Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 599

"You are the last time the ninja who follows the group is? I didn't expect to have such a horrible strength. I lost myself this time." Half Tibetan sparse.

He had vowed to the Hidden Hut to solve his eyes, and now he will look at the frog in the bottom of the well.

But in fact, he lost very much.

The strength of the people may be stronger than him, but there is no powerful this extent, the only reason is that the people have enough understanding of his strength to his combat method, know what his card is, and know what he is good at? .

At this point, it is from the priest of the Mr. I have been boasting from him, or I have heard of half-Tibetan combat methods from the mouth of His Bacon, or from the mouth of the cheap.

At the same time, he is also an understanding and investigation of near-distance.

So I don't politely, the people are very understanding of this mountain pepper half.

And half hide?

The understanding of the people is almost equal to zero.

This is because people have been hidden very well, hide all kinds of bottom cards.

I suddenly broke out now, don't say that it is half-hidden for the people who don't understand the people, even if it is very understanding of the people who know the people, I have never seen him using such a move.

The final result is of course a full victory of the households that fully occupy the advantage.

To know, in the battle of Ninja, especially in some of the special ability to fight, the level of the other party can be very important.

Even if it is strong, when I don't know the ability of Payne, even if I open the cactus mode is not an enemy, even if I have done a few Petion's borders, it will be resurrected by the six hell roads.

When I face the whirlpool, it is hard to be shocked, and finally, it is still over the battle with the nine-tailed battle in the "Budget Star" of the Tiandao.

Although it is said that Naruto has a certain advantage of the protagonist, it is indeed because of the greater information.

At that time, the power of Naruto is definitely no strength, even if it is the same.

However, it can still be able to cause that situation because of each other's information is not equal.

Now people and semi-located are also because the people occupy an absolute information advantage.

So I will say that he is very embarrassed, otherwise he knows that the ability of the people, the first time will not be in the middle of illusion, the first choice just the first choice can also be escaped does not need to be resistant, and the Shenwei will consider when it is. The presence.

But now it is late.

"Since you have chosen to stick to the sand, if you are ready, will you face this situation?" The people looked at him faintly.

Some bitter faces appeared on the semi-located face.

To be honest, he really didn't think that he would face such a situation.

He has absolute confidence in himself, and he has become a "half of God", he also self-invincible, the god of the endurance is not there, and he is a unbeaten myth.

I didn't expect that today, I lived really miserable.

Only one arm left in the semi-located arm stood up and stood up and slowly straight.

Although there is no dare to do anything in your heart, he will never allow yourself to die.

I barely stood up, as if I had exhausted all the strengths left at this time.

The people did not stop, as a strong, it should have a relatively decent death method.

Standing and dead, it is to let him last.

"Do you do it." Half-tibied crab sounded.

The people did not leave, although the last thing to do in halfhouse made him feel slightly, not everyone can die so calmly.

Half hidden is not only a ninja, he is also a warrior.

The circle is not hesitant to cut off his neck and cut his neck directly.

A huge head is raised in his hand.

Even if he is in the end, he must die, he must die, otherwise it will not be able to die from the mood of the opposite to the opposite side.

This is not just a confession, but also a deterrent to the rain.

I saw half-hiding in the hands of the people, and I was so dead in this new wooden leaf in this new, no matter how much the impact is caused to the rain.

At the same time, the root ninja slower than a few steps, also finally arrived here, appearing next to the people.

"The leader of Yuyin Village is half-hidden, all of the rain has continued to resist, kill!"

One of the "killing" words, this is immersed in the shock of semi-located battle, and a large part of them is almost all consciously put down the endurance.

The eyes are sluggish, and the look is dim.

The gods in their hearts, their beliefs, their reliance is so falling in this battlefield that seems to be a victory.

This is the vast majority of people who have not thought.

All this is because the one stands in the battlefield, with their "half" skull, royal gown, no wind, the fourth generation of the wooden leaves!

This is almost a shadow that became all the rain.

A strong powerful shadow.

"Longma, gather these rain, if resistance, in the spot!"

It is said that I will lose half-hidden heads, this is a battle, even if it is already a shadow, the people will not give up such battle.

This will undoubtedly let him leave a profound and powerful impression in all the wooden ninja, just let his new Naruto build a prestige in all the wooden ninja.


The root ninja is immediately intertwined, and all the rain is brought to all the rain, almost there is not much resistance, and hundreds of people's rain is hit by dozens of roots.

Their heart is completely displaced by the people.

Just like the past the water door, one thousand causations have been in the face of the 50th ninja, and the heart of the rock is hit, and the name of his yellow flash is laid.

After that, the gains of the people flashed, appearing on the front battlefield of the wooden leaves and sandy village.

His one fell almost a heart that touched everyone.

Just now, the hand fell to the knife, they can look in the eyes, even the semi-tibia called "Half God" is not the opponent, how many sand is in the face of his courage to mention the attack?

He just fell, almost the sand in the area creehed as a bird.

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