui stopped water was taken after the eyes, and he committed the death of the kaleidoscope.

He just opened the kaleidoscope writing, he could not be skilled, not to say that there was a shadow strength, but the elite was definitely low.

The eleven-year-old elite endured, in the foregoing two people.

Thirteen years old, with the help of the land and the group, the entire Unexpeed family, this time he is definitely already with shadow strength.

Although this experience may not be like the original world, he is definitely the top of the three.

Of course, this is undeniable that occupies the advantages of the bloody session of the write-wheel eye, but even if it is written in the eyes, it is a single ability, it is enough to be talented.

The disadvantage is that the younger is controlled, for your brother to abandon everything.

These three people have undoubtedly look the best, but because of the advantages of writing the eyes, plus Carti does not grow up normally, so the people are used to dividing their three in the same level.

I really want to give them a one or two, then the first, Kakasi second, Red sand, the third.

Of course, this is just his personal opinion and does not mean the rest of the past.

One person is that he is now three or four years old, and it has begun to help the water.

"Water, or talk to the teacher, now we have no decision." Continues to finish his words.

And the water is not much because of the age than him, so some are not willing to listen to his suggestions.

Water water can be a context of his old Yue Zhibo Fu Yue, which understands how he is a genius.

After slightly sinking, the face is difficult, and he finally sighed and said: "Teacher, I said, don't be angry."

The people saw that he was a look, but smiled.

He is very curious to let him have a half-day sexy, and now I can't say it.

Seeing the people nodded, stopping the water and biting the mouthway: "Teacher, the elders in the family let me find a chance, enter the dark department of your disciples, help Unexpello open the gap of the wooden leaf management."

Finally, the water has risen red face, and it all said.

After that, he felt that his stress suddenly had a lot.

The talented talent is known through the entire Unexpei family, and he also knows that he is a disciple of a house.

Nowadays, they will become a shadow, and the inner hearts of the Yishabo family will not hold it.

Water is the descendant of the second generation of fire-shaded elite guards Zhongyu Washing mirror, accepted the "Fire Will" from the beginning of the Yuxiang and Yichi Mirror, which beyond the narrow nominalism like the mirror.

So this requirement for this tribe, making him difficult to choose.

Finally, I was in the encouragement of my own, I recognized my heart.

At this moment, he put the words in his heart, undoubtedly proved, in his heart, the village is over the Yuxi Bo family.

The smile of the house is hysterested, and it feels that his change is tight, slowly low.

On the side, I immediately said: "Teacher, this is nothing to do with the water, because"

- -

Two crisp palms were taken in their heads. I saw the people who were half-hearted. Two hands were taken in the top of them, causing young people to short their bodies, but they were because of their thoughts. The premature and exposed face adds a cute.

After the water is still stunned, slowly lift his eyes and look at the people, and find that his face is very brilliant.

It took force to knead on the head of the two.

Slightly said: "I thought it was something big, not to enter the dark, I also have this.

You have to know, I just became a shadow, but the lack of people who can completely worry-free.

Water, as long as you are promoted, I will pass you into the wooden murder tactics, very hard, you have to prepare.

And you,, you have to work hard, once become a neutral, as long as you are willing, enter the dark part to help the water and help the teacher. "

Water and the two people look at the people.

They have thought about the reactance of the people, and they also considered that he would be angry, and even considered whether he would not recognize their two disciples.

But the result is a bit big and a big place to make a lot.

"Teacher, don't you have our temperament?" Something will be asked.

They seem to be sensible, their two have become the nails that Yishabo family will be able to play, and anyone knows how many less people will be a bit unhappy.

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