Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 610

Because when arrived, it is just the sun, so many lights and green pubs and songs have already opened, but there are a few pieces of paper drunken gold.

In the era of now, there is already a TV, but the time is not long, and even electricity is not popular in many places.

However, the people are obviously not having a much attention to this above.

Soon after entering the country, the Ninja, a few strength, appeared in front of him.

These Ninja's waist don't have a white cloth, which embroidered a red "fire" on the cloth strip.

These ninja are also small in the entire endurance.

The Guardian of the Fire Country.

Guardian to bear the twelve elite ninja responsible for protecting the famous country name, is a big private independent direct force, the strength is very powerful, the mark is the waist "fire" word waist.

This is the personal armed forces that fire the country of fire.

In the memory of the people, Asa will join this organization in the future, and become one of the guardian twelve ninjamings, and his revenue will be as high as 35 million.

The famous fire of the fire and the nature of the wooden leaves, from the name, it is the dependence.

However, in fact, the relationship between the two sides is not so harmonious. One party masters the power, and one party occupies a righteousness and mastery of the economy, and of course there is a certain contradiction.

This guards the twelve ninth, that is, the fire of the fire in order to prevent the organization established by the wooden leaf.

Twelve elite endured, it is not polite, and the general movie is really not necessarily an opponent.

Especially these elite endurance, several people have strong people who touch the shadow level.

For example, the land and Fei Asma have a strong strength.

With this strength of twelve ninth, the general small hidden village will not be able to resist their attack.

And as a country with a long history of fire, it is more than just Ninja, there are many powerful warriors, and these people are one of the strong places of fire.

"You are the fourth generation of fire.

Guarding twelve ninja is Ninja, but they have not worn their own care that they have endured identity, and their only logo is the waist of the waist.

Six people faintly encloses the people in the middle, seeing their appearance should not be placed in the eyes.

They are the Ninja, which belongs to the big name. In their hearts, the fire is a person who has no necessary, whether it is the fire of the fire, should be in the hands of the big name.

So a few people who are naturally nothing is nature.

They are not good for themselves, and they will not be very commonplace.

"Belt the way." Said faintly.

Six Ninja heard this person's way, couldn't help but change.

Several people are doing a few eyes, nothing to say, just flip toward the position of the big famous government.

The people don't stay.

He wants to see, this is a big name of this fire, is it a character.

The speed of the feet is getting faster and faster, and the two people in the tangosi and the temple are also inadvertently followed, and the six tesselves next to them are invisible.

Entering the famous Government, you can feel more of the presence of Chakra's breath.

Little proud of the shoulders of the house.

"The people, there are six in six, like this, and the strength is not weak, but there are still many people who are fierce but Chakra fluctuate." Second tail reminded.

Slee people nodded did not speak.

After the 8th abduction, I entered a room, put a long table in it, sitting in the country of the fire.

One looks very white, slightly obese, the head is inserted with a flyry like a fan, holding a small fan in his hand, blocking the half face, gently fanned.

At both sides of the table, two rows of tables are placed, and one of them is full, it should be the minister who is not small in the fire, such as the minister of finance and so on.

The other side of the seat is empty.

"The name, the fourth generation of the wooden leaves has arrived." The Nasse before led him, said slightly.

In fact, it doesn't have to take her. After the people come in, the eyes of the famous fire have been falling on the people.

"The six breaths are around this room." Little proud of time reminded.

"Oh, this young little brother is going to be the fourth generation of the wooden leaves. Sure enough, it is a ah ..." The name said with a very exaggerated tone.

The sound is very sharp, it sounds like a ... eunuch.

"The name, I am the fourth generation of the wooden leaves, let you wait." The people are not humped, and they will go to the first seat of his right hand.

The temple well opened the chair to let him sit down.

Seeing this appearance of the people, the minister of the opposite fire country began to whisper.

Just they didn't expect that they seem to be low-speaking ways, but they are like let go of the throat.

The content is nothing more than it is.

How to look so young, reliable, how to dare to have a small problem with some of the chicken fry.

The big name is unchanged, the small fan blocks his own half face, and the eyes are swept away from the eyes of the eyes.

In an instant, this kind of eye is instantly let the whole person's chicken skin is all settled, and it feels very bad.

"I heard that the time of the four generations of fires, it is a big color in the battlefield, and the country is a big face for our fire." The big name is like a praise for the people, but the sound is not to hear. Happy is still unhappy.

"Thank you, praise, all this is for the country of fire, for wooden leaves."

The people are still relatively sleek, know that things that can be solved with speaking should not do it, unless I can't help it.

"So, should the war are coming to an end?" Daming exposed his eyes, whispering thoughtful look.

"Yes it is."

"Then, the fiscal expenditure of the leaves is not so big?"

I heard the words, and I wrinkled her brow. He understood that the big name of this fire is what you want to do.

Want to cut the financial allocation of wooden leaves?

It is the current financial minister who is sitting opposite to him.

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