Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 585

The hand grabs his arm's hand is a tight.

The fire is frightened by the fire, but only seeing the extremely hypocritical smile on his face, you can't see something else.

"Don't suddenly, you don't suddenly, the fire is old, you have been old, forgot that we agree about it?"

Said, helping him to walk in the house.

Ninja, the Ninja, the Ninja, who is behind, nor does it know that it is still like this.

There is no saying in a word of Fire Island, and they don't understand what to do.

Someone wanted to ask, but found that the two roots of Longma and Temple well have been standing at the door at this time, and they don't let them go forward.

In the face of the root ninja, these Unexpected Ninja did not dare to be too arrogant.

Just look at the back of the two people feel a bit weird.

But thinking of the friendly relationship of the people of Nang Shadow and the Yuxi Bo family, they still put down the strange feelings in my heart, and standing outside the door with the dragon horse.

At this time, the fire is holding the fire.

His forehead has been covered with fine sweat, but the arm of being helped, but it feels like something horrible.

He has a feeling, as long as you dare to do something a little, or speak, you may not see the sun tomorrow.

In this way, the old man of the house and this Unecao family, Yuxi Wom Fire Island entered the house for "friendly" separate conversation.

Chapter 271, Tmall [Search]

The house is hard to take the "friendly conversation" in this long and old Yu Zhihufei, who took the Unecdo family.

After entering the room, the Fire Island finally was released by the people, and he just didn't get the speed of the room to the corner of the room.

Weak and uncomfortable appearance seems to be a child.

"Cough four generations of four generations, don't know what you want to talk to me?"

His face has been with a smile, but it is different from the false smile, and now his smile is discovered.

The left-eyed kaleidoscope writes slowly rotated.

Yischo family, the write-eyed eye is very obvious.

Although he is not a person of the Yishabo family, this talent is still allowing the fire to feel breathing.

But immediately, in the eyes, there is a greed of greed.

Although it is soon masked, but did not escape the eyes.

The Fire Island is a person who has read the eyes of Yizhi Bolikotheche. He knows what the kaleidoscope writes is a bigger.

Unfortunately, he did not take his three hook jade to the kaleidoscope in his life.

At the beginning, the people in the same generation have all died. At present, the kaleidoscope is now written, and knowing that this pair of eyes is only him.

He did not disclose information about the kaleidoscope to write the eyes of the kaleidoscope. Therefore, if there is a house, it may now be the existence of the kaleidoscope now.

The reason why this is doing, there is no more than two reasons.

Worried that there is a strong man who opens the kaleidoscope in the family, so that these elders' power will definitely suffer from the impact and shake their status.

There is also the fear of Unexpello once again appeared a person like Yisi speck.

For this selfishness, they choose to cover the kaleidoscope.

But when he once again saw the kaleidoscope wrote the eyes, the heart did not consciously emerged as a greedy.

"I heard that you want my disciples to stop water into the woods, open your Yuxi Wuba in the door of the woody management?" The voice is moving, but it fell into the fire in the ears, but it is not asy.

Fire island instantly converges emotions, and there are some sweats on the face and forehead.

He knows what is the people who are the people, and know what he did during this time.

Forcing the roots of the original leadership hidden in terms of rebellion, and quickly take over the entire root with a speed that others cannot imagine.

You must know that the Tibetan and roots are aimed at their Unechebra, they are very clear about the power of the root.


Launching the coup, bringing the great advantage to force the sky to retreat, you will take any fire.

All this is because there is a Zhisbo family, so he can see more than others.

This is now in the middle of the night, I am guilty, especially in the case of one room, is not afraid that it is absolutely false.

"You really said that you will laugh, how can we let the water do such a thing? Must be misunderstood." The fire is an explanation.

The heart is full of anger, he didn't think that Unexpell Water will tell the people in this important thing.

It also understands that he will also understand that in the heart of the water, the importance of the people exceeds the Unexpello.

"Oh? Is this this? It turned out to be misunderstood, I still think that it is possible to get the water to lead the dark, after all, my relationship with you is quite good, since it is misunderstood, then it is." People put a good look.

I heard the words, the fire is a glimpse, and some did not respond.

This new tale is so good to talk so much?

Is there such a good relationship with the Yishibo family?

Because the communication of the people has always been the responsibility of Yuxi Bofue, their long group is just a matter of cooperation every other time.

In front of them, Yizhi Bifuyue hides its ambition very well. It has made a look of a long and old group, so the elderly group will agree that he is still a long power in the event of a family.

Is Fu Yue's ability to be so strong? Is there such a triumphant?

Immediately, the fire is rapidly rotating.

This fire is new, there are not many people around you, and the status and power are not very stable, so we need our own support.

Yes, so he will choose to compromise this matter.

Thinking of this, the eyes of Yuxibo Fire Island are getting brighter, as if they understand the idea of ​​this heart.

What is Yishabo family says it is also a giant of a wooden leaf. He wants to stand in the wooden high-level, and it is necessary to support the Yishabo family!

Yuxihu Fire Island is still a bit of a sight, and it has been completely disappeared at this moment.

"Cough, it is not a misunderstanding, this is the four-generation rigs, you and your apprentice, we are not convenient to interfere, but the old man thinks that the water is a unpleasant talent, if you want to pull him into the dark, It is definitely a lot of help to you, and our Yishabo family will definitely support! "

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